Pirate Cookie X Reader: Finding Your Passion Part Two

A month has passed since you, and your friends escaped from the witch. During that time, you all traveled through a couple of towns and met very friendly Cookies who even offered their place for you all to stay.

Every day is another great day of adventure and an opportunity to meet new Cookies. You and your friends even worked and bought yourselves an IPeanut Phone. So now you have your friends' contacts as well as the contacts of new cookies you met.

Now, you guys finally make it to a small town where it has one of the largest fish markets in the world.


Ginger Brave: We're here!

Ginger Bright: There's so many stands selling different kinds of fish and seafood.

Y/n: We should go to a seafood restaurant! They might even have fish jellies.

Zombie Cookie: Fish jellies?... FISH JELLIES! JELLIES!


Zombie Cookie then makes a run for his life again in search of jellies, making you and everyone else run after him to make sure he doesn't get hurt. You've definitely gotten a lot better at running since almost every town and village you go, Zombie Cookie would always run off in search of whatever kind of jellies he hears about.


Strawberry Cookie: Zombie Cookie! Be careful!

Y/n: Wait!


Meanwhile, close to the docks, a pirate ship parks itself, and two cookies hop off. They walk together toward the market and one of them notices the active fishing boats near the shore.


Sorbet Shark Cookie: oOoOooooOo Ooo?

Pirate Cookie: (Chuckles) Eye, go on lad. Just don't get caught.

Sorbet Shark Cookie: OooO!


Sorbet Shark Cookie then jumps into the water, turning into a shark before heading off to where there're dozens of fishing boats out to catch their reel of the day. Pirate Cookie just walks towards the edge and leans his arms over the stone walls that separate him from the sea. Whenever he is near the sea, he admires its beauty and does not like to be far from it. Unless he's looking for treasure on land.

Inhaling the salty air of the sea, all of it, including him, is bathed in the bright sunlight. What could be better? He thinks to himself. What could be better than staring into the enchanting seas and inhaling the true meaning of freedom? But then he hears a familiar voice he thought he'd never hear again and turns around.


Y/n: Zombie Cookie slow down!

Strawberry Cookie: He's heading for the barrels!

Ginger Bright: Y/n, guard the right side so he doesn't slip again!


He was right. That angelic voice does belong to you.


Pirate Cookie: Y/n?


He smiles after seeing you and your friends running by the docks chasing Zombie Cookie and heads over to you. Meanwhile, Zombie Cookie finally stops and jumps headfirst into one of the empty fish barrels, thinking that there were fish jellies in it.


Strawberry Cookie: (Catches her breath) Well... at least he stopped there.

Y/n: I think (Catch your breath)... we're getting better at running.

Pirate Cookie: Ay, and it seems ya only be getting better at it.


You all turn around and Zombie Cookie sticks his head out of the empty fish barrel.


Y/n: Pirate Cookie!

Pirate Cookie: (Chuckles) Long time, no see huh?

Ginger Brave: I guess we should have figured you'd be here. This is a fish market after all, and pirates do love their seafood.

Pirate Cookie: (Chuckles) If we'd be on me ship, I'd throw you overboard. But yes, we pirates do love seafood.

Strawberry Cookie: Well we are going to a seafood restaurant.

Pirate Cookie: A restaurant? But seafood tastes the best when ya cook it yourself.

Ginger Brave: But we don't know how to cook seafood.

Ginger Bright: Hence why we're going to a seafood restaurant.

Pirate Cookie: Well, why don't ya come to my ship and I'll cook ya some of my old mother's seafood boil recipe.

Y/n: Really? You don't mind us going back on your ship?

Pirate Cookie: Ay, so what do ya say?

Ginger Brave: Well... alright.

Pirate Cookie: Good, ya know what my ship looks like. Now scram, while I'll get what I need.


You and your friend turn around to head for his ship. With you walking behind everyone else, Pirate Cookie stops you by placing his hand on your shoulder.


Pirate Cookie: Say Las, I do need some help carrying a couple of things. Ya mind if you come with me?

Y/n: Yeah, sure.


You and Pirate Cookie walk side by side toward the markets and when Ginger Brave turns his head around and sees you two walking together, he gets an idea of why Pirate Cookie seemed more open to letting them get on his ship.


Pirate Cookie: How ya been since the last we met?

Y/n: I've been doing great. We went to a bunch of different villages and met so many cookies. I even got an IPeanut to keep in context with them. Do you have an IPeanut?

Pirate Cookie: (Chuckles) Why would I need that? I'm a pirate. We have no use for that in the seas.

Y/n: Well, I was thinking that maybe I could get your number. But it's okay if you don't want one.

Pirate Cookie:...Well, maybe I'd consider one. Let me see your number. I'll remember it.

Y/n: Really? You won't forget it?

Pirate Cookie: You be talking to the master of the seas. I remember the map of the stars to navigate through the waves and unto lands.

Y/n:Well alright.


After showing him your number, the two of you continue talking while walking together. Completely unaware of what's happening on top of the hill of the market.




A big empty fish barrel is rolling down the hill, causing every cookie to run and jump over the stands to avoid getting hit. By the time you saw the fish barrel coming your way. You froze, and you shut your eyes, thinking you were going to be hit as it was too late to move.

But the fish barrel doesn't hit you. Because Pirate Cookie was quicker than the barrel and grab you by the waist and pulled you back towards him. The fish barrel misses you by a second and continues rolling down until it hits a wall, causing it to break.

