Butterbear Cookie x (Granddaughter, Child) Reader

You just can't contain your excitement anymore! You can't wait to see grandpa! You're so happy that even while you're seated with seatbelt on you, you begin to jump while looking out the car window.


Mom: I see someone's very excited.

Y/n: Are we there yet? I wanna see grandpa!

Mom: Almost. You brought everything you need? Clothes, toothbrush, your hairbrush?

Y/n: Yes mommy! It's in my backpack.


She parks the car in front of the Merrybear Toy Shop. Since it's bright and early in the morning, no one else is around and the shop isn't open. The second she turns off the car, you unbuckle yourself before opening the door and making a run for the front doors. You are knocking on the door and shouting.


Y/n: Grandpa! Grandpa!

Mom: Y/n! You forgot your backpack.


You weren't even thinking about your backpack. All you care about is seeing grandpa. The front door then opens and you see your grandpa brightly smiling at you.


Grandpa ButterBear: (Laughs) Y/n!

Y/n: Grandpa!


You jump right into his arms and he carries you. Your mom comes over holding your backpack and gives it to him.


Mom: Thanks so much for watching her dad. I know you're really busy making toys and all.

Grandpa: (Smiles) I'm never too busy for my granddaughter. She's in good hands.

Y/n: Can I help you make the toys?

Grandpa: Of course you can.

Mom: I'll be back to pick you up in a couple of days. Be good Y/n.

Y/n: Yes mommy.


After your mom hugs you and Grandpa, he takes you inside while your mom drives off to go on a business trip. He then puts you down and gives you a plate of breakfast he made.


Grandpa: Here, you can eat and watch me paint the toy trains.

Y/n: Okay!


He takes you to his workshop, which is the room behind the counter. It's there that he creates all the toys. Dozens of shelves filled with toys! Teddy bears, wooden colorful blocks, nutcrackers, wooden horses, and so many other toys!

He places a seat next to him and picks you up for you to sit down. He then grabs his own chair and begins to paint the trains one by one. The smile never leaves his face, even while he carefully paints them to his design. You just happily watch him paint the trains and ideas come running through your mind.

Maybe some glitter to help make them sparkle! Or paint the whole train blue or green! He doesn't make any mistakes with all the toys and teddy bears he makes. He's very crafty and uses his imagination and hands to help make all his toys possible.




...A Little While Later...




You're sitting on the wooden floor, playing with a bunch of new toys you found in the toy chest your grandpa made for you. He even made the toy chest too!

You love being in his workshop because there are always new toys on the shelves and in your toy chest. But your favorite part is when the shop opens and you help other kids pick out their new toys and help your grandpa at the front counter.


Grandpa: I'm so glad I have my little helper with me. You can place all the teddy bears on the low shelves when we open the shop.

Y/n: Yay! Can you open the store now?

Grandpa: (Laughs) Not yet. We still have a few minutes.


He then finishes painting the toy trains, and he picks you up to leave the workshop and back into the store. He has you sit on the wooden front counter while he reaches for a box below the counter before putting it on the counter in front of you.


Y/n: What's that?

Grandpa: It's the teddy bears.


He opens the box, and you see over a dozen of colorful teddy bears. But there's one teddy bear that catches your eye better than the rest.

This teddy bear is a beautiful shade of light purple, has a jewel on its forehead, and some glitter all over it, and is wearing a beautiful purple dress. You pick the teddy bear up, and it's the only bear that looks the way it looks while the others are in regular colors.


Y/n: It's so pretty! Can I have it grandpa?

Grandpa: Hmm, I'll tell you what. If no one picks this one tonight, then it's all yours.

Y/n: Okay!


Now you really hope that no other cookie tries to get this bear. You grab the box and hop off the counter with it so you can put them on the shelves.

Minutes later, as you finish putting the last teddy bear on the shelf, your grandpa opens the front doors and the children come happily running in. You just walk around and talk to your friends and make new friends as you help them pick out a toy.

While you talk to a couple of other cookies, one of the parents comes to talk to your grandpa.


Lady: Is that your granddaughter over there Butterbear Cookie?

Grandpa: Why yes she is. I'm looking over her for a couple of days.

Lady: Aw how sweet. She's cuter than a button.

Grandpa: I know. I can't wait to give her her present. It's a very special toy I made just for her to have for years. And I already know she's going to love it.


A couple of hours pass and you haven't forgotten about the purple teddy bear you wanted. You make sure to keep an eye on it and whenever a child gets near it; you help them pick out another teddy bear.

Now you're talking to one of your friends who is showing you the wooden train she's getting for her younger brother. But unfortunately, the minute you turn your back away from the purple teddy bear, a girl happily grabs it and takes it to the counter where her mother is waiting. And when you finally turn around, you see that the bear is gone and when you look at the front; you see the girl hugging it tightly before she leaves the toy store with her mother.




...Later That Night...




After putting on your pajamas, your grandpa enters the room to tuck you into bed. It was still obvious that you haven't smiled since the other cookie grabbed the teddy bear you wanted.


Grandpa: What's wrong Y/n? You haven't been smiling or cheerful.

Y/n: Someone else grabbed the teddy bear you made. The pretty purple one.

Grandpa: Don't be sad my little gumdrop button. I do have a surprise for you.

Y/n: What is it?


Then, from behind his back, he reveals to you the same pretty purple teddy bear. Only this one had your name sewn into the dress the bear is wearing.


Grandpa: I was thinking of giving this to you in the morning, but it seems like you will fall asleep a lot better with this one by your side.

Y/n: Thank you grandpa! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


You take the teddy bear and hug it with all your might before laying down on the bed. You tuck yourself in with the teddy bear in your arms as your grandpa makes sure that the blanket is over you before turning on your nightlight.


Grandpa: Good night gumdrop, sleep well. We have a big day tomorrow.

Y/n: (Yawn) Good night grandpa.


It doesn't take long before you begin to drift into dreamland with the teddy bear in your arms. Your grandpa smiles at you before quietly shutting the bedroom door as he leaves.