Leek Cookie X Reader: A Beautiful Melody, Part One

Though you live in a small village, everyone sees one another as family. Everyone looks out for each other and you wouldn't move anywhere else. Though it does get lonely when the sun sets and you return home alone. Things haven't been the same since your grandmother passed away, and while you do have close friends to help you cope, you still feel lonely.

As you are carrying your bucket to retrieve some fresh water from the rivers, you hear a beautiful melody belonging to a flute. Leaving your bucket on the ground, you follow the melody of the flute, which doesn't seem like it's far away until you see a man sitting on a rock.

Though his back is facing you, you see him play the bamboo flute. His clan attire is nothing like you have ever seen, but you know his combat attire belongs to a clan. You just wonder which clan he's in since you've seen every clan that in and around the village and none of their combat uniforms is anything like his.


???: I see you like the music I played.


He startles you since he didn't even turn around to see you were there. And you're pretty light on your feet, so you don't think you made much of a noise while walking on the soft grass.


Y/n: Y-Yeah.


He turns around and hops down off the rock. Wow... he's really handsome too. You've never seen this mysterious guy before. Maybe he's visiting someone in your village.


???: No need to be scared of me. I was just passing the time.

Y/n: Oh, well uh... I just wanted to say that you play a beautiful melody. I never heard anything like it.

???: (Smiles) Thank you. What's your name, if I may ask?

Y/n: My name is Y/n, what's yours?

Leek Cookie: I'm Leek Cookie. It's nice to meet you, Y/n.

Y/n: So are you passing through?

Leek Cookie: Yes, I arrived in the morning and plan to continue heading East. Your village is not far from here, right?

Y/n: Yes, but it's a small village though.

Leek Cookie: I don't mind that. I've been to big and small villages.

Y/n; Well, it was nice meeting you, Leek Cookie. I have to go back now. Perhaps I'll see you see today during the market hours.

Leek Cookie: Yes, perhaps.


You leave him be as you walk back to your village alone. He seems like a nice guy. Definitely talented with the bamboo flute, playing the most beautiful melody you have ever heard. And you've been to many music festivals.

You smile, humming out the melody he was playing as you make your way back home.