A masquerade gala

The big star entertainment industry is one of the most famous and best films producing company in the whole country, it has the most famous awards and best movies of all times, plus the company cemented its legacy about three decades ago, to be an actor in big star it's a great deal in x city and a big opportunity.

Since big star is known for its grand opening of most of their box office series, the opening of the IMMORTAL PRINCE is actually no different, after the long awaiting wait, big star finally set a date for the opening gala of the new up coming series, and the theme is all about color and customs,

And so the night of the gala, Shan invited Dou Xi to be his plus one,

At first the omega was against it until he heard that sister Fei will be attending as well, actually her own reasons are on a complete different level, after all The invitation is only for major shareholders and big tv stars of the show, producers and script writers and editors. You really have to be a big shot or a serious somebody to be able to attend this kind of gala.

Shan went for a black with wine red colored coat, kinda in line with his character, then a black face mask that only covers his eyes and half his nose.

Chen and Secretary Jin drove the two to the party, knowing that the boss is with Shan, the two were quite relaxed, after all the alpha is quite good when is comes to protecting their boss.

Walking in the party it was quite a shock there are two people who are wearing the same exact custom, the only difference is the color of their hair. One has a shimmering golden hair while the other has a dark hair, that some how glimmer in the light. The two men with the same outfits.

The little actor was the first to say something

Fanxi; oh my gush; I actually don't believe this please tell me you are dressed as the little white prince????

Dou xi; yes you are correct, I suppose since you are wearing the same outfit as me.

Fanxi smiled before picking two glass of red handing one over to Dou xi, while lifting his glass; I propose a toast.... to the little white prince!!!

With a smile the two drank, and just like that they greeted guests together while walking around the party, after a little stroll the two found them selves at a very beautiful garden, with no one at sight, Fanxi removed his mask and and placed it on the swing he was seated on....; he looked at the golden haired prince who is radiating with elegance that is just befitting of a prince before saying;

You know you are the perfect image of the white prince, you even have his golden hair with green eyes, well unless it is not your real hair!!! And that aurora it's quite something, am guessing from your attitude you don't seem to talk much, unlike me...

Dou was silent for a while as if thinking of what to say before he replied; you noticed that huh, I love this character when I was a young boy, as I kid I thought everything was possible, especially after reading the little white prince, he was courageous and brave, never afraid of danger and most importantly he saves his one true love, I guess I wanted to be like that as a kid but you know... reality is a cruel bitch.

And that's why I don't blame you for lying about your gender Fanxi !!!

And just like that the actor froze like he was made of ice, he was scared, shocked and lost, so he muttered: are you here to destroy my career??? To tell everyone that am a fraud???

Dou zi removed his mask revealing his face before answering in a slow simple voice; God no... I have no problem with you I bet you know me and am also just an omega just as you, but on a deeper level.

I won't do such a thing, because you are an omega you came all this way from your talent and hard-work, in fact if you ever have any one giving you a hard time just let me know.

Unknown to Dou zi, that ever since the time he removed his face mask, the omega beside him became speechless, he couldn't believe he had fun all night with Dou zi the second in command of the black wolf gang, it's so refreshing and amazing that he couldn't believe it himself.

Dou zi turned to ask why the other was quite when out of nowhere Fanxi jump on him saying, it a pleasure to finally meet you, I really love and admire you, you are just too cool, please let me take a picture with you to remember this moment