Chapter 5: Does it not matter anymore?

### Bitter Revelations

The moment Dou Zi left Lanz's office, he headed straight to the restroom. There, he vomited up every last bit of the coffee he had ingested. Despite his efforts to seem strong and unaffected, the bitterness was too much for him. He had always hated bitter things, but he forced himself to drink it to show Lanz that he was no longer the same person.

As Dou washed his face at the sink, he caught sight of his pale reflection in the mirror. His hands were still trembling. Despite his shaky state, he managed a sad smile and spoke to his reflection, "Look at you... pathetic. You can't even keep it together in front of him. He's looking at you with those proud, alpha eyes, and you're falling apart."

He splashed more water on his face, as if trying to wash away the memories of what Lanz had done to him five years ago. "We were just childhood friends. No big deal," he told himself, though he knew deep down it was a big deal. The betrayal still stung, and he vowed not to let those who had wronged him live in peace, especially his sister.

### The Mysterious Gecko

Outside the restroom, Dou's loyal assistant, Jin, grew worried. He had been waiting for quite some time, and Dou still hadn't emerged. Just as he was about to knock, the door swung open, revealing Dou. Something was different about him.

"Sir, are you okay?" Jin asked, concern etched on his face.

Dou replied with a nonchalant hum, "Let's go meet our next client."

The trio—Dou, Jin, and the stoic bodyguard—headed out to meet their strategist, known as Gecko. Gecko was notorious for his scams, particularly against businessmen. If you crossed paths with Gecko, your business was doomed. Dou had plans for Gecko: he wanted to ensure that everything his family owned would be stripped away.

### An Unexpected Visitor

After a long, eventful day, Dou returned to his villa, looking forward to a hot bath. However, as he arrived, he found his rival and old friend, Shan Shou, waiting at the gate. Shan Shou was an alpha from a rival gang, and while their gangs were on good terms, there was always a sense of competition between them. Shan, despite being a Yakuza, was known for his cheerful demeanor, which often contrasted sharply with his fearsome reputation.

Dou smiled as he stepped out of his car. "What brings you to my little condo, Shan?"

Shan grinned mischievously. "How could you leave without me, buddy? I thought we were brothers who went bad together forever! And then I hear you're switching sides without even telling me. How could you? You know you're my soulmate. How could you leave without saying goodbye?"

Dou rolled his eyes. "Shut up and come in. And by the way, how long are you going to keep claiming I'm your mate? No matter how many times you say it, it won't make it true."

Shan pouted, making exaggerated puppy eyes. "Why don't you treat me well? Even after I confessed my love to you? You're so mean!"

Dou ignored Shan's antics, knowing that indulging him would only lead to more nonsense. The alpha was too cheerful for his own good. Despite their differences, they were alike in some ways: a beautiful omega and a too-cheerful alpha, both seeming out of place but deadly serious when it came to business.

### A Warm Welcome

Dou finally made his way inside to take his much-needed bath while Shan reunited with Pixie, a little white dog Dou had once rescued and Shan had named. Shan claimed Pixie looked like a fairy, hence the name. Meanwhile, Jin had prepared a sumptuous feast for them. The villa, though large, was home to Dou, Jin, and the bodyguard, along with a few gang members who helped out from time to time.

When Dou emerged from his bath, the delicious smell of Jin's cooking wafted through the house. Dou's stomach growled in response.

"Wow, Jin, you really went all out. Where's the stone-faced guy?" Dou asked, referring to his bodyguard.

"He's taking a bath. He'll be out soon," Jin replied.

Dou glanced at the dining table, filled with a feast that made his mouth water. He then noticed Shan, already stuffing dumplings into his mouth and reaching for the pork ribs.

"Hey, Shan! How could you start eating without the host?" Dou chided, feigning annoyance.

Shan waved him off, talking around a mouthful of pork. "Don't worry, there's plenty to go around. And hey, prepare a room for your buddy, will you? I'm desperate to help with your revenge. Let me do something, okay?"

Dou sighed but couldn't help but smile at Shan's antics. Despite his playful exterior, Shan was a force to be reckoned with when it came to business. "Fine, you can stay. But I need you to take care of my sister. I want her broke, humiliated, and with no one to turn to."

Shan's expression shifted from playful to serious, his cheerful demeanor replaced by a cold, intimidating look that made Jin shudder. Shan may have seemed lighthearted, but he was never one to be taken lightly.

### A Cheerful Feast

Dinner was a lively affair. Shan, despite his earlier whining, showed his appreciation for Jin's cooking by eating heartily and complimenting every dish. Dou couldn't help but laugh at Shan's antics as he devoured the meal with gusto, contrasting starkly with his intimidating presence moments earlier.

"Jin, you're a genius! This food is incredible!" Shan exclaimed between bites of pork ribs and dumplings.

"Glad you like it," Jin replied, blushing slightly at the praise.

As the evening progressed, Shan continued to joke and banter, trying to lift Dou's spirits. Despite Dou's initial resistance, he found himself laughing more than he had in a long time. Shan's infectious energy was impossible to resist, and for a brief moment, Dou felt a sense of normalcy amidst the chaos of his life.

### The Calm Before the Storm

Later, as Dou lay in bed, he thought about the day's events and the challenges ahead. He knew that with Shan by his side, things might get a little crazier, but they'd also be more fun. And with allies like Gecko and Shan, he felt more confident in his quest for revenge.

But as he drifted off to sleep, the image of Lanz's face kept haunting him. Despite his determination to make those who wronged him pay, a part of him couldn't help but wonder if things could ever be different. If there was a chance, however slim, that he and Lanz could find a way back to the friendship they once had.

Tomorrow was another day, and Dou knew it would bring new challenges and opportunities. But for now, he allowed himself to rest, comforted by the presence of his friends and the knowledge that he was not alone in his fight.

### A Rival's Visit

The next morning, Dou was awoken by the sound of Shan's laughter echoing through the villa. As he made his way downstairs, he found Shan and Jin playing with Pixie in the living room, their carefree antics a stark contrast to the serious business that lay ahead.

"Morning, sleepyhead!" Shan called out, waving a piece of bacon in the air.

"Morning," Dou replied, shaking his head with a smile. "What's so funny this early?"

"Oh, just Pixie here trying to catch a bacon strip. She's quite the little jumper!" Shan said, laughing as Pixie leapt up to snatch the bacon from his hand.

Dou joined them for breakfast, feeling a sense of camaraderie and warmth that had been missing from his life for so long. Despite the looming challenges, he felt hopeful. With friends like Shan and Jin by his side, he knew he could face whatever came his way.

As they finished their meal, Dou looked at Shan with a serious expression. "Shan, about my sister…"

Shan nodded, his playful demeanor giving way to a more serious tone. "Don't worry, Dou. I'll take care of her. She won't know what hit her."

Dou smiled, feeling a sense of relief. With Shan's help, he was confident that he could bring those who had wronged him to justice. And maybe, just maybe, he could find a way to heal the wounds of the past and build a new future for himself and those he cared about.