Truth of The Nightmare

He was completely enveloped in a sense of 'flight'--sprinting down the suspended bridges, having to duck beneath a propulsion of steam at the last moment. The steam managed to graze his cheek, turning it red as it seared in a burning sensation, though the adrenaline pumping through his body made him hardly register the pain.

Returning to the intersection of metal bridges, he took a turn to the left, going down the path that he initially found Cube Head on.

Again, he looked back to find it gaining on him, to which he gave himself more space by using wind at his heels to propel himself forward.

"Ngh…!" He gritted his teeth.

Racing forward, he found himself staring at a doorway up ahead; it was a sight of utter hope while dread nipped at his heels.

It was just within ten meters now, not much further–


Suddenly, the bridge he was running across jumbled and shook as the sound of the suspensions snapping resounded in a harrowing echo.
