
"You're younger than me and able to use magic like that?!" Reno let out before coughing and correcting herself, "...Anyway, just because you're a kid doesn't mean I won't hold back on you! You're younger than me, so do the same!"

"What?! You're still going on about that?! One year! You're one year older than me!" He contested.

Before he could get any further words out, Reno sprung towards him again with the nimbleness of a cat, springing forward and attempting to swipe at him with the sharp silver held in her hand.


He managed to lean back to avoid it, feeling the reflexes carved into him through his time with the red-haired swordswoman kicking in as he watched the dagger miss just above his gaze.

When it came to close-quarters combat like this, there was no question that it'd be safer to rely on swordplay himself, but against a girl like this–he certainly wasn't up to the task.