Chapter 40 his strange little sister

I have a problem with one of my little sisters. She was a strange kid, who sometimes caused trouble for the family. Thanks to that, my plan was ruined.

In the past, she was better than now before she got herself into hospital. After that, I thought she was just changed to be a cheerful person. But I was wrong, she is indeed a cheerful person including a troublemaker.

If she was a past personality who was silent every time, it would be easy for me to manipulate her as I wanted. With her behavior now, it is hard to control, because it is hard to predict what she will do. I can't control this type of person. it was hard to read their behavior.

I mean it, she was a little strange and different from any noble lady that you meet. Her taste in fashion is something we always question, that's why we don't want her to buy too many presents for us. It's going to be a headache.

How can she put the fashion label for men as Rocking, while a woman is a princess style? I was so shocked and very embarrassed to wear it. I can only give it to my friend or my subordinate's assistant and tell them it was a Free bonus for them.

Sometimes, she also said some weird word that we don't know what it means. I don't know where she learned this word from, it would be better if she learned some poems than that. It suits a lady better than this.

If we talked about her mind, I would already be speechless. How can I not, I remember when our family had to go on vacation. She suddenly felt like going up on the roof of the building to see the view of dusk. Then she did that and she bravely climbed the roof of the building. While everyone who's looking at her begins to panic, they are scared that she will fall to the ground. She doesn't care at all about our family. We were very worried about her, how could she do that.

But it is still better than when she cooks. At first, she only cooked normal food, so glad that she still has some normal parts. I let my guard down so early when I suddenly ate something that felt strange and I realized I was poisoned food. At that's I was in a hospital bed and I was angry as I tried to ask a servant.

" Who cooks that's food, asked them to fire "

Then the servant was taken back by my word. As they hesitate to tell the truth, but when they see my cold face. They immediately tell me it was Yurika. I was stunned by the truth, how can this happen. I tried to ask the servant again.

" Are sure, if I knew you were telling me a lie. I immediately fire you all "

The servant immediately showed their faces, their bodies were Trembling as they were shocked when they heard my words. They quickly said.

" It was true young master, you can ask young miss by calling herself "

When I asked Yurika, she indeed tell her. It was her who cooked it. Sache that day, we forbade her to cook at home. She can only cook if she is with Yumiko. Her weird food was like food from hell, I was lucky I only ate a little bit.

She is not that bad, she also has good points too. Like she is good at dancing. When we were children, I always danced with her. Because I know she is very quick to pick up the rhythm of the music. She also quickly mastered the dance, as it was easy for her.

She also won in the ballet competition in junior rank. She continues to get a lot of trophies until she goes to middle-high school, I don't know why. But Yumiko tells me that she always has a problem maintaining body shape because she always eats sweets.

She was good at singing, enough to make me sleep every time I hear a lullaby song. Her voice was good to hear, even sometimes she sings some songs that I don't understand. It still feels nice to hear it.

I indeed said Yurika has a weird mind, but when it is used for the study. Surprise, it was good enough to take first place in every exam. I never thought it would come the day when I see them, she also has something she can proudly show to everyone. I don't understand how her brain is working.

The one most shocking thing to me is that she was too good at managing things. Even Yumiko, who's closer to her, doesn't know about this shocking talent. If I knew she had this ability, it would have been a long time ago, so I asked her to help me.

Why does she need to be secret from family, when we asked her at family dinner. She only said that.

" Is not I don't want to tell you, is just that… You all don't ask about it "

I wonder where this ability comes from. Maybe she was born to help me in business, I never thought I would have a super capable assistant closer to me. That's why I can't give it to Endo Kazama. Since he went on a trip together with my little sister, he was obsessed with her talent and wanted to make her subordinates. How can I let him have my little sister, I can't let everyone have it.

I know that she's taken a 3 language class since a little while ago. But, I don't believe, that someone can't Master the language in only one year. Where did this ability come from, was it from her weird imagination. ?

If I knew this, I wouldn't need to show my talents early. I can have Yurika show it to everyone at an early stage, so I made an easy move on my plan to be the heir of the Hanami family. In the original plan, I should play the role of a tiger masked mouse to let the people on the branch side lower their guard.

Because of Yurika's nickname ' troublemaker of the Hanami family,' our family situation was threatened by the branch family. As they label us as the family who can produce nothing but trouble, how can I let them continue to disgrace our family?

I have no choice but to show it to everyone. I know that my father and my grandfather already know about my talents. That's why they are always calm when the second branch says a rude word to us.

As I showed my talents, they suddenly became quiet. They begin to show me a sneaky and fake smile, every time they see me. They also hid their disgusting feeling behind their mask to not let me or my family know about it.

It was too late, because both my twin's little sisters already knew about this. They also started to learn from adults about masks they face, mostly a Yurika. I was startled at first when Yurika suddenly asked me about the situation between our family and branch family. She also gives some opinions from what she sees, I understand that she is not that clueless in this.

It saves me some words to tell them. With this, I know that both my little sisters will help me to get the seat of a future heir. I was trained by my grandparents to be ambitious to protect someone you love, I love my family, and that's why I lost to the second branch.

This time I also need to protect my little sister from their hand. I can't believe that they dare to spread some fake rumors and try to use them on my little sister. Luckily, my little sister was intelligent enough to protect herself. Or not, they use this accident as an account to make her worse reputation and attack the main family.

I know that they will not touch me, but they still have a hand to touch Yurika. They agitated when they heard the news about Yurika's abilities. They thought Yurika will continue to cause trouble and be useless forever. This was slapping their face and scary, that the main family power will be growing up. They will have no chance for the second branch to get up.

Looks like I need security to put on my little sister and this bastard second branch. I remember that Arima Shun was in the same class as Yurika, so I asked him to protect my little sister. But, when he thinks again about rumors around Arima Shun, he thinks bit better a to give it a try first.

Even so, Hanami Yunosuke was not sure if Arima Shun would accept this, with his uncertain personality. Better think of another plan in case they rejected it.

The most important thing now is to investigate this case. It's good that he already asked the principal of the school to do his request to collect the data about this accident and save it for a while. Of course, he needs to clear all fake rumors about Yurika first. I want to see how the people in the second branch family will react.