Kobolds' Lair

"What…is it?" He questioned.

Celly carefully lifted both the sphere and the cushion it sat on out of the box, prompting Emilio to move the box to the side for her as the lithe woman placed the cushion down.

"It's a Commune Orb," Celly told him.

"Commune Orb?" He looked at her.

"It's a magical device used to communicate across vast distances–even intangible ones, as well. Like the Astral Realm, or perhaps…the After," Celly said.

Those words caught him off-guard as he leaned closer, looking at the sphere, "Hold on, what do you mean? The After? How would that be possible?"

"I got this when you wrote me about your time in the After and about the friends that are still there, and how they helped you return, so…I wanted to get a gift, for you and those people who helped return you to life," Celly smiled, "After all, it's because of them that we can sit here together and talk, right?"