Draconic Might

It flowed through his veins like a wildfire; that sublime, azure heat. Running across his skin like a tattoo of fiery ink, that shining-blue essence was reflected in the shift of his amethyst irises, which altered to a momentary sapphire.

[Draconic Might]

In the course of a half-second, it activated in full, birthing a natural light that emitted from the Dragonheart's tattoos as his body was imbued with a bestial strength, allowing him to dash forward with monstrous speed.

It was a state of monstrous power, granted briefly, yet bestowing him with strength without needing to undergo Dragonheart transformations.

The stone beneath his bare feet cracked just from pressing forth, tossing himself forward like a bullet itself.


Whoever they were, the person who had shot at him flinched at the unexpected burst of speed, unable to get another shot off as their weapon of wood-and-steel began to glow, only for the young Dragonheart to slam his hand forward.