Detective Almond Cookie X Reader: Coffee and Love

You're pretty much friends with everyone in the entire police department since the police department building is right across the street from where you work at a coffee shop as a barista. And so almost every morning you volunteer to go to the PD building to take their orders, go to work and come back pushing a cart full of coffee, sweets, and snacks.

Today was just a normal morning for you as you cross the street while pushing the cart with a smile. An officer opens the door for you and you walk inside.


Officer Max: (Smiles) Good morning Y/n, another day another coffee right?

Y/n: (Smile) Good morning Max, it sure is. Here's your regular Mountain Black Coffee with extra sugar. (You hand him his coffee)

Officer Max: Thank you. Everyone else is in the break room.

Y/n: Alright thanks.


You push the cart to the elevator and press the 2nd button to go to the second floor. You pretty much know almost every room in the building, so you never had any trouble finding your way around here.

Once the elevator doors open you head straight for the break room. There you see almost every officer either sitting down at the table or standing chatting with one another.


Y/n: Hey guys, I got your coffee.


They all smile and greeted you as you hand them their coffee and delicious sweets. You love coming here to see them all. Having a few laughs, talking about life and stuff. But you also love coming here for... another reason.


Officer Ruby: Detective Almond Cookie is in his office as usual Y/n.

Y/n: Alright, I'll see you guys later.


You push the cart and walk away from the break room. The moment you left, Officer Ruby was the one to smile at an idea.


Officer Ruby: Okay, I'll be the one to say it. I'm willing to bet she and the detective will be together!

Officer Thomas: You're crazy, he's a workaholic.

Officer: Sadie: He's right, all he ever wants to do is work. He's put in so many hours of overtime that I'll be surprised if he isn't in his office at five in the morning.

Officer Brian: They have a point Ruby.

Officer Ruby: Aw, you all just don't wanna bet 'cause you all know you're going to lose.

Officer Sadie: How much are you willing to bet that they won't be together by the end of the month?

Officer Ruby: (Pulls out her wallet) Fifty dollars for each of us in the pile that they will.


She places the fifty-dollar bill on the table for everyone to see. Everyone looks at each other appearing to be surprised that she's willing to place such a big bet on this.


Officer Sadie: Fifty dollars?

Officer Thomas: That'll be two hundred dollars in the pile. If we win, we get the money back and we'll have to split the fifty you lost.

Officer Ruby: Yup, let's do it. Fifty dollars right here.

Officer Sadie: Sweet, (Takes out her money and puts fifty dollars in the pile.) I'm going to get myself a new watch after this. End of the month right?

Officer Ruby: (Nods) Yup.


Thomas and Brian also cash in fifty dollars each on the pile before Ruby takes the money and puts it in a jar.


Officer Ruby: You think the chief will also bet with us? We also know we can trust him to hold this money for us till the end of the month right?


You finally make it to Detective Almond Cookie's office and you knock on the door with his cup of coffee ready in hand. You hear his voice saying that the door's open and you happily head-on in. Closing the door behind you, you see him standing in front of his main board with a large map of the entire city and the outside while he makes a couple of notes of possible routes to something.


Y/n: I got you your coffee, just how you like it.


You stand next to him and hand him his coffee. He turns to you and a smile appears on his face as he takes a sip of the coffee. He's so handsome, looking fresh, prim, and proper.


Detective Almond: Thank you Y/n.


He turns back at the board. From the looks of it, he looks like he's been up all night again. It's common for him to stay up almost every night, but you worry about him, and want him to take good care of himself more.


Y/n: You look very tired Almond, did you pull an all-nighter again?

Detective Almond: Last night yes, I did. I've been keeping tabs on all the secret underground routes we found belonging to the Sharp Tip Chip Gang and the Loco Coco Gang. (Points to the board) All exits were found to be within their territories and along the outskirts of the city. We know that they're working together and were delivering dangerous spells and potions to whoever is purchasing them outside the city. We've already shut down these tunnels and have undercover patrol around in case they try to re-open them while some of the members of each gang are in prison. But something's not right. (Takes a sip of his coffee) We got one of them to confess that there's another secret tunnel, but he supposedly doesn't know where it is.

Y/n: How do you know he wasn't lying about that?

Detective Almond: We hooked him up to the lie detector to ensure he wasn't. He's still behind bars as of right now and I doubt he'll talk more about it.


You look up at the board, and something catches your eye. It looks like one of the exits is near the abandoned little school building, just a few miles from the marked tunnel's exit. Then, it hits you. The underground tunnels!


Y/n: Wait Almond, isn't this Cherry Berry road? (You point to a certain section of the board.)

Detective Almond: Yes. (Sips his coffee)

Y/n: Have you guys looked in the abandoned school's underground tunnels?


He almost chokes on his coffee, letting out a few coughs as he tries to collect himself. You pat his back trying to help him, but he quickly turns to you in shock.