He's mindful of his hook around you but still keeps a good hold on you by placing his hand under his hook and holding your waist. Looking at him, you see him staring at the fish barrel for a couple of seconds before looking down at you.

The wind slightly blows his long curly hair, and it somehow seems like the sun's rays just shine brighter on him.


Pirate Cookie: Are ya alright las?

Y/n: Y-Yeah, I'm alright.


He lets you go and you stand up properly. Your nerves are a little frazzled by what just happened, but you're grateful that Pirate Cookie


Y/n: T-Thanks for the save.

Pirate Cookie: Don't mention it las. Don't want ye missing out on our seafood feast if ye are in the hospital. Now, come. We'd be almost there to a good fisherman I know.




Later That Night...




Pirate Cookie was right about eating seafood that's prepared yourself instead of going to a seafood restaurant. In this case, Pirate Cookie made seafood big enough that almost everyone became full.

He seemed nicer than the first time you met him. He even offered to help you and your friends head to the next land. Allowing you all to stay on his ship for tonight and by morning you all should reach a new land.

Now it's night and like the last time you all were on board, everyone had a blanket and slept on the floor of the deck. But this time you're not sleeping, at least not right now. Right now you stand by Pirate Cookie's side as he steers the ship in the right direction. Sighing in delight, you look up into the beautiful blue night sky and see thousands of shining, bright stars.


Pirate Cookie: I know that feeling las. Ain't nothing like them.

Y/n: I wish I could see a night like this every night. They're all so beautiful.

Pirate Cookie: Tis a sight you never get tired of. Seeing how perfectly the stars complement the ocean waves.

Y/n: I'm really glad we run into you again. I kind of thought the last time we saw each other would be the last time.

Pirate Cookie: (Chuckles) I'm glad to see ya too las. So ye met a lot of cookies?

Y/n: Oh yeah. Most of them were friendly, some even let us stay with them for a day or two before we kept moving.

Pirate Cookie: I hope the fellas haven't been giving you a hard time.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Pirate Cookie: I mean, if the men are bothering you las?

Y/n: What? Oh no, none of them have been a bother or anything like that.

Pirate Cookie: Besides finding your passion. Have ye thought of being with a cookie. Settle down.

Y/n: I mean, I thought about it. But... I don't know...

Pirate Cookie: Aw, don't worry about it las.

Y/n: What about you?

Pirate Cookie: What about me?

Y/n: Have you dated anyone?

Pirate Cookie: Erm well... before I became a pirate, but now no. Ye see, my passion became the sea and finding treasure. My goal is to become the master of the seas one day after finding every treasure I can get me hands on. And I know not a lot of lasses like to be on a ship for most of the day, nor could they handle the dangers of finding treasure and when the waves get rough. But... it would be nice to ah...


While keeping his hold on the wooden steering wheel, he glances at you, seeing you staring back at him with the same smile he never forgot since the day he met you. Right now, it brings him great comfort to not only see you again, but to also have you here and talking to him.


Pirate Cookie: (Smiles) It would be nice to have someone with me.


You just nod your head before looking back at the night sky. His attention then turns back to the sea and the stars above. You then take a glance at him. Seeing him in this scene, his focus on the sea, his hair blowing carelessly in the breeze along with the hem of his clothing. Smiling as he keeps this ship in the right direction, you couldn't help but admire him.

It's kind of hard to explain, but... right now... it's like you have a small crush on him. Throughout your time on land, meeting a lot of new cookies, making new friends and enjoying what the world has to offer. This feeling of comfort, even in silence, is something you haven't experienced before.

You continue to stay with him for an hour, just chatting about whatever came to mind before you let out a tired yawn.


Pirate Cookie: Go on, get some sleep las.

Y/n: (Yawn) Assuming you need to stay out here to steer the ship?

Pirate Cookie: (Chuckles) Yes. Why don't ya use me bed again.

Y/n: Oh I can't. I haven't done any work for you since we got here.

Pirate Cookie: There's no need for that. Let's just say, I favor you more than any of your friends.

Y/n: Haha, okay. Well... (You place your hand on his shoulder) goodnight Pirate Cookie, I'll see you in the morning.


His smile softens as he places his hand on top of yours.


Pirate Cookie: Goodnight Y/n. I'll see ya in the morning.


You don't know where this idea came from but... this just came to mind and all of a sudden you did it. You sort of made the first move. You give him a quick kiss on his cheek.


Y/n: Thanks again.


You walk away and head down inside to go to his room, practically leaving him speechless. Although he was surprised, he felt ecstatic when you kissed him. He watches you leave with a smile on his face until you got down.

A frown appears on his face after you leave. A beautiful clear night sky fills his eyes, and a sigh escapes his lips. In all his years out in both sea and land, looking for treasure, finding treasure, running away from the navy, and got out of some dangerous situations. He's felt the rush coursing through his body so many times that he thought that there couldn't be a feeling better than that. But now, when he thinks back to the feeling in his chest whenever you're near him. And this now, this new feeling when you kissed him.

Unlike anything he's experienced before, this happiness is something he's never experienced before. But he knows that you're going to leave in the morning with your friends and maybe this time he won't see you anymore. He feels a bit sad about it, but he tells himself to get over it as it'll only pain him inside if he keeps thinking about you in a way that... well... in a way that he imagines you being with him all the time.

Little did he and you know, there's someone else out there who's going to get what they want. Stopping at nothing to get it, even if it means... you get unwillingly involved.