
2 years ago.

My family was killed by unknown people when I was 8 years old.

"I've always yearned for vengeance as I grew older, honing my skills in swordsmanship and magic, blessed with abundant mana within me. My mission is to survive and eliminate the many traitors of the Lavastian Empire.

There are numerous traitors—those involved in illegal drug trade, many who have leaked the empire's secrets, or even those who conspire with our enemies to bring about the empire's downfall."

At 9 years old, I discovered something remarkable about myself—my small body was imbued with a mysterious and exceedingly rare magic. Overwhelmed with awe, I chose to conceal this newfound power and diligently train until I could wield it proficiently.

"What the, this magic is incredible!"

This mysterious magic of mine—I don't even know its name—often leaves me utterly drained. It might seem cursed, but I choose to see it as a blessing from God.

"It's amazing, but my weakness is that I sometimes collapse suddenly. Oddly enough, I find it kind of satisfying to wake up and find my enemies vanquished. It's a bit bewildering not knowing exactly what transpired.

As I continued to practice, my resolve to avenge my family's deaths grew stronger.

"Mom, Dad, Sister... I will avenge you, no matter what."

Using this mysterious magic drains my mana quickly, causing me to collapse each time I unleash it. Sometimes, I struggle to control it. Nevertheless, it proves invaluable in my quest to eliminate the traitors of the Lavastian Empire.

Thanks to my abundant mana, I can wield fire and earth magic, fly, teleport, and practice alchemy.

Years later, I was taken in by noble parents, the Duke and Duchess of Flowell. They are kind and hold a respectable reputation. Initially preferring solitude with my friends, they convinced me that having a family was a valuable opportunity. I agreed, despite our differing upbringings—I, a noble now, and they, young knights in the dukedom.

Under the guidance of the Flowells, my life took a different path. They redirected my focus from theft and violence towards more virtuous pursuits, though they were initially aware only of my reputation for stealing. They understood our financial struggles, though we actually had plenty of wealth.

From a young age, I've felt mature beyond my years, understanding things well beyond my peers. Yet, at times, I still feel like an adult trapped in a child's body.

1 week after the adoption:

In a bustling dress salon, noblewomen eagerly whispered as they approached Lady Countess Shia.

"Shia! I have news!"

Twirling her hair in boredom, Shia responded, "Yes? What is it?"

"Did you hear about Duke Flowell and Duchess...?"

She leaned in close to another noblewoman, gossiping in hushed tones.

"They adopted a 10-year-old commoner child."


Shia gasped loudly, drawing shocked looks from nearby patrons.

"Shh, keep your voice down..."

The conversation resumed in whispers.

"The Duke is so handsome, yet he marries a lowborn commoner girl like her! She even stole my chance with the Duke. Ugh!"

"And now they've adopted a commoner! Of course she couldn't bear her own child."

The Countess clenched her teeth in anger.

"Yes, she's hardly fit to be a Duchess, unable to even conceive."


As insults and laughter filled the salon, I overheard everything from the fitting room. While the Duchess looked crestfallen, I felt not sadness but annoyance.

'Should I confront them? No. For now, I need to uphold a good reputation.'

'We arrived at the salon earlier than them.

Instead of her usual worn attire, the Duchess had chosen to dress me in a socially dignified gown.

Once dressed, I boldly pulled back the fitting room curtain.

The two noblewomen were startled by my sudden appearance.

"OMG, who is she? She's like a cute fairy with her beautiful blonde hair and bright sky-blue eyes!"

I, Selentia Tris Flowell, also known as Tris or Elen, possessed shimmering platinum blond hair and sky-blue eyes.

'Oh my! That vile parasite has quite the silver tongue, huh?'

Selentia glared sharply at them.

"OMG, even her glare is adorable!"

'Are they mocking me!? I want to gouge their eyes out, the pieces of—' (Censored her thoughts)

"Duchess... huh..?"

I thought the Duchess followed me, but I was mistaken.

The Duchess trembled as she listened to the insults, her face pale.

'She's scared... I don't understand why she's so scared, even though she's the Duke's wife. She should slap them and make them eat pig poop. No! Selentia! Be nice. Sigh. What should I do?'

"Ah ha!"

'When Selentia had an idea, her eyes sparkled.

'I'm embarrassed to do this, but I have no other choice!'

I ran over, turned around happily, and said,


Her stunned reaction was surprising, considering she'd wanted me to call her that just last week.

"Mom, I want to go home (especially since some parasites ruined our time) .~"

I said it with a cute face, playing the part of a child.

When the Duchess emerged from the fitting room, other nobles were also astonished.

Duchess Cassia Ria Flowell, with her pink hair and green eyes, had her nobility status elevated upon marrying Duke Flowell.

"Ellen... did you just call me mom?"

"Ah... ye-"

Then, suddenly, the Duchess was so overcome with joy and tears that she hugged me tightly, oblivious to the noblewomen gossiping nearby.

"Is she eccentric? Wasn't she supposed to be called mother when they adopted her? How pitiful."

'Why should you care, you parasites? At least I've called her that now!'

They continued to mock the Duchess, but she ignored them.

'Since everything's settled, I truly want to go home now.'

Selentia sighed contentedly, holding Cassia's hand.

When we returned to the Flowell residence, the servants were astonished by my attire.

"Young Lady, you look stunning!"

"It suits you perfectly, Young Lady."

They smiled happily, offering compliments. I had no choice but to smile back.

"OMG! The young miss is smiling! Maybe her expression was cold when she first entered the residence, but now she's smiling!"

'Eh? Was I...? Oh! Because I was hungry at the time.'

As she entered the Flowell Residence:

'I'm so hungry.... Food, no water... Ugh.'

Selentia didn't realize her expression was too cold when she was hungry.

The Lavastian Empire was renowned for its extremely cold climate, from winter to summer.

When the Duke waited for her, he walked toward her and coughed and said.

"Welcome to our home, my dear Elen."

Duke Aizen Lawrence Flowell had white silver hair and dark blue eyes.

The Flowell was a grand noble, with a high status among the nobility.

As he knelt and opened his arms, it seemed as if he wanted to hug her, as he knelt to meet her.

'No, please stand up! Why would you kneel to a commoner like me?'

Somehow, Aizen looked at Selentia with warm eyes, like a biological father.

'Ah... I guess I could open up to this new family...'

'Do I deserve this treatment? Normally, nobles treat us like we're dirt they've trampled on in their lives.'

'But why...?' She felt a little warm and happy, and I want to smile brightly, but...'


'Ugh. Why does my head suddenly hurt hurt so much, like it's about to split!'

"Ugh.... ahhh! It hurts.."

When a sudden headache struck, memories of my original father flooded back.


"Elen, why are you crying again? Come here, papa won't leave you again. It's alright, dear. I'm just going to check outside."

"Daddy! Hic, hic."

"It's alright, Elen. I won't leave."


'Liar. You said you wouldn't leave.'

As tears streamed down my face, Duke Aizen suddenly rushed over and embraced me. His hug brought back memories of my father.

Suddenly, I called the Duke "Dad" without hesitation.

"Dad... hic, hic."

"Yes, Elen?"

"I'm home..."

Even after my adoption, I insisted on practicing swordsmanship and magic, which they allowed.

Over the past three days, since the Duke saw me swinging my sword, his expression seemed to say,

"How could she be so perfect?! I will teach my child swordsmanship properly starting today!"

Duke Aizen's eyes sparkled with pride at Selentia's swordsmanship.

'Dad... don't look at me like that. Sigh...'

Duke Aizen, originally cold and busy with war, wasn't that cold towards the Duchess and me.

Sometimes, I felt like the Duke wore a very sad expression around the Duchess.

Wait, something keeps bothering me; are they in love, or not?!


An hour passed.

After I finished bathing, I asked the maid about my dad and mom. The maid hesitated to tell me,

'Why is she saying this? Ah, never mind.'

"Lady, the truth is, the Duke and Duchess are still lovel—


The head maid interrupted,

"Ah... I mean, working..." she corrected herself.


I responded, then turned away. The maid looked scolded when I looked at her again.

'Never mind. Maybe I should get a book from Dad's office.'

The truth -> "The young lady is still young! She shouldn't hear such things! Niwe, you're in trouble if she hears... sigh..."

The maid Niwe was sweating and apologizing to the head maid, vowing not to make mistakes again.


Later, when Selentia visited Aizen's office,

"Oh, Honey! Elen is watching..."

"Oh, my dear Elen..."

'Are you seriously telling me they are working?'

As Duke Aizen kissed Cassia, the Duchess, on the forehead while they sat on the sofa, Selentia walked in, took a book from the Duke's office, and sat in front of them.

'I guess they are really in love with each other. Sigh, I thought it was just... never mind...'


While Duke Aizen kissed Cassia again, Selentia was annoyed.

'Oh, please stop...' <- just as she was about to open the book.

"Come here, Elen, mommy will kiss you too!" Cassia said.



Cassia suddenly embraced and kissed Selentia's cheek and forehead, unable to stop herself because Selentia was so cute.


'How many minutes has it been now? Or has it already been an hour?'

We all smiled, happy, enjoying the moments, but our bond was only temporary.


After four years living with my new family,

They died in a sudden carriage accident.

My world stopped; it cracked until it shattered into pieces again.

At that time, I was attending etiquette and history lessons because my parents were preparing for my debutante.

When I heard the news of their sudden death from the nobility,

My legs grew weak; I knelt on the floor, crying. Servants close to the Duke and Duchess silently cried and helped me stand. I sobbed while hugging the head maid, who had been like a nanny to me.

I couldn't believe their deaths. I was alone again after my childhood friends left for the soldiers a month ago for three years.


For the past week, after the Duke and Duchess's funeral ended,

The Emperor of the Lavastian Empire officially allowed me to take care of the Flowell residence and become the new Duke/Duchess.


One day, I heard a rumor that the Duchess and Duke may not have had an accident in the carriage or been killed by bandits because their bodies could not be identified.

"How can that be? Why would someone do that?!"

When the rumor was true, I was angry. When I found out about them, I wanted to find and kill them mercilessly.


After another month, my other parents died.

I returned to killing and learned the truth about the killer of my original family. I also learned about the murderous bandits who killed my new parents.


"They were so kind to me. They treated me as their own child. They cared about people, and they cared about so many things. And that tragedy happened. If only I had come that time, if only my birthday was not near that time, if only I had refused when they were preparing my debutante, if only I said I only wanted normal birthdays, just like before..."

. '