Detective Almond: The Little Cross Chip private school has underground tunnels?!

Y/n: Yeah, you didn't know?

Detective Almond: N-No! How do you know there are tunnels underneath the school?

Y/n: My friends and I went there last October to see if it was really haunted or not. We didn't know it had tunnels until one of my friends went into the basement and we found a secret hatch leading to it.

Detective Almond: Is the school still there?

Y/n: Yeah last I checked about two months ago. One of my friends went back on his own but he didn't get in because he said there were some scary-looking cookies going inside.


Detective Almond runs over to his desk and grabs the speaker piece of his police radio and sets it so every police officer in the city can hear.


Detective Almond: We need all units A1 to D4 to report back to the PD immediately! We're going to need everything we got!

Y/n: Almond Cookie? What's going on?


He turns to you and places his hands on your shoulders to have you focus on him right now.


Detective Almond: Y/n, I need you to go home for today, and don't come out until I tell you to. I have your number. I'll call when everything is over.

Y/n: W-What why?

Detective Almond: Trust me, I need you to stay home while I and the other officers go to that school building and arrest all suspects there. And if any of them escape, they could use this route since it's the quickest way to the airport. I need you to go home right now.

Y/n: What?! But-

Detective Almond: Y/n look at me.


You look up to him and you realize just how close you two are to each other. Your faces are a few inches away from each other and all you can see is how sincere his blue eyes are right now.


Detective Almond: Please Y/n, I don't want to risk you getting hurt. Your home isn't on this route and you should be safe and sound in case they try to escape. Please, do me this favor and go home.

Y/n: ... Okay Almond Cookie, I'll go home.

Detective Almond: (Sighs and smiles) Thank you.


You show him a smile before you say goodbye and head out the door. You just leave the coffee cart outside his office and hurry downstairs. By the time you exit the PD building dozens of police officers run in to prepare for whatever Detective Almond says.




...Two Hours Later...




It's now noon and you've been sitting on the couch watching the news hoping that Almond Cookie is okay.


News Reporter: This city will be a little safer, now that all members of the Sharp Tip Chip Gang and the Loco Coco Gang have just been arrested. The suspects were operating illegal creations and delivering potions through the abandoned school known as the Little Cross Chip private school, built over a hundred years ago but was left to rot back in 1979 due to maintenance problems. The underground tunnels underneath the school served as a gateway for these criminals to go in and out of the city undetected and to continue selling these illegal magic potions. Let's go live with Reporter Dalla Cookie. Dalla, what's going on right now over there?


The scene changes to a reporter standing in front of the abandoned school, police, and police cars everywhere around the building. The gang members are sitting on the ground in front of police officers or sitting in the back of police cars. But more importantly, you see Detective Almond Cookie next to the reporter alive and well, which makes you so happy that he's okay.


Reporter Dalla: I'm standing here with Detective Almond. Tell me sir, how did you know about the underground tunnels underneath this school?

Detective Almond: That information is classified, and all the suspects you see here are innocent until proven guilty in the city's court of law. But we did find massive amounts of dangerous substances and potions. We are carefully confiscating all evidence and taking all suspects to the county jail for processing. Now if you excuse me, I have to make an important phone call.


Detective Almond walks away from the reporter and enters the restricted area behind the police tape where the public can not enter due to police officers making sure no one else can enter the area.


Reporter Dalla: There you have it, another successful police raid to save our beloved city. We'll continue to get more shots of what we are allowed to see and interview anyone around to see where their opinions on this case are.


You then hear your phone ring and you quickly answer it, seeing that it was Almond Cookie.



*Y/n: Hey, is everything okay over there? I'm watching the news right now.*

*Detective Almond: Yes, everything's alright.*



You look at the TV screen and while the reporter was interviewing someone, you can see Almond Cookie talking on the phone with you in the background if you look close enough. He's smiling as he's talking to you.



*Y/n: I'm just really glad that you're okay. You had me a kind of worried, I'll be honest with you.*



You can see him quietly chuckle at your words and you can also see a small blush on his face making you flustered.



*Detective Almond: Well, I'm more glad that you're safe too. By the way, I was just given a day off by the chief this Saturday. Perhaps, if you're free that day, we can go to the local carnival by the docks, just the two of us.*



You quickly kneel so close in front of the TV to see his reaction when you ask...


*Y/n: (Smile) Are you... asking me on a date?*



You see his smile grows wider and the blush on his face turn redder. This makes you ecstatic seeing him like this.



*Detective Almond: Yes, I am. What do you say Y/n?*

*Y/n: Yes! Y-Yeah, I would love to go out with you!*

*Detective Almond: Wonderful, alright I have to go now. I'll call you before seven tonight alright?*

*Y/n: Okay, see you soon.*



You hang up but you never felt this happy before. You're going out with Almond Cookie this weekend!