Chapter 38 fake Rumours and misunderstood

I was a little bit curious about what they will do think about me. How can they think they bullied me? I know that I will not bully someone higher than them, I was higher than them. It was mysterious why they picked me.

" Why do we need to be afraid of you? Arima Sama hated you. Your Arima Target is bullied, of course, as a fan, we need to support our fans. "

" Besides, I got to know you were a troublemaker in the family. The family already give up on you why would we need to be afraid, "

" That's right, you don't have the power to make me bow to you. Even if you can handle Student council work. Is nothing but, to goody shoe people do it. "

Said Eri then it was continued by Juri and their leaders Mari. They proudly tell me about this unbelievable news. What are these rumors, how can I not know them? Well, I don't care if you guys want to admit or not my ability. But, what they said was a little shocking to me.

" Sorry, I don't hear clearly. what you said about My family and I think you misunderstood my relationship with Arima. I do not know what you think about it. But, I know it was wrong. "

Sachs when this rumor about me being abandoned by my family was spared, it was fake news. How can this happen, I need to tell my big brother to research the person who's spared some untrue rumors around.

And what is this about my relationship with Arima? I knew that this rumor was spread through all schools, but I already told my subordinate it was a face. Arima was not bullying me, it was just some normal middle school boy student playing around with their friend. That's what I thought. I know this was true because Arima's true personality was a bit like Chiho's personality. They always try looking for something interesting to do in their life.

" Don't call Arima sama names so easily. You're not a member of Arima's same fan club, you're not worth at all "

Said Eri, as she was really mad at me. She glares as it fires inside her eyes, well her face was ugly as she was angry and her voice was shouted loud while her body was Trembling to hold her anger. She was a mad fan of Arima sama and a member of the fan club. It was a rule for every woman in this school to not call all the Four Princes without honorific, it was rude to them what they thought.

But, that rule did not apply to me, why do I need to honor someone who would bring disasters in my future life. I don't need to play polite to him, as I'm not that much of a fan. In the past, I was indeed a fan of Arima because Arima's face was my type. That's why I liked him when I read this story, but not now. I can't let my fangirl heart control me, I need to hold it for my bright future.

" I don't care about Arima. I also don't care if you misunderstood about me and Arima, but not my family. What makes you think my family has abandoned me? Why I don't have any memory of this. "

As I said that word to them, I was rolling my eyes as I couldn't believe what I heard. I need to make an appointment with Sano's family doctor to check if this person has something wrong with their head.

" You don't need to act strong, because I know your family doesn't care about you anymore. How can they care about you who's always causing trouble to the family? Your family must be very embarrassed to have you as their daughter. So, if we bully you no one cares about you. "

Said the gang leader Mari with her proud and arrogant face. As what she said was the truth, she did not think that was wrong. I was impressed by her imagination, and how she thinks so far wrong from the truth.

From what I hear her say, it looks like her own thoughts about me. Indeed I was a troublemaker in the family, but it is not a big reason for my family to abandon me. I knew because I was their daughter, they only get angry and lectured me if I cause a problem. My family also praised me and was proud of me when I won ballet contests when I was small.

I don't know what other families look like, maybe my parents were different from others. My parents don't have a pity mind to do something like this. But it was something I treasure, that's why I will not forgive the person who dared to spread these fake rumors around.

" How can you be so confident about this?"

Said me, as I looked back at them with my confident face. I want to laugh at their faces, it is hard to predict what people think about it. I knew they wanted to bully me. How can I make myself look like a coward? you must open your heart and look at them with full confidence. Never let everyone think of you as someone easy to bully.

"It's not your business "

" Oh my,... I forgot our ultimate goal for today. It's because of you, you better get away from our Prince. You should know yourselves, you're not as level as a prince. No one is good except us. "

" That's right "

Eri was the first one to say this to me, while Juri only said 'that right' and Mari was talking for more details. I saw, that this was a good example for good leaders and subordinates. I have seen this kind of thing a lot on Television, so I should learn it. Maybe one day I can use it for a more useful place.

I look at them with my calm behavior as I pity their minds, indeed they need to make an appointment with a doctor. Maybe the capable doctor from Sano Hospital can treat them well, I should tell Sano about this.

" What you're looking for, you don't need to act so confidently no one will come here. As this place is far from the main building and quiet. "

Said them as they were irritated by the look on Yurika's face, as she was not scared at all by them. They are also confident about the plan they make, no one will come here and ruin what they planned.

" Indeed, this place was a good place to bully. But it is not a good choice to pick my best friend to bully. "

Suddenly we hear a voice from the other side and see the Three people are coming. The one who's said that's no other than Chiho, well the two were my subordinates, Mirae Imai. Don't think only you have a subordinate, I also have it.

" That's pretty late Chiho. You should come here faster"

Said me as I was very relieved to see my best friend's face. Even when I said something like this, she still smiles at me as she sees I was not hurt or if anything happened to me yet. She was happy because Yurika needed her help when she was in trouble, Then she replied to my joke.

" Hey, it is not a good word to say that to your friend. I was running faster to come here, as you know it. "

" Then, you should come here with a jet. "

" That's a pretty good idea, should I do it "

" A.. nope, you going to ruin the school "

We still have time to joke around with each other. As soon as we meet, we forgive the situation we did this time. Then, the voice from the gang Three girls bullied out, to question immediately brought me and Chiho back to reality.

" What are you doing, and how do you know this place "

They were caught by the presence of my minions Mirae Imai and Chiho. They never thought someone would find this place so soon. They were so sure about their plan, They never thought their plan would ruin it. They begin to look at me and get mad as they said to me with her face looking down at me.

" It was you right, huh… you are so weak to ask someone else to rescue you. "

" Indeed, I was weak. I can fight three people in one go, but not my mind. Also, you were wrong about something. "

As I said, the school bell rings to attract the attention of every student in the school. Even though we are far from the main building, we still can hear the sound of the school bell and the enunciated speech starts to make a sound.

" Attention to the students' names Onodera Maria, Tatsuki Eri, and Mizuno Juri please come to the principal's office now. I repeat once again the attention to the name I mentioned earlier. Please come to the principal's room now. "