Pirate Cookie X Reader: Finding Your Passion

The five of you run as fast as you can, far away from the jellyworms, but they're still following you through the grass.

Ginger Brave: They're still on our tails! Don't these jellyworms get tired?!

Y/n: I don't think so!

Ginger Bright: And where are all these mushrooms coming from? Are we running somewhere dangerous?

Zombie Cookie: Graaaah? Smell... Funny smell... Noise... Funny noise...

Ginger Bright: What's that, Zombie Cookie? Did you find something?

Strawberry Cookie: Listen...! Do you smell that? The air smells salty...! And there's... Those are waves. Are we near an ocean?

Ginger Brave: I'm sure the jellyworms won't chase us all the way there! Let's keep moving!

Staying together as a group you all keep running towards the sounds of the waves and salty air. It was not long before you were all in a beautiful environment. Clear crystal blue waters, soft and warm bright color sand, and the skies are perfect with barely any clouds.

Ginger Brave: The ocean, THE OCEAN!

Ginger Bright: It's so pretty... The water is sparkling, so shiny!

Y/n: (Catch your breath) Can we rest here... (Catch your breath) My legs can't keep running anymore...

Strawberry Cookie: Same...

Zombie Cookie then just crashes face-first into the sand and lets out a big loud exhale.

Ginger Brave: Yeah, we made it, and those jellyworms aren't after us anymore.

All of you sit down on the warm sand in a circle facing one another. You couldn't help but stare at the ocean and boats from a distance. If you guys weren't running away from the witch, this would be a great place to hang out.

Strawberry Cookie: (Points) Look at all the boats over there.

Ginger Bright: Do you think we'll be able to flag one down here?

Ginger Brave: We'll have to try once we're done resting here. The further we are from the witch, the better.

Y/n: (Smile) Well, even if we have to stay for tonight, at least we're all still together.

Ginger Brave: (Smiles) That's the spirit Y/n! She's right, as long as we stay together nothing can stop us.

As Strawberry Cookie helps Zombie Cookie off the sand and has him sit down next to her, she hears something from a distance.

Strawberry Cookie: Wait, does anyone hear that?

Ginger Bright: Huh? Hear what?

You all hear it too. It sounds like... someone yelling and footsteps trampling on leaves and sticks coming from where you all just came from. You then see a cookie in a pirate outfit run for dear life away from something.

???: RUUUN!

He runs past all of you and that's when you all stand up to see what he was running from.

Ginger Brave: What's going on?!

Ginger Bright: Cookies! Coming this way!

A female cookie, with short ice blue hair and cold eyes in a bold white uniform, comes out of the forest with over a dozen other cookies wearing similar uniforms standing by her sides. She looks fierce, definitely not someone to be messed with.

???: Are you a part of that scoundrel's pirate crew?!

Ginger Brave: What? What are you talking about?!

Ginger Bright: Uh-oh! I think we need to run... AGAIN!

You all start running away from the female cookie and her army. You were almost running slow, but Strawberry Cookie and Zombie Cookie take your hands and help you run faster.

Strawberry Cookie: Look over there! Is that a pirate ship?

???: Show no quarter! But Pirate Cookie is MINE!

Ginger Bright: What do we do?! GAH!


The wooden railing to the pirate ship was still there and you guys run towards it before finally making it on board before the wooden railing was brought back up and the ship speeds off into the ocean away from land.

You look over seeing the same Cookie you saw running before. His back faces you all as he talks to a small crab.

???: Cap'n Pirate Cookie, that's amazing! We be outrunnin' the navy, sir!

That must be the Cookie's name, Pirate Cookie. Well, he definitely does look like a pirate.

Pirate Cookie: Arr! Captain Ice Cookie... We dodged her again this time, but how dae she keep findin' me?!

???: oOoOooooOo...

Pirate Cookie: Meat Jellies? BAH! We ain't had the time to be chompin' down on Meat Jellies, ye rascal!

Zombie Cookie: Meat Jellies... Yum... Me... Too...

Pirate Cookie: Didn't I just say that there be no Meat Jellies (turns around) on this ship... Wait, wha- ACK!

