Chapter 6: sister Fei

### A Plot of Revenge

Dou Zi couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and satisfaction knowing that those who had caused him so much pain would finally get what they deserved. The wheels of revenge were in motion, and he felt a grim sense of purpose as he contemplated the fates of those who had wronged him. Chief among them was his sister, Dou Len.

Dou Zi's family had always harbored a deep-seated hatred for omegas, a sentiment his mother never hid. She had often told Dou Zi, even when he was a child, that omegas were disgusting and dishonorable, only good for bringing shame to their families. It was a cruel irony that Dou Zi himself had turned out to be an omega. It seemed like life's twisted way of punishing him for some unknown crime.

Growing up, Dou Zi's sister, Dou Len, was the favored child, spoiled and pampered by everyone. In contrast, Dou Zi was raised to shoulder the family's burdens, expected to be the man of the house. His sister never liked him, a sentiment that was made clear throughout their childhood. As a result, Dou Zi spent most of his holidays at his grandmother's house in the countryside, where he met Lanz, his only friend. Lanz became like a brother to him, and they grew up together, with Dou Zi even switching schools just to be closer to him.

Dou Zi had once believed that no one could care for him as much as Lanz did, until he met Sister Fei five years ago. She was the daughter of a powerful Yakuza lord and had been raised in luxury and affection. She took a liking to Dou Zi, and even after discovering he was an omega, she made him her best friend. Despite his self-hatred for being an omega, Dou Zi accepted that he couldn't change his nature. He decided to dedicate his life to making those who despised him pay, so that he could finally find peace.

Two years before Dou Zi's canceled wedding, his sister had married but had not borne a child, refusing to become pregnant herself. Instead, she desired an heir for her husband without the burden of pregnancy. When Lanz called off the wedding, Dou Zi manifested as an omega. Seizing the opportunity, Dou Len conspired with their mother and a doctor to use Dou Zi as a surrogate.

During a painful heat, Dou Zi was drugged and, after three days, found himself tied up in a laboratory. When he confronted his sister, she revealed her plan with a chilling calmness, saying, "Oh, little brother, you've finally become useful to me. Maybe now I'll hate you a little less."

Dou Zi, puzzled and heartbroken, asked why she hated him so much. With venom in her voice, Dou Len replied, "You don't know why? I was everyone's favorite until you were born. Everyone was obsessed with your green eyes and perfect curly golden hair. I mean, I have the same hair, except mine is blonde! Dad even said he'd make you the heir of his company, not even knowing your second gender. What about me? I did everything to make them hate you, but they always forgave you. Now, you'll carry my husband's children because that's all you'll ever be good for—a human incubator!"

Tears rolled down Dou Zi's cheeks as he listened to his sister's tirade, realizing that his entire childhood had been a lie. Betrayed by his family and his closest friend, he thought all hope was lost until Sister Fei rescued him. For five years, he served the Mafia, gaining the freedom and power he needed to exact his revenge. Now, he was ready to make everyone who had hurt him pay dearly.

### A Tense Encounter

As Dou Zi checked the time, he put on his jacket. Today, he was meeting Lanz to review models for the casinos and clubhouse they were working on together. Despite the animosity between them, business demanded their cooperation.

In another part of town, Lanz couldn't shake off the worry gnawing at him. After going through the file his cousin Fanxi had left, he learned that Dou Zi had been bullied but was otherwise fine. The most troubling revelation was that Dou Zi seemed to have many suitors, something that didn't sit well with Lanz. The idea of other alphas vying for Dou Zi's affection made his blood boil. Determined to clear the air and perhaps rekindle a semblance of their past relationship, Lanz decided to ask Dou Zi out for dinner.

### The Office Meeting

Dou Zi arrived at the office building, his mind a whirl of conflicting emotions. Steeling himself, he entered the conference room where Lanz was already waiting. The tension in the room was palpable, and Dou Zi couldn't help but notice the subtle signs of discomfort on Lanz's face.

