Unwelcome Guest

"For now…if this is really the weather everywhere in the valley, then I'll create a base for us," Emilio said, "Stand back."

The three seemed eager for the young Dragonheart's offer as they gladly stood back and watched as Emilio put his magic mastery to use, able to utilize the vast clearing ahead as he manipulated the natural material around.

A square-shaped cottage was made from a combination of reinforced dirt and stone, using the frost itself to stick it together and harden it.

"Awesome!" Everett bumped his fist into the air.

As they all went inside, the lesser spirits were kept manifested, with Salamander creating a campfire in the middle of the closed-off base of dirt to create another source of heat.

In unison, sighs of relief left their mouths as each of them sat around the fire; Emilio sat next to Melisande and Everett sat alone, with Yuna staying near a corner quietly to herself.

"...Phew…" Emilio leaned his head back against the wall.