From Ash, To Ash

He clenched his entire body, driving flames from every pore of his already strained body as his heart rate skyrocketed.


"Set your heart ablaze, and fight on, Dragonheart."

Everything was used as a catalyst for his own suicidal power; even the heart pumping inside of his chest was ignited, thumping wildly as the flames resonated with each beat, exuding shock waves of heat.

The skin he wore on his body burned away, cast away by the flames as his body stood halfway between tangible and ethereal, standing there as a living, humanoid flame of seraphic glow.

It was an impossible feeling for him to describe; a weightlessness unlike any other, but he was dense with unimaginable heat, swirling around his soul that stood as the anchor for his very existence now.

This is it, he thought, everything.

As he looked at his own hands, all he saw were flames that resembled human hands, unable to feel anything besides the scorching inferno.