Chapter 36 traps in the school at night

Something happened to her Recently, when she went to school and wanted to open her locker shoes, she saw a letter. I thought it was a love letter, so when I opened it, It was a challenging letter. I thought it was a prank, I ignored it and it continued to have a lot of letters after that.

She feels weird, she doesn't have any memory to pick fights or meet some gangster. Why she got this kind of letter, was something that happened that I don't know. After reading it, she didn't go to the place and time the letter says.

Soon I arrived at the back of the old building in school, I didn't seem to see anyone there. So just wait and tell Yumiko and Chiho to go back home first, as she said. She was busy.

I waited for a long time, and I started to feel bored and sleepy. So I thought, I will sleep well when they're here. They wake me up. With that thought, she searches for a place to sit down and put her head on her knee and begins to sleep.

When she wakes from sleep, she realizes that the sky is changing colors. And still, no one is there, she looked at her phone and realized how late she was. Then she got up from her seat, and her feet were numb from sitting on the ground for a long time with my heavy head at my knee. Yurika then walks around to look if she miss anything. No one here, she begins to feel scared.

What happened, why they haven't arrived yet. They said they want to meet me here. Was I wrong about the time or location, then I checked back in the letter? When I checked it back, it was right. Then why does no one come here? Was it prank

" Did I just a scammer"

If I do not get a scammer why are they still not coming, even if I wait for more than 5 hours? It's almost time, I need to go back home. The sky was so dark as the moon was shining in the night sky, the school was closed and the guard will patrol soon. The guard will find her at this place and mad at me. Yurika begins to worry, if she is not going back now her mother will be angry. If she goes back now, she is afraid that she will come here later. What should I do?

As Yurika begins to walk to the right side and turns back as she shows how worried she is. Then she saw someone she never thought she would meet, it was Arima Shun. Why is she here?

" Why, you here "

Asked Yurika, she was weird as she thinks that Arima's condition is strange. He looked like he was running a lot, and then the sweat got wet on his t-shirts. He looks like a tired person, I wonder why. He then began to look at me, as he said something I did not see is happening.

" Why you're such an idiot, to still be waiting here and not going home. "

Said Arima with an angry face as he was really mad, he did not think Yurika was a fool or airhead as she did not realize that. She makes a lot of people worry about her, why at a time like this you are a fool and an airhead.

" You know what, your sister just called Sano. And asked about you that you are not still back home. What are you doing"

Continue Arima, as he walks close to me. And look at me with his eyes full of worried looks. As he worries about me, was he researching for me anywhere before?

" I'm sorry, I just got a letter that says that someone wants to meet me here. That's why I let Yumiko go home first. "

Said Yurika, as she feels bad for her family who's worried about her at home. She also felt bad for Arima, as he was searching hard to find me. She looked at Arima as if she was sorry.

" You should go home when you see the sky is getting dark, why you do not see it "

Said Arima again, he never thought Yurika had this naive side. She believes some random letter and doesn't know if it was a real or a prank. How can she be sure that the letter was real and come here??

" I'm sorry, I was sleeping while waiting for the owner of the letters. Then when I realized it, it was already night "

" You..! "

Arima was surprised by Yurika's words as he does believe it, how can she be so careless to sleep around without guarding herself. His eyes were wide and his mouth was open as he really can't say any word to Yurika's naivety.

After Arima thought for a while, she looked at Yurika as he closed in on her. He then pulls Yurika's Hand to make her follow him. As he bring Yurika out from that place while he said to Yurika.

" No matter what the reason is, you need to go home now. "

Yurika follows Arima as she looks at his backside, and thinks how large his back is. He is still a middle school student but already has a man-like body and the strength to hold my wrist. If I do not hear clearly how his voice is still not mature yet, I will think that he was a high school student.

On that day, the night I felt was something longer than normal. As we walk for a long, Arima does say anything, it is just silent as I thought it was a rare peaceful night. I look at the sky and see how beautiful the moon is, then suddenly I see a shooting star, and I scream happily at Arima.

" Arima, Arima look up there. It shooting star, it pretty"

Said Yurika as she was amazed by the natural phenomena that were happening. She then touched Arima's shoulder as she was very excited. She shook Arima's Shoulder hard to tell Aroma to look up. Then Arima looks up and sees what she sees, he is also amazed by this beautiful scenery.

" What's the … wow! "

" It really beautiful shooting star "

Arima and Yurika together looked at the sky and were stunned by this shooting star. They never realize how close they are as they are so focused on looking at the sky, and what they know. That's moment was something precious time in their memory, as they will always remember this scene forever.

When the shooting star was over. They realize how close they are so both of them walked back at the same time. As they suddenly feel awkward about this situation, Yurika then immediately remembers something as she breaks this awkward atmosphere.

" AAA… I forget to make a wish. How can I forget something important like this "

She indeed forgot to make a wish to the shooting star, it was something common sense to everyone that, every time they look at a shooting star they need to make wishes three times To make the wish come true.

" Make a wish? Why do you need to make a wish"

Asked Arima Shun, as he was not familiar with this common sense. He was wondering why they need to make a wish if they see this phenomenon.

" What you don't know it "

Yurika was surprised at Arima's question and looked at Arima with a shocking face that she never thought of. They still have someone who doesn't know about this methodology story. It was pretty famous by other people and it was done a lot by these people. So she was wondering why Arima never heard of it.

" Ya… I never hear it"

Said Arima Shun as he was admitted by her word. He was curious too, about this story and asked Yurika to tell him. Then Yurika begins to tell Arima the story of the shooting star. Because she was in a good mood she told the story to Arima while they were walking home.

After a long Walk, they meet a guard who's patrolling around the school and ask them to open the school gate. They also say sorry to the guard, for opening the school door Arima. And let him along to find Yurika, she feels sorry for causing trouble to others. After she gets out of school Arima offers to send her home.

At first, she wants to refuse it, but when she thinks back to how late the time is, it is better to have someone with her. So she agreed to ride the Arima car, and let them drive me back home.

The atmosphere in the car was quiet, and both of them looked at the outside car. They just don't know how to talk to each other, but they don't feel awkward anymore. It was the silent and soft feel of the chair in the car that made her begin to sleep again. But this time she manage to hold it until they arrived home.