Unison Breaking

There wasn't only a single, sneaky attempt at the adventurers' necks made by the deceitful kobolds, leading to many such feeble fiends needing to be put down swiftly.

Celly was careful in her choice of magecraft, considering the narrowness of the cavern and the questionability of its stability; with a light release, she conjured an arrow made of smooth stone that shot through the head of one of the kobolds. It was boosted with only enough velocity to pierce through the whiskered creature's skull, only lightly penetrating the wall behind it.

Emilio whistled, "That was a brutal one."

The kind half-elf never seemed to like using violence, though even she knew that it was necessary against such creatures, "Let's not linger on that, please. I'd like to just get this quest done."

"Yes, ma'am," Emilio playfully said, moving along.