Carrying Sophia

Immediately after Quzin left, the second years left as well without saying anything or even try to preach about keeping their rules and regulations to them, making the first years even more surprised than they already were, however, no one said anything the fight with the second years today had been the toughest fights int their lives, not just that choosing to go against the second years today had been the biggest decisions they had ever made, the first years didn't know if their actions was a gift or a curse, but they knew they couldn't reverse it since it would stick out in the rest of their of lives like a sore thumb.

The first years were filled with silence even as the second years left they couldn't help but look at them, since they had finally gone against them they had no clue how they would react henceforth but they were sure for the rest of the day no one would bully them or take their credit points, no one wanted to think about what would happen after that.