The Endless Factory

Quelling his fear was only a temporary countermeasure as the very essence of the gloomy air seemed interlaced with horror. He began seeing silhouettes out of the corner of his eye, hearing steps in addition to his own whenever he moved, causing him to look around constantly.

Something was severely different in the center of the desolate city; reality felt completely twisted by the whim of the Unending Nightmare.

I have to keep moving…I have to find Roan, or anybody, he thought.

As he slowly moved through the alley, he jumped as a blood-curdling scream resonated through the city. It was a feminine scream, one of bloody milder, no doubt. It was likely a few blocks away, but as he glanced back, the shadows of abhorrent entities racing towards the source of the scream prevented him from moving towards it himself.

I can't…He thought.