"Dou Zi, good to see you," Lanz began, his voice betraying a mix of anxiety and hope.

"Let's get to business," Dou Zi replied curtly, avoiding eye contact.

They spent the next hour reviewing architectural models and blueprints, discussing logistics and financial projections. Despite the professional facade, an undercurrent of unresolved feelings lingered between them.

"Dou Zi, I know we've had our differences," Lanz finally said, breaking the tense silence. "But I'd like to take you out to dinner tonight. Maybe we can talk, clear the air between us."

Dou Zi looked at him, his eyes hard and cold. "You think a dinner will fix everything? You think you can just sweep the past under the rug and pretend nothing happened?"

"Dou Zi, please," Lanz pleaded. "I know I've made mistakes, but I want to make things right. I want to understand what happened to you, to us."

Dou Zi stared at Lanz for a moment, then let out a bitter laugh. "You really think you can fix this? Fine. I'll go to dinner with you. But don't expect things to magically get better."

### The Dinner Revelation

That evening, Dou Zi and Lanz met at an upscale restaurant. The ambiance was intimate, with soft lighting and quiet music. Dou Zi wore a black suit that accentuated his sharp features, while Lanz had opted for a more casual, yet stylish outfit. As they sat down, the tension between them was almost tangible.

Lanz tried to start with small talk, but Dou Zi cut him off. "Let's skip the pleasantries. Why did you want to have dinner with me, Lanz?"

Lanz sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I wanted to talk about us, about what happened. I miss you, Dou. I miss our friendship. I want to understand why things went so wrong."

Dou Zi's eyes narrowed. "You want to understand? Fine. Let's start with the fact that you abandoned me. You left me to deal with everything alone. You were supposed to be my friend, Lanz. But you turned your back on me when I needed you the most."

Lanz's face fell. "Dou, I never meant to hurt you. I thought I was doing the right thing by giving you space. I didn't know what you were going through."

Dou Zi's eyes flashed with anger. "You didn't know because you didn't care to find out! You were too busy with your own life to even bother. Do you have any idea what it feels like to be betrayed by the one person you thought you could trust?"

Lanz was at a loss for words, the weight of Dou Zi's accusations hanging heavy in the air. Before he could respond, Dou Zi continued, his voice trembling with emotion.

"Do you know what it's like to be used and discarded by your own family? To be turned into a tool for their gain? My sister… she…" Dou Zi choked on the words, unable to continue.

Lanz reached across the table, placing a hand on Dou Zi's. "Dou, I'm so sorry. I had no idea. If I had known—"

"You would have done nothing," Dou Zi spat, pulling his hand away. "You think an apology will make up for years of betrayal and pain? It's too late, Lanz. You can't fix this. You can't fix me."

### A Shocking Proposal

After dinner, Lanz drove Dou Zi home. The car ride was silent, each lost in their own thoughts. As they pulled up to Dou Zi's villa, Lanz turned to him.

"Dou, I don't know if you'll ever forgive me, but I want to help you. I want to be there for you. Please, let me try."

Dou Zi looked at him, his expression unreadable. "You think you can just waltz back into my life and everything will be fine? You think you can make up for years of pain with a few kind words?"

Lanz shook his head. "No, but I want to try. I want to help you, Dou. I care about you."

Dou Zi laughed bitterly. "You care about me? You've got a funny way of showing it. But fine, if you really want to help, then prove it. Help me take down my sister. Help me make her pay for what she did to me."

Lanz's eyes widened in shock. "Dou, I don't think—"

"No, you don't think," Dou Zi snapped. "You never did. But if you really want to make things right, you'll do this. You'll help me destroy her."

Lanz was taken aback, the weight of Dou Zi's request sinking in. "Dou, that's not—"

"It's the only way, Lanz," Dou Zi said, his voice cold and determined. "If you want to prove you care, you'll do this for me. Otherwise, don't bother trying to fix things between us. We're done."

Lanz sat in stunned silence, realizing that he had a choice to make