He then pulls out his sword and points it at all of you. He's shocked that there's someone else, well a group of other Cookies on board on his ship.

Pirate Cookie: Who are ye?! Are you part of Captin Ice Cookie's crew?!

Ginger Brave: What? No! We were running from the navy and came here!

Ginger Bright: They thought we were pirates and we panicked! So we ran away. Can we stay? We'll get off at your next stop at port.

Pirate Cookie: WHAT? This vessel ain't no charter cruise! We be pirates! BAH! Make'em walk the plank, mateys!

You take a step back from his threat as Strawberry Cookie hides behind you, gripping her hands on your arm as she's slightly shaking in fear.

Strawberry Cookie: Oh, that's really mean...

Y/n: I know...

Ginger Brave takes a couple of steps toward Pirate Cookie and crosses his arms.

Ginger Brave: We're out in the middle of nowhere... Not even an island to keep dry.

Zombie Cookie: Gragh... Soggy... No like...

Pirate Cookie: Stop starin' at me wit them puppy dog eyes, ye whelps! I'm Pirate Cookie, and I ain't no angel!

???: OoOoooOoooOoO...

Pirate Cookie: Ye too, Sorbet Shark Cookie? Wait... What am I sayin', you like swimming in the ocean!

Ginger Bright: C'mon! It's not easy being a Cookie, and you know it too! Let us stay, please?

Pirate Cookie then puts his sowed away while letting out a groan of defeat.

Pirate Cookie: FINE! But ye gonna be thrown overboard as soon as we make port! And ye stay on ONE CONDITION! Don't get in me way!

Ginger Brave: Hooray!

Zombie Cookie: Run... Boat...! Wood...! Sea...! WIND!

Zombie Cookie takes off running on deck in circles while Sorbet Shark Cookie chases after him running with him for fun as well.

Sorbet Shark Cookie: OOooOooo!

Pirate Cookie: Second condition! No runnin' on the deck!

Two hours passed, and Pirate Cookie had you and your friends clean the ship. You had the broom while everyone else had something different to do. Now you're on the second floor of the deck where the big wooden steering wheel is and Pirate Cookie proudly stands behind it as he controls the wheel with his crab friend by his side.

Your back was turned towards them as you swept a few feet away from them. You don't mind cleaning, especially since Pirate Cookie was nice enough to let you and your friends stay on board and take you to the next port. So cleaning for him isn't a problem at all.

Deckhand Crabby: The seas feel different today.

Pirate Cookie: What are ye talkin' bout? The seas are just fine.

As you sweep, you pay no attention to their conversation. You definitely don't want to be on his bad side as long as you all are on board.

After a couple more hours, the sun finally set and the full moon replaced the sun in the sky. Luckily there were enough blankets for everyone, so sleeping on the floor of the deck wouldn't be so bad. But for some reason, you're not tired. And so while everyone else was sleeping, you quietly get up and go towards the second floor of the deck.

When you get there, you lean your arms on the edge of the ship and just stare into the ocean and night sky above you. You start to think of the possibilities for when you hit port, like meeting new Cookies, and going on adventures. To be honest, you're nervous about that.

Pirate Cookie: I see ya have trouble sleeping Las?

You turn around seeing Pirate Cookie stand a few feet behind you. You didn't expect him to be awake and here.

Y/n: Y-Yeah.

Pirate Cookie: (Smiles) Ah but a Las such as yourself should be gettin' some shut-eye.

Y/n: I know but...

He walks over to you and puts his arms on the wooden edge while giving you his full attention.

Pirate Cookie: But what Las?

Y/n: Well first, my friends and I want to get as far from the witch as possible.

Pirate Cookie: Aw, ye already done that. Believe me, you'll never see that old hag again.

Y/n: And well... I've never been to other lands. And I never seen other Cookies other than my friends and... well and...

Pirate Cookie: Ya worry about it? Aw, I wouldn't be Las. I've met plenty of Cookies in my days here and on land, and most of them are friendly. Though I don't partake in befriending them, I just go in search of treasure. The lands you'll go to will be incredible.

Y/n: Treasure?

Pirate Cookie: Eye, it's what we pirates do. We sail through the seas, through storms and winds to find treasure. Tell me Las, what is your passion?

