Chapter 35 my precious sun

I was to focus on my self-improvement and not realize the reason why my parents were not angry at me. When I begin to get close to my twin I get to know why. It was because to my parents' eyes, I was a better daughter than my twin Yurika.

My twin Yurika always causes them some trouble, sometimes her behavior was not like a noble lady at all. My parents always lecture her, to behave like a proper lady like me. They always compared me and her, like I was better than her.

She must have disliked me because she thought I was my parents' favorite daughter. That's what I thought. but in my opinion, she only laughs and smiles as she does not feel sorry for what she is doing.

She continues to cause trouble and happy laugh, and smile as she does not need to worry about anything else, just enjoy life. Her behavior is more like a normal kid than mine.

I think she hates me, but no. She began to get closer to me, as she wanted a friend to play with. At first, I only ignored her but she did not give up and continued to bother me. As I begin to get mad, she still laughs at me. Even if everyone is angry at her, she still can continue to play with me. I wonder why she was not scared by her parents' anger. That's why I asked her.

" Are you not scared to make our parents angry?"

Asked small Yumiko, she was curious why Yurika did it. At that time we at my room, where she always come to play with me.

" Why need to scare"

Yurika was looking at me with a weird expression, she always smile happily as she does have worries.

" Because they will hate us if we get angry by then "

Tell small Yumiko, always be careful in doing anything. Because she doesn't want to make her parents angry at them, she didn't want them to hate her.

" Ahahaha… that's not going to happen, don't You Know our parents are angry at us. Because they love us, that's why they want to make us a good and successful person. They don't want us to go through a lot of hardship, and only lead a happy life. "

Yurika laughed and smiled at me as she said that's, I never thought, she has known for a long time, the reason why our parents are angry. I never thought this before, that's why Yurika is always fine when she is getting a lecture from our parents.

" I never thought, I get to hear so wisdom from the troublemaker like you "

" What is wrong with me. If I have a wisdom, I still a genius even I am a troublemaker "


She has a consensus about herself being a troublemaker, but she still does chance at all. I don't know when I used to have her in my life. But, one thing for sure she was my son on the night of my life. The sun will warm my life and bring joy in different seasons.

Before Yurika got to the hospital, we were not so close. Yurika was wild and full and had a cold aura as she was always quiet when she met other people, she indeed sometimes got in trouble and made my parents angry. But not a lot more than after she got to the hospital. After she gets out of the hospital, she completely changes into a cheerful, energetic person and a troublemaker.

She changed so much, that makes me and my family think they have a mistake taking someone else as their daughter. So they tested their DNA and came to know she was real, it was hard to believe she was the same person as a quiet and strong-willed person.

After some time, we accept her change and begin to use her behavior. To the family, her new personality was the same as a new wave in the family. It is not bad, but opposite it. It was a good thing for everyone, thanks to her weird behavior. Every day was colorful then, it feels like a real family.

It is not that before we were not a real family, it was just our family life full of straight discipline and moral manners of the noble. It looks at these to everyone in the house, like everyone is cold and quiet. It was dry from my prescription, as it was in a black and white atmosphere.

Now, Yurika was the warm one to bring a new color to everyone. My family is full of happy laughter, anger, and sometimes sad things. It was a precious time for me.

Yurika began to do more strange things after she entered middle-high school. She began to join a student council and do work for others, at that time I realized that she had different sides in her life too.

Our family also never thought she was good at this job. Until, when they hear it from other people, they say how amazing her work is. It is enough to make other people worship the goddess of wisdom in the school.

It is hard to believe it because Yurika does show her ability to other families. It surprised me too, I thought we could join a club together as she also has a skill in cooking. It's a pity. But, when I think about how weird her behavior is, Yumiko begins to feel worried if she suddenly has strange ideas to make food like how she did it at home. She begins to feel relieved that she does not join it.

When I was talking about her weird behavior, she also did something strange to me. Like how she did to me at first when we went jogging at the sports faculty. At that time, she thinks Yurika just wants to play some game with her. That's why she just plays along and doesn't think much.

But, her weird behavior continued for the second and third times. I began to think this was not normal, as she was suspicious of her behavior. She indeed says that it was for her safety, or to save her life. I don't understand why she thinks that.

The third time, I tried to force her to tell me. She begins to feel uneasy and nervous as she hesitates to tell me. She looks at me as if she wants to tell me. But she worries about something that makes her hesitate to tell. What made her scared to tell her, as she knew she did something wrong.

I hold her hand to make her calm down. Then she told me as she calmed down, it was something shocking. What is this story, was she a joke. Her face shows how serious she is, so this story was a real thing that's going to happen to me and everyone else.

It was something hard to believe, no wonder she was hesitant to tell me. I am not surprised if she said that I 'm going to die because I saved someone I love. She indeed admits if Yurika was in danger she would run to her and save her, even if it cost her her life. I will not regret it.

But, the story came after her death. I never thought my death would make a lot of people miserable, mostly Yurika. Looks like she can't do that. But, I was happy when I saw someone else who treasures me.

But, from what I hear from her story. This Yurika personality was past Yurika before she got into hospital. She believes this will happen, but Yurika now will never let this future happen. As she knows she was a strong person, and with her current personality now. She will make a lot of people to be her friend, she will attract people to like her. Yumiko believes she will never let Yurika suffer in the future if someone does a bad thing to her. She will not let that person have a good life.