Chapter 39 the culprit of this rumours

Oh… I suddenly know these three girls' full names. Their names suddenly get called by the principal, I kind of know who did this. As I see the culprit, She also smiles and said at me,

" Hey, it's not me. "

" Then, why do you smile at me? I thought it was you "

This person is going to make me confused. If not her, then who's. I remember I only recorded the voice, not the phone call. As I opened my phone, I realized. I make mistakes, I push the wrong number. It was my big brother's number, so the real culprit is my big brother. He must hear what we talked about.

" My bad, I pushed the wrong number. It's my big brother, by the way. Did you say that my family will never help me, I wonder why you got called by the principal. "

As soon as I said that, I smiled cutely like a person who does something wrong. The gang of Three girls begin to get mad, it was her fault they were called to meet a principal. So they glared at me as if they wanted to eat me and shouted angrily.

" It was you, how dare you "

The leader Mari was so mad, because of Yurika. Her reputation was ruined, she just got called to meet the principal because of this. Why can't she see her calling when we talked together? She wants to kill her, with that. Mari ran at Yurika to hurt her, as she hurt her important life. She doesn't care anymore about noble manners, all she knows she needs to teach this woman.

" Yurika! "

Shouted Chiho as she ran fast to save her, Mirae Imai was the fast one to stop the leader of the gang Three girls. But, the two subordinates blocked their road. Luckily, Chiho was in time to stop Mari from hurting Yurika. Chiho used the art of fight to o stop Mari, and make her not move as she was locked in the position to move.

" You better give up and go quickly to the principal office now, or your family they one who will be in trouble

" Let's go at me. I tell you, you better let go of me "

Mari was trying hard to get lost from Chiho. After that, we hear the voice who's called my name from far away. It is kind of a familiar voice, as I look at where that voice comes from. I saw Yumiko and the teacher was coming our way.

" Yurika…"

" Yumiko "

I was happy to see Yumiko, and I ran to her to hug her. I then begin to tell her how scared I am of them as I was treated. I begin to act sweet with Yumiko, and forget about how Chiho tried to hold the leader of the gang Three girls from running away.

When Mari sees a teacher coming, she begins to panic, and the more she tries to escape from Chiho. She tried so many times, but she still lost to Chiho, who has more power than Mari.

" I said, let me go. Let me go, let me go. You bitch "


"AAA… why you slap me "

Shouted Mari, as soon Chiho slapped her. How can she not slap Mari, her mouth was dirty to say that word. Not a noble lady should have said, Sach a lowly word. Where did she learn it?

" What you said earlier, better you shut up your mouth or I slapped you stronger one"

Said Chiho as she was intimidating Mari like the one who's superior to her. The teacher then comes and stops Chiho from doing more, she has no choice but to give up and give Mari to the teacher. Same for the other two people, Eri and Juri.

After the teacher takes the gang of Three girls away, she thanks Chiho and her subordinates Marie and Imai. She very much appreciates their help, I know that's if I make a fuss in the student corridor with a lot of students seen. They will call these two and will bring Chiho along.

If not, I don't expect anything from Yumiko. But the Yumiko club was still far away from that place. I calculated the time was and the first one will be calling who's, Of course, these three.

I know that my effort for a long time has been accepted by every student in this school. They also know about my family and friends, so it was easy for them to call for help. I built up my name with my brilliant achievement so my family can be proud of me. Of course, I will have the same fan and hate at the same time.

That's why I need to be careful, but I still wonder why the rumors about me being a troublemaker and being hated by my family spread. I should discuss this with Yumiko and Chiho. Maybe they will have a solution for this.

We go to the nursery room, to look at Chiho and me if I have any wounds. I have nothing, well I tried to steal some time while waiting for others to come to my rescue. Luckily they came at me faster than I thought.

" Chiho, Yumiko don't you know why they come at me. "

I asked them a question first to make both of them look at me. I look at both of them with a serious face as this accident has not finished yet. They look at me confused as they don't know the reason. So I begin to tell them the reason for what she heard about the bullying.

" I hear from them, it says that they know I was from the Hanami household. But still doing it, that's because. They thought I was an abandoned person among family members as I was a troublemaker in the family. That's why they dare to bully me. Have you heard these rumors"

When they heard what I said, it was shocking. They never thought this was because of her rumors about being a troublemaker in the family. They look at me as if they can't believe this type of rumor spread in high society families.

" Don't you know where these rumors come from "

" Who dares to spread some rumors about you. They need to be taught a lesson"

Yumiko and Chiho begin to speak as they are not satisfied with this. I just shook my head as a sign I didn't know, it was also shocking News to me when I heard it. But when I think about it, who knows me being a troublemaker was my family household and my close friend Chiho. Oh, I remember Sano also knew about me because we were always together when we worked together as members of the student council.

But, I know Chiho, Sano and my family will never do something like this to spread gossip, So the left is someone in our family household. This was most likely right, with computation between main family and branch family heat. Basically, to make members of the main family go down with these rumors.

" Yumiko, you think our family household has something to do with these rumors"

I tried to ask Yumiko for confirmation. I wish it was my problem or my only imagination. No one wants their family to be hurt, same as me.

When I look at Yumiko back, I can see how shocking she is and begin to think. With her hesitant face showing how worried she is, I can see my thinking was right.


This was a problem when you were born into a big rich and powerful family. They will be dog-eating dogs in the family to fight for the inheritance of the family. In my family, I mean my father was the eldest son in the Hanami household from the main family.

My grandparents have two sons and one daughter. Luckily, my uncle gave up his inheritance to fight a figure of a chief in the family. Because he wants to be an artist in calligraphy. So my grandparents were proud of him and approved of it. Well, my aunt was into music, but also was not interested in inheritance. Our main family was mostly okay with each other. But not in the branch family.

The branch family was my grandparents' siblings. It means it was my grandparent's uncle to me. To be a chief in the Hanami household, one must have each characteristic of leadership and make other people acknowledge. As they need merit to be acknowledged to be a leader. My father was chairman of the Hanami cooperate, while my grandfather was Chief of the Hanami household.

" Better we discussed with big brother first"

Said Yumiko, who wants to want to ask big brother about this. Because our big brother was the one who's more experience in this field. Because he was the heir of our Hanami company. He will through a lot of hardship first to gain this and the future of leaders in our generation. That's what we believe.