Sandwich Cookie X Reader: New Sandwich in Town

On this beautiful morning, you quickly put on your work uniform and smile to greet the day. You hurry down the stairs of your apartment and open the front doors, seeing your best friend and co-worker Sandwich Cookie standing in front of the building waiting for you.

Sandwich Cookie: (Smiles) Good morning Y/n!

Y/n: (Smile brightly) Good morning!

Sandwich Cookie: Ready for another day of a great day of sandwich-making work?

Y/n: You know I am.

You and Sandwich Cookie walk together side by side on the sidewalk since the Sandwich Shop you two work in is less than a fifteen-minute walk from here. Sandwich Cookie was the one to convince you to walk with her to and from work, especially if it was a lovely day to walk.

The roads are busy, and there are plenty of cookies out walking today. Some of them go to work, some going out shopping, and the children with their bookbags on their way to school.

Sandwich Cookie: So I got a new idea for a sandwich recipe and I think it's going to be a hit.

Y/n: All of your ideas become a hit. Even the all-pickle sandwich recipe, you remember we ran out of pickles in just two days?

Sandwich Cookie: Yeah, but for this recipe, I'm thinking vegan, gluten-free, low-calorie, super veggie sandwich. The kind of sandwich that all athletes and active cookies would want to eat for lunch. I already texted Spinach Cookie, and she's going to prepare a couple of extra boxes for the next pick-up this Friday.

Y/n: Do we need another wagon to carry it?

Sandwich Cookie: Umm, yeah I think so. Just in case you know.

You and Sandwich Cookie continue chatting as you make your way to work. But when you get there, you see a small building across the street from the Sandwich Shop covered in a purple sheet. Maybe it could be a clothing store or something like that you think to yourself. Then a sandwich employee comes out of the Sandwich Shop and greets you two with a smile.

Sandwich Employee: Morning ladies, ready to open shop now?

Sandwich Cookie: You know it.

Y/n: Hey, what do you think that building could be?

You point to the building covered by a purple sheet.

Sandwich Employee: I hear it's a clothing store.

Sandwich Cookie: Really? I was hoping to be a bakery or a gym. Active cookies would love our healthy sandwiches.

???: I wouldn't lean on that title for long.

You three turn around seeing a burger guy wearing a black suit and a plastic french fries headband on his head stand a few feet behind you.

Y/n: Who are you?

Jack Burger: The name's Jack Burger, the proud owner of the new Jack Burger fast-food restaurant.

He snaps his finger and a couple of small burger employees pull the purple sheet from the building, revealing a fast-food joint. Large posters on the windows show burgers, fries, and sodas. It was honestly making you hungry since you didn't eat breakfast. That and it has been a while since you've eaten a juicy burger and fries.

Jack Burger: Be prepared to see every cookie in town come to my restaurant and eat my food. Including your most loyal customers will come here.

Sandwich Cookie: What?! This is all unhealthy junk food! You're going to make cookies fat!

Y/n: Sandwich Cookie! They're not going to be fat, they're just, um... going to...

Sandwich Employee: Risk not being active?

Y/n: Uh, yeah. Yeah, that.

Jack Burger: Soon all your customers will come to my restaurant and eat our delicious burgers. We even have the new classic bacon double-stacked cheeseburger, with extra American cheese.

Jack snaps his fingers and his burger employees smile as they put up a poster for that burger he's talking about. It looks absolutely delicious. You can feel your stomach growling just by looking at it. You really want a burger right now, but maybe not right at this moment.

Sandwich Cookie: Where's the nutrition? I only see one slice of lettuce and pre-made buns. That burger alone has to be about eight hundred to one thousand calories!

Jack Burger: Cookies will most likely buy the combo, which includes any large soft drink and large salty fries.

Sandwich Cookie: Over a thousand calories?!

Jack Burger: (Smirks) I'd enjoy every customer you have that comes into that. Don't be surprised when more come to my restaurant, and you'll have no choice but to move somewhere else. Now, if you excuse me, I have a successful business to run.

Jack Burger then walks away to his restaurant as you and the sandwich employee hold Sandwich Cookie back from pouncing on Jack.


Y/n: It's okay Sandwich Cookie! Calm down!

Sandwich Employee: Please don't do anything drastic!

Sandwich Cookie: That's it!

Y/n & Sandwich Employee: What's it?

Sandwich Cookie: We'll do something drastic and come up with the best sandwiches anyone has ever seen!

Your stomach growls again, but this time it became loud enough for everyone to hear it.

Y/n: Sorry, I didn't eat breakfast and that poster of the double-stacked bacon burger is really making me hungry, and craving a burger right now.

Sandwich Cookie: Nope! (She takes your hand) I'm making you a healthy and delicious breakfast sandwich! And you're going to be my taste tester for the upcoming sandwiches that will blow everyone's minds!

She takes you to the Sandwich Shop with the sandwich employee following right behind you. In the years that you've known her, you've seen her get determined with every sandwich she makes, takes pride in them, and how it affects everyone's health. But you never saw her this determined to stay here and prove to Jack whose restaurant is better.

You don't know how this rivalry will end up, but you just hope that this Sandwich Shop will always stay in business here in the heart of the city. You then all get ready for another day of work and the first day of rivalry.