Lawrence, An Entire Circus

"Tick-tock, my friend," Lawrence smiled, "Time waits for nobody, I'm afraid."

As the stomps seemed to be coming in the general direction of that specific hall, he finally made his decision as he retrieved the ring of keys from his pocket, scurrying to unlock the door.

Though of course, he didn't know which key it was that unlocked the cell.

Shit…! He thought.

The footsteps were growing faster; seeming suspicious of the jingle of keys now.

As he struggled, the clown-resembling man didn't seem worried at all despite the boy holding the literal keys to his survival in his hands.

"Try the copper key, my friend," Lawrence suggested.

"--" He gulped and nodded.

As he picked out the copper key, it slid into the lock perfectly, but the footsteps had grown even more rapid now just as he turned the lock and opened the door. The screeching of old metal from the cell being opened seemed to fully ignite the unknown figure's suspicions.