Y/n: My passion? I don't understand.

Pirate Cookie: It's what ya really enjoy doing no matter how much time has passed. (Snickers) It's a good kick in the ass, is what I like to say.

Y/n: Oh uh... I don't know. I haven't really thought of that yet.

Pirate Cookie: Ya still have plenty of time. I wouldn't frit over it.

Y/n: Hm, what's your passion?

Pirate Cookie: (Smiles) Ar, that be an easy one. Finding treasure and becoming ruler of the seas. I'll go to great lengths to get what I want, and I ain't afraid of death neither Las.

Y/n: Wow that's-

Pirate Cookie: Gibberish chatter I know.

Y/n: No, I was actually going to say brave. You're very determined and brave to chase after what you want. I hope one day to find a passion that brings me as much joy as your passion does.

Pirate Cookie: (Smiles) Thanks Las. Ye should go get some rest now.

Y/n: What about you? Don't you need some sleep too?

Pirate Cookie: (Chuckles) Don't worry about me Las, tis a Captain's job to be alert even till daybreak. Besides, I have to steer the wheel once we reached a level.

Y/n: Alright then, good night Pirate Cookie.

Just before you climb down the ladder Pirate Cookie quietly calls out to you.

Pirate Cookie: Hold on Y/n.

Y/n: Yes?

Pirate Cookie: Ye can take my bed for tonight.

Y/n: Oh uh, that's okay I'm-

Pirate Cookie: It's alright with me, besides ya done more work for me than your friends. Take it as a reward. We hit land early tomorrow.

Y/n: Alright, thank you Pirate Cookie. See you tomorrow.

Pirate Cookie: Night Las.

While you go to his room, Pirate Cookie Stands behind the wheel and slightly turns it to the right. His hair dancing along with the winds behind him, he takes in this scene as he ensures this ship hits land soon.

Morning comes around and everyone is on deck. You and Ginger Bright were all the way to the front of the ship where the point was and chatted while the others either talk to each other or stare at the ocean. All while Pirate Cookie steers the wheel and keeps his eyes on the sea. But every now and then, he glances down at you for a few seconds before staring back into the sea.

Ginger Bright: Hey I didn't see you when we woke up. Did you have trouble sleeping again?

Y/n: Yeah, and last night Pirate Cookie and I talked for a bit. You know, I don't think he's a bad Cookie.

Ginger Bright: Not completely bad sure. He almost did throw our asses overboard. But wait, you two talked last night?

Y/n: Yeah, and he even let me sleep in his bed.

She gasps but covers her mouth with her hands as she gets closer to you so she can whisper.

Ginger Bright: Was he in the bed with you?

Y/n: What? No, he stayed out here steering the ship while I was asleep. He told me because I did more work for him, I can sleep on his bed while he wanted to stay up.

Ginger Bright: Ooh, (Laughs) man you had me thinking.

While you and Ginger Bright continue to chat, Pirate Cookie's vision slowly shifts from the seas and towards you. He sees you smiling and laughing and shows a little smirk as he remembers the conversation you two had last night. He's never met a Cookie like you before, someone who didn't think his passion wasn't worth it. Well, besides his crew.

Wasn't long until the ship finally makes it to another land. Sorbet Shark Cookie throws down the rope ladder and one by one you and your friends go down the ladder. You're the last one to use the rope ladder, but before you go, you turn to Pirate Cookie, who's been watching, and smile before saying...

Y/n: (You wave your hand) Thanks for letting us on board! I hope we see you again soon!

Pirate Cookie: (Chuckles) Same here Las, now go! Find yer passion!

You nod before going down the rope ladder and you follow close behind the group. As you and your friends walk into a new little town, Pirate Cookie stands on the edge of the point of his ship and watches you leave until he couldn't see you anymore.

Pirate Cookie: Well mateys, let's get! Treasures aren't goin' to unburry and take themselves!

He hops off the edge, straightens his pirate hat, and heads straight for the wheel while his crew, Sorbet Shark Cookie and Deckhand Crabby look at each other in confusion before they shrug their shoulders and follow their captain for another adventure.