WebNovelMr. Quiet60.00%

Ch. 3


Okay- just act normal while at the same time try and figure out whether you like him or not-

"Y/N?" Yoongi questions softly as I jump in response, looking at him with wide eyes.

"Y-Yeah?" I inquire timidly as he smiles, showing his gums that made him look adorable.

"Class is starting soon," He states, ruffling my hair causing my face to burn while he strolls casually into the classroom.

Swiftly, finding my seat as Yoongi is already in the seat next to mine. Just another thing he has started doing, sitting next to me everyday in class. He's always sat in the back, but now...he sits next to me. Maybe Jungkook was right...no, no, there is no way he has a crush on me...we're just friends...yeah friends.

The internal reassurance wasn't so reassuring as my heart aches at the thought of being just friends with Yoongi. Oh no, I do like Yoongi, don't I?

Flustered from the realization, I clumsily drop the notebook in my hand onto the floor. I quickly go to pick it up, but end up bumping my head on something. I glance up to see Yoongi rubbing the top of his head, chuckling a little. I feel my cheeks flush in embarrassment seeing it was Yoongi who I bumped heads with.

I gasp quietly, "Oh gosh! Yoongi I'm so sorry! You were just trying to help and I ended up hurting you-"

"Calm down, you're fine," He states, raising an eyebrow at me teasingly, obviously questioning why I'm so concerned over a little head bump.

"O-Oh," I say as my cheeks feel as if they're burning, realizing his face is inches away from mine, our noses almost touching.

"Here," He states, handing the notebook towards me.

"Thanks," I mumble, turning forward and trying to ignore his lingering gaze on me. Although, when I glance back over at him, his head immediately whips in the other direction. Acting as if he was never staring at me in the first place, I smile a little before focusing again. Cute.


"Alright, this group project will be worth 20% of your grades so I suggest you take this seriously," The teacher states before beginning to read off the names from the clipboard of who is with who.

The groups ranging from 2-3 people in each, most likely to make it even with the amount of people in class, "And finally, Yoongi and Y/N."

I feel my body slightly tense as I glance over at Yoongi who looks just as tense, and even possibly the slightly bit of blush coating his cheeks.

"S-So, for the project..." I begin, trailing off as Yoongi begins to nervously tap at his desk.

"Wanna meet up in the library after school for the next few days?" He questions as I nod in response.

"B-But, I'll make sure you have time to go practice after. We don't have to stay too long," I say softly, fiddling with the edge of my hoodie.

"Great, I'll see you later," Yoongi states before getting up, my eyes widening realizing that the bell had already rung. Shoot- I'm gonna be late for my next class.

Yoongi's POV

I smile to myself as I see her speed walk out of the classroom, chuckling with a light blush on my cheeks. She is adorable.


I glance at my watch to see it's been 5 minutes since school has been over, and I'm currently waiting for Y/N to show up. My body leans against the doorframe of the library, eyes darting around trying to spot the familiar girl. When I finally do, my eyes widen slightly to see her talking to a rather tall male who clearly towered over her. Recognizing him right away, being the smartest and top kid in our school. Kim Namjoon.

My hands twitch slightly seeing him ruffle her hair the same way I do, grumbling to myself as I begin to tap impatiently onto the notebook in my hand. Although when I glance over I can't help but chuckle to myself, seeing her classic polite smile at him as he makes conversation with her before she gasps looking at the time. Thank goodness...took her long enough. I carefully watch as she waves at him, Namjoon smiling back at her before she makes her way to the library towards me. Finally.

"Took you long enough," I state bluntly as her head shoots up, eyes widening at the sight of me standing against the doorway.

"S-Sorry about that, he was asking about the homework," She says softly as I nod and head into the library, her trailing behind me. What does he need to know about homework...he's always on top of his class-

"Have you thought about a topic we could do?" I inquire, glancing back to see her shake her head in response.

Both of us reach a study table with myself sitting down and her sitting opposite of me. Figuring out who will do what and the topic for the project.

"How about romance as the theme?" She questions innocently, as I choke a little at the statement.

"R-Romance?" I stutter, my cheeks heating up greatly.

"I mean, we're doing a project about Shakespeare...so it'd be a pretty easy A," She explains shyly, not making eye contact.

"Y-Yeah sure, I'll go grab some books for research while you find some online resources?" I inquire as she nods smiling softly at me.

I scurry off towards the bookcases, and glance back to see Y/N already typing away at the computer, searching for online resources. I let out a heavy sigh, smiling to myself seeing her face cutely scrunch up in concentration. A light blush covering my face as I move my gaze away from her to begin searching for the books, even if I want to stare at her all day long.

Your POV

Smiling to myself, I finish off a list of 3 different primary resources to research and take notes on. I glance over to see Yoongi holding about 3 or 4 books in his arms. He places them onto the table with a sigh, "this is all I could find that was decent, how about you?"

"I found 3 primary resources and some secondary ones," I state as he nods in response sitting down in the seat next to mine which just so happened to be inches away from me.

I try to move away just a tad, although he only moves closer. I feel my cheeks flush a deep red before clearing my throat, "s-so...let's just take some notes on the sources we found tonight and exchange info tomorrow?"

"Sounds good to me," He states, beginning to pack up. Myself doing the same, both of us in a peaceful silence as we pack up.

"W-Well, I'll see you tomorrow," I say, heading towards the exit, having finished as he does the same.

"See you," He responds, giving my hair a little ruffle causing my cheeks to heat up once again. I give him a quick smile before speed walking away. Just what are you doing to my heart, Min Yoongi?