Reno's Games

The first instinct in his mind was protecting his bag of coins, but it was too late–the girl was simply faster than him.

Again, it was lost from his possession in that brief moment as he looked in front of him–seeing the young girl racing off and glancing back at him with a smirk, presenting the stolen goods in her hand.

"Damn it…!" He yelled out.

Without a moment of hesitation, he broke off in a sprint towards the thief, pushing past the crowd of people that filled the width of the street.

What's with this girl?! Can't you rob somebody else?! He thought.

The idea came to him while having to push past the crowd of people that he could call for a guard or whatever police force existed in Elsia, but he realized such a decision might not actually be a great idea.

If I do that, who knows what the response time is?! A kid like me giving a report isn't going to help, either! Crap! I've gotta handle this on my own–again! He thought.