Chapter 37 Yurika getting bullied

Even though last night that event was happening to her, she still needed to go to school because she was still a student. I don't have any good reason to make excuses for my absence.

" Good morning"

" Yes, good morning Arima sama "

Arima was the first to speak to me, and I smiled as I replied to his greeting. I don't see any pranks on his face, this time he only speaks to me as his friend. I don't need to show any hostility to him, but I still need to guard myself. I didn't know what would happen in the future, maybe now we can be friends but I don't know in the future. Well, we are still friends after he met Yumiko and fell for her, I still feel uneasy when I think about it.

I need to be careful, as I think it is. Recently, something happened to me. After the accident at prank letter, I didn't receive any prank letters again. In the end, I still don't know who did this to me.

If I speak about how I don't know who's the mastermind behind the scenes, I remember something new happening to me. If I do not mistake my desk suddenly feeling clean and sparkling, I am curious about this. who is too diligent to wash the table until it is shiny, my desk is not that dirty because I always take care of it. I wonder why they do it to me.

I don't have any ideas about the suspect in this case, so I was confused about this. Well, let's ignore it, thinking too much is not good. I better think about what I should do today, I don't have any job in the student council as I already finished it.

After thinking for a long, I ditched to visit the Yumiko club. Yumiko club was a Cooking club, it was not very famous in the school. It is still a proper club for every lady in the school who wants to learn more about cooking. It is also one of the oldest clubs in the school, so it still has proper traditions.

Recently, our school cooking club was popular because of my twin sister Yumiko. Because she entered the computation cooking outside and was the winner in that match. After this, she will be going out of the country to enter the computation at the national league. She is indeed proud of our family and the school.

As I think about it, I walk happily to the cooking club. I am also thinking about what Yumiko will cook today. I am not good enough if you scamper her and me about cooking. She was better at this thing than me, well I can only cook simple and normal things.

Yumiko is indeed a genius about this cook, and the food she makes is always so delicious. Mostly the sweet thing, I like it. It's a pity Yumiko will never cook at home because she's scared that I'm eating too much at home. That's why she let our servant do it.

But at school, I still can eat Yumiko food. Thinking about this, I happily walk in the corridor toward a cooking club. It never crossed my mind that one day I will be black by the gang of girls. What is this?

These three girls I think knew who they were, this gang was a fantastic fan of four Princes. It means they are mad crazy fans of four Princes, they think of themselves as superior to others. Because they have good grades, good sports also come from rich families.

That's why they thought only them suited the four Princes, they didn't think everyone else was as good as them. They are Eri, Mari, and Juri. I called them MEJ for shortcuts, I was too lazy to remember their full names.

" You, are you Hanami Yurika"

Asked the middle girl with a large ribbon on top of her head. When she speaks, her face shows how proud and arrogant they are. I wonder why I always meet this type of woman.

" Yes I am "

I answered I don't care what they want. I am not that scared, I already experienced the world of adults. I need to be scared, this girl was a middle school student. They don't feel any hardship to survive in the dirty world of black company.

" Then come with me"

As I said, they look like they want to eat me. They also hate me because I do something they don't like, they tried to make me by intimidating me. I still calm and look at them as they try to look like fools.

" Why would I need to follow you all "

Sorry, I don't scared of you all. I replied to them, as I was not scared by their pressure. Hello… I was once an adult, how can I be scared by middle school students' pressure. Besides I already saw a gangster in my past life, they were more intimidated than you all.

" You better follow us, or you will have regrets in the future. As we ruined your honor"

They tried to threaten me, to make me follow them. This is proof of what happened in the future, they did something bad to me. They don't want to show it to anyone else, as they are scared to Ruin their name in front of the Four Princes.

" Are you want to ruin my reputation or your"

As I said it, they begin to piss off and begin to shout out their voice loud, enough to make everyone here hear their voice.

" Just Shut up, and follow us "

Well why not, I follow them. My goal was to make everyone here notice this situation was already casement. With this, someone will bring my minion Mirae Imai here Or Yumiko and Chiho come. It was a gamble to make themselves make noises, so everyone will notice. I can't make myself noise because I am afraid they will use violent power to force me to be silent. I know that I can't win against three people at once. I am not a martial arts person like Chiho and Arima. That's why I need to use my brain to protect myself.

" Okay"

Said me, as I followed them from behind. They're back. As they see me follow them, they begin to let their guard down. The Walk is as arrogant and proud as they feel they already won in this situation.

They don't know, as soon Yurika saw three of them not guarding her. She begins to open her phone and set her phone in voice recording without looking at her phone. Finishing it, she relaxes and follows them as she thinks the show is about to begin.

Arrived at the place they wanted. I look around as I think this place is indeed suitable for doing something shameful to others. It was like making it a place to bully others. When I look back at them, I wonder why they do this to me.

" Don't you know why we called you "

Asked them to be arrogant, as there was no problem with this situation. Ya.. they think they are doing the right thing, that's why they're so proud of it. All I think is, can I smash their head, how can I know what they are thinking.

" Why do you ask me that, it should me how asked you why you did it "

As I said, I look at them as weird things. As they have a brain problem, why can They get a good grade with that in mind? It's a weird thing.

" You ! "

They begin to look at me angry as they are mad at my words. Their eyes glare at me as they see that I have a problem. So one of them tries to fight me, but it stops by their leader Eri. In their group, Eri was a leader and the two Mari and Juri were subordinates.

" You better Don't make us angry, nothing good happened"

Tell the boss Mari as she stops her subordinates. Her head was up as she looked at me in high places, she still shows how arrogant they are. She then continue to say it at me as if they were not afraid of me.

" We not afraid of you at all, "

" Really?"

Answer Yurika, as she looks at the three girls. As she doesn't believe they are not afraid of me, not want I mean it, they aren't afraid of my family power. How could they be so confident about this?

I was never bullied by someone else, my life was honest and good with kind to other people. Why now I get bullied, I don't remember that I was making someone hate me or jealous. Well, jealousy was normal to me because I have a good ability, a good reputation, better grades than these three girls, and a great family. Of course, they will be jealous of me, but was it the real reason they were bullying me?

Why do I feel this thing was not logical at all.