A Sliver of Hope

Those still within the valley witnessed the conclusion of the devastating war against a singular figure, filled with returned hope.

"He did it…! Emilio won!" Melisande remarked.

It was a shock to those few left on the battlefield as all eyes were drawn to the sky. The surviving member of the Nihilum Core duo stood to his feet with his mouth agape.

"The brat actually beat it…What the hell," Scarlet said in disbelief.

Despite the condition of his body, Everett picked himself up, even though Yuna and Melisande both clearly advised him not to push his body.


"What're you doing, you oaf?!" Yuna called out.

Though even in the state his body was in, Everett ran forward while looking up, covered in his own dried blood as his body was swarmed in cuts from the battle.

"--Somebody needs to catch 'im, right?!" Everett shouted.