Purple Yam Cookie X Reader: Just a Few More Days?

You and your friends spent almost two weeks in the Dragon's Valley, staying with the Mala Tribe. Soon-to-be leader, Mala Sauce Cookie, was the one to show you around and even the one to host the amazing and spicy feasts you had every night.

Not only that, but another cookie, Purple Yam Cookie, also happened to be there. And when Mala was done showing her village, Purple Yam took showed us his hometown. Completely different from the Mala Tribe, but still a good experience there as well.

You feel like you really befriended him and Mala. Now, it's time for you and your friends to head on to the next village or town. So, you and your friends stand outside the gates of the Mala Tribe and Mala stands in front of the gates as well, to say her goodbye.


Ginger Bright: Thank you so much for letting us stay in your village, Mala Sauce Cookie!

Y/n: It was so cool how you showed us your firepower moves!

Mala Sauce Cookie: Aw, don't mention it! I'm glad you all enjoyed your stay with us. We Mala Cookies don't mind having visitors!

Strawberry Cookie: Say, where's Purple Yam Cookie? I thought he also wanted to say goodbye.

Mala Sauce Cookie: I don't know. But don't worry! I'll tell him you guys said your byes. But hey! Don't forget to come and visit us when you can! And this time, (laughs) you might want to bring cold refreshments for your sake.

Ginger Brave: We'll see ya soon!

Y/n: Bye Mala!


You're a little sad how Purple Yam Cookie isn't here to say goodbye. But at least Mala will say it for you. Then, just as you and your friends turn around and start walking away...


Purple Yam Cookie: WAIT!!!


As soon as you heard this, all of you turned around and looked in the direction you heard the voice from. Squinting your eyes, you see a cookie running towards the gates where you are. And from what it looks like... it looks like Purple Yam Cookie. And it also looks like he's holding something behind his back. He keeps running towards the gates, almost knocking down those who stood in his way.


Y/n: Purple Yam Cookie?

Ginger Brave: Well, it looks like he gets to say his goodbyes after all.


He finally catches up to you and stops a few feet in front of you.


Purple Yam Cookie: (Catches his breath) Wait... (Catches his breath)...

Y/n: (Smile) Oh, Purple Yam Cookie, you came to say goodbye?

Purple Yam Cookie: (Catches his breath) N-No... I came to... to...


You don't know if he's getting nervous or mad. Well, his expressions, for the most part, since you've been here, always seem to be angry. But this time somehow feels different.


Mala Sauce Cookie: (Sees what he's holding behind his back and smiles) I think what he's trying to say is-

Purple Yam Cookie: (Turns his head towards Mala) I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP! I GOT THIS! (Sighs).

Mala Sauce Cookie: (Snickers)


He turns his head back to you and stares at the ground after meeting your gaze. Then, he shoves a bouquet of purple flowers at you.


Purple Yam Cookie: Here! Take these.


These flowers are different from anything you've seen before but still beautiful. You gladly take the flowers.


Y/n: Aw, thank you! These are beautiful.

Purple Yam Cookie: I was thinking that... maybe...


He lowers his face toward the ground so you don't see him blushing, but you can kind of see him blushing.


Purple Yam Cookie: Maybe if you like to... stay... for a few more days. B-Because I uh...


You take a couple of steps toward him, having a strong feeling about what he's going to say.


Purple Yam Cookie: (Gets mad at himself) I LIKE YOU! I like you okay!?


You knew exactly what he meant by that and it puts a bright smile on your face as you also felt the same way about him. You look at your friends to see what they say. They're also smiling, feeling happy for you.


Ginger Brave: You go on Y/n. We'll be in the next town over for a couple of weeks.


You look back at Purple Yam Cookie, who lowers his head back down the moment you looked back at him. It kind of seemed like he was waiting for you to reject him or something.


Y/n: (Smile) Yeah, I can stay for a couple of weeks.


As shocked as he was that you said yes, it doesn't stop him from doing what he wants to do next.


Purple Yam Cookie: (Smirks) Good to know.


He quickly stands up, but not before he literally sweeps you off your feet. As you're still holding the flowers, and In awe of his boldness, you blush madly.


Y/n: W-What are you-

Purple Yam Cookie: I'm taking you back to my home! You better hold on tight!


He didn't give you another second to say anything else before he runs back inside the gates with you in his arms. And he doesn't stop running for anything or anyone, since taking you back to his home village is more important than what anyone else has to say.


Mala Sauce Cookie: (Laughs) I had a feeling he liked her. I'm just surprised he waited this long to tell her.

Strawberry Cookie: Aw, well either way. They'd look very cute together.