Face to face

Fanxi was looking at Dou zi with so much admiration, he brought out his phone with the same agenda in mind which is to take a picture with Dou zi, he just can't wait to show his friends that he was hanging out with the second in command mafia lord Who is an omega.

But all his joy and excitement died the moment the omega said no.

Fanxi sobs but why????

Dou zi then tried to reason with the omega, telling him reasons why it's not a good idea for them to be seen together, especially in a photo, one am a yakuza and you an actor, it's going to affect your reputation.... Dou zi place a hand on his forehead, why don't you get that!!!

Dou zi had no idea what he had just done, now the actor is feeling so special, saying you cared about me this much, that you are worried about my fans too????

Dou zi was in lost of words so he simply replied with a nod, Fanxi hugged him before saying, it's my queue so let's exchange contact ID....Dou zi couldn't reject him anymore, even though he doesn't intend to make a new friend, maybe keeping this guy will come in handy.

After exchanging IDs Fanxi was called on stage just like he said they would, so the actor left him in the garden and hurried inside, and so he was left alone for a while before he