Blueberry Pie Cookie X (Student) Reader: My Promise to You

Blueberry Pie Cookie - Mother.

Same concept as the first chapter with Blueberry Pie Cookie being your adoptive mother.




Mother: Focus your energy Y/n.


You open your arms wide, and soon you made the water raise from the clear vase. Then you slowly lift your arms above your head, and now your hands are touching. The water then shapeshifts into the shape of the vase.


Mother: Now bring the water towards you.


Using one of the poses you've read in the book, you bring the water towards you and you made the water swirl around you. Putting your right foot forwards, and with the motion of your arms, you make the water swirl faster around, almost dancing around you before you put it all back into the clear vase.

You stand normally, admiring your performance. And you're not the only one who's happy.


Mother: Congratulations Y/n, you've completed the first test of water bending.

Y/n: Thank you mother.

Mother: Now get some rest. Tomorrow I'll teach you the second phase of water bending.

Y/n: Yes mother.



...A Little While Later...



Though you know you're dreaming, it doesn't make this nightmare any less real. You look for your mother all over the tower, but you couldn't find her anywhere. All of the carefully organized books and scrolls have been thrown all over the tower, some of them even destroyed.


Y/n: Mother! Mother! Mother, please say something! Where are you!?


You wake up almost screaming for your mother. When you wake up, your bedroom door flies open, and your mother's eyes are bright white in color, ready to attack anyone who dares to even think of harming you.

But she doesn't see anyone, and the window is still locked. There's no way anyone could be in your room, not physically, at least. Her eyes turn back to normal as you begin to come down. She then hurries over to you, sitting by your right and comforts you.


Mother: Y/n what happened? Was it a nightmare?

Y/n: Yes, it was horrible. Everything we have in the tower was destroyed and I couldn't find you anywhere. I know it was a dream, but why did it feel so real?


You wipe your tears as Mother uses her powers to have a tissue fly its way over to you and you use it. After you wipe your tears, you lean on your mother, hugging her and thanking the stars that it was only a dream.

Knowing that it would be difficult for you to go back to sleep, Mother uses her powers to help light this room even better. Unlocking the window and letting it open, she calls upon dozens of tiny fireflies to come into the room.

As the full moon's rays enter the room, so do the fireflies. The ceiling is then covered with dozens of fireflies, all start forming a circle. Then some of the fireflies' colors begin to change into your favorite colors.

Almost like a night light, their beautiful different colored lights gently illuminated the room, not too much, but just enough to help calm you down.


Mother: (Smiles) I hope this eases your fears, my daughter.


As you wipe away a tear from your eye, you hug your mother and smile.


Y/n: Thanks Mother.

Mother: My promise to you is that I will always be right here for you. And I intend to keep that promise for as long as I am here.








It was a dark and stormy night. Though there was no sign of the rain calming down, it never bothered Blueberry Pie Cookie as she continued to do her work in the tower.

But while she puts away some ancient scrolls, she hears a knock at the wooden doors below the tower. The tower has twenty floors, and all but the first floor are filled with books and scrolls.

She hears the knocking again and, using her powers; she levitates off the floor and hurries down the many flights of stairs. Once she reaches the end of the stairs, she opens the wooden doors. In her mind, she already knows what she's going to say to the trespasser. That no one, absolutely no one, will be allowed in the tower. Or at the very least, not pass the first floor.

The moment Blueberry Pie Cookie opens the doors, she doesn't see anyone standing. But what she does see is a woven basket, and in that little basket lies a sleeping baby. Covered in a warm blanket and a note on top of the sleeping baby. Blueberry Pie Cookie looks around in case anyone was there, but when she doesn't see anyone, she quickly takes the woven basket with the baby inside the tower.

She takes the note, and it reads...


~Please take care of my baby. I wish I didn't have to give her up. I love her so much, but I have no choice or they would come after her too.~


Blueberry Pie Cookie puts the note down and takes the baby girl in her arms. As soon as she did, the baby slowly opens its eyes. The baby girl smiles at the sight of what she thinks is her mother and almost reaches her arms out to her.

Blueberry Pie Cookie smiles at the baby's reaction to seeing her and then Blueberry Pie Cookie levitates off the ground again before taking the baby with her up the flight of stairs.

The baby continues to smile, almost giggling, still seeing Blueberry Pie staring down at her.

Once Blueberry Pie Cookie makes it to the top floor of the tower, she uses her powers to remove all the light layer of dust that covered the ceiling windows before using her powers again to levitate off the ground, and in mid-air, she slowly rocks the baby to sleep.

Through the ceiling windows, the moon's rays illuminate the room. The smile doesn't leave Blueberry Pie Cookie's face as she continues to slowly rock the baby to sleep. The baby lets out a couple of yawns before drifting off to sleep in her arms.

Being alone had become so familiar to her that she thought it would never bother her, at least, not as much as in the beginning. But for some reason, holding this baby brought her more joy and tranquility than anything else she'd ever experienced before.

It never occurred to her that she would become a mother. Hike, the thought of motherhood never crossed her mind before. But what are the odds of someone leaving their baby for her to take care of? She's been alone in this tower for years. With barely any visitors, but even then they could never enter the tower and all of her time was spent doing what she knows best.

As the baby sleeps in her arms, Blueberry Pie Cookie then realizes something. A moment of enlightenment. With the same gentle radiant smile on her face, she makes this promise.


Blueberry Pie Cookie: I don't know why you're here little one. But my word is true when I say I, my promise to you is that I will always be right here for you.




~~Flashback Ends~~




As Mother's mind comes back now, she realizes that you've fallen back asleep. She smiles before slowly getting up and properly tucks you in before planting a light kiss on your forehead. She then quietly leaves your room, leaving the fireflies to still fly around the ceiling for your sake.

Even after all these years since she's had you, never once has she regretted that promise she made to you. Despite not having given birth to you, she is more than proud to be your mother.