Depths of Snow

"From what I can tell, the ones running this trial have been 'hands-off' so far, so…I doubt they'd start now," Emilio said.

"I agree with that. This valley is enough of a challenge as is, any more and they'd be senselessly killing recruits who are barely getting by," Yuna added.

"I don't know 'bout that," Everett scratched his head, "Whoever is runnin' this trial is cruel in my eyes…I mean, look at what we've gone through so far. Do ya' really think planting traps is beneath them?"

A surprise to be sure, but Everett had a good point that made them think about what they were experiencing at the moment. There was no denying their current situation, surrounded by frosted trees and ice-layered foliage, stretching as far as they could see.

"I get what you're saying, but going off the fact we've been following this person's trail…I'd say it's the same person trying to stop us, or at least slow us down," Emilio said.