The Elf's Life

"I've got a lot of questions. But, if you're looking to get out of here, then I say we've got a common goal," Emilio said.

A smile etched itself across the blue-eyed elf's lips as he jabbed his thumb against his own chest, "Ask away, friend! I know only what I know, but what I know is your knowledge all the same!"

Without a doubt, the first question he had pertained to the nature of the realm he found himself in now; even if it was clear it was that which came after death, it didn't fit the bill of a traditional afterlife to him.

"The After is interesting, isn't it?" Blimpo said, "I've been dead for a solid…hmm, ten years now? In my time here, I've run into my fair share of trouble, but for the most part, it's not too bad down here! From what I've heard, asking around, the After isn't just the afterlife for Arcadius…"