Questionable Motives

In a world of magic and monsters, the man before him was a sight that made it all feel more mysterious and abnormal than ever before.

He nodded, "...Well, if you're set on helping me, then–"

"Of course–your wish is my command," Lawrence stayed bowed.

"Help me find my friend–Reno–she was just brought in here before I arrived," he commanded.

There wasn't any guarantee in his mind that the mysterious man would truly help him, especially with how unpredictable he was, but he went along anyway.

If he does help, it'll be invaluable. He's definitely strong–there's no doubt about that, he thought.

"Ah, I see! You've come to rescue a friend? How admirable! A courageous feat that I'd expect nothing less of from my dear friend, Sir Emilio!" Lawrence applauded him.

"--" He raised an eyebrow.

He's strong, but…he's definitely got some screws loose. "Dear friend"?...Whatever. For now, this is good, he thought.