Received A Letter




Clack, clack.

The rhythmic sound of horse hooves and the creaking wheels of a carriage filled the air. 


The horse let out a startled whinny as the coachman flicked the reins impatiently. "Why is this horse so noisy? Shh! We're at a noble's house! We'll be dead if we cause a ruckus."


A gust of wind swept through the courtyard. Selentia was taking a leisurely walk, Vivian dutifully holding an umbrella over her head to shield her from the glaring sun. The wind played with her hair as she strolled in her dress, adorned with the Flowell crest on her left arm.

A carriage pulled up in front of the Flowell residence. Selentia quickened her pace, curiosity piqued. 


The horse's distressed cry made Selentia chuckle inwardly. 'Ah, quite a welcome for me, horsie...'

"Why is this horse so scared all of a sudden? Shhh!" the coachman scolded.

'I think I know,' Selentia thought with a smirk.

Vivian glanced at her, puzzled by her mistress's sigh.

'This horse must sense something about me. Animals are perceptive like that,' she mused.


"Hey, Lofel! Why is it so noisy? We'll get in trouble!" a man inside the carriage yelled, opening the window.

"Sorry! It's Turin's fault. He just started screaming—ugh!"

'Oh, poor Turin... But I think your voices are noisier than the horse.'

As Selentia watched them argue, she sighed again, feeling a mix of amusement and pity.

"Open the small gate," she ordered.

"Yes, Duchess!"

*Clomp, clomp, step, step.*

The sound of footsteps echoed as the gate opened.

Uriel and Lofel flinched when Selentia stood behind them, her presence commanding.

"Hello?~" she greeted with a smile, watching them tremble.

'Shoot! Lofel, you idiot!' Uriel thought, trying to keep calm. 'We don't know if this lady is wicked or kind, so let's stay composed.'

"Greetings, My Lady. We are here to deliver a letter from His Majesty, the Emperor of the Cevallos Empire," Uriel said, bowing deeply.

"It's my pleasure to accept it," Selentia responded, bowing and smirking slightly.

"Then, Lady, we will take our leave."

"Yes, safe travels while delivering the Emperor's other letters," she said with a smile.

As they left, Selentia turned to Vivian. "Prepare my suits and belongings. We start today."

'My prediction was right. Let's meet again, Evren Van Cevallos.'

Selentia hadn't opened the letter yet, but she already knew its contents. She had long been involved in the aces' missions.


**Uriel's POV:**

"That lady... She's as beautiful as the rumors say and her demeanor is kind, but when we bowed, I felt a shiver. It was dangerous," Uriel remarked.

"Don't tell me there's an assassin watching over her?!"

- Oops, you're talking about the assassin who was in front of you 10 minutes ago ~

Back in her office, Selentia smiled. Zeo and Zike would join her in the Cevallos Empire. All the aces were gathering to find the Dark Killer.

Using her powers, she cloaked herself with an invisible aura. However, the magic would dissipate when she used more dangerous spells.



**Marquess Villacarlos Residence**


The wind rustled through the open window.


The pages of a book turned as Liam Bryn Villacarlos, the Marquess's firstborn, sat reading. His pale blue hair and violet eyes gave him an ethereal look. Known as the most handsome man in the Lavastian East, he was also renowned for his intelligence in mathematics, history, and culture.

He was an aura user, his red aura capable of igniting flames with his sword. Among the aces, he was one of the most powerful.

"It's so windy today," Liam murmured, glancing at the window. 

"My lord, a letter from the Emperor of the Cevallos Empire," his butler announced.

"Come in," Liam instructed.

The butler bowed, handed him the letter, and left without another word, respecting the privacy required for high nobility correspondence.

"This is my opportunity to rise in the ranks of the aces," Liam mused, smirking as he read the letter."

"Dark killer huh... what kind of motives did he use to provoke the empire."



Selentia sneezed suddenly. "Achoo!"

'My nose is so itchy... I feel a little uneasy.'

"Vivian, prepare everything. We leave at dawn."


As the pieces moved across the board, the Flowell duchess, the crown prince of Cevallos, and the ace of Lavastian East each prepared for the inevitable clash with the elusive Dark Killer. Intrigue, danger, and power plays awaited them all, and none could predict how this deadly game would end.

They didn't know one of them is the target.
