Bloodline vitamins

After checking his wound Jane assured him he just needed to rest for some time to fully recover, this was after she was done healing him and proceeded to give him some bloodline vitamins, although symbiote users could force their bloodline to auto-heal themselves.

It didn't mean their healing physiques were omnipotent this was why bloodline vitamins were invented most of the times when a symbiote user force their bloodline to heal themselves constantly, their healing cells in the process would gradually become weak over time to the point they would not be able to heal themselves or stimulate their body to begin healing unless they took bloodline vitamins.

These bloodline vitamins not only help stimulates a symbiote user's body to heal them, but it also helps revitalize and recover lost blood energy, especially in a case whereby the symbiote user loses a lot of blood during a fight, this was the reason why Jane had given him some bloodline vitamins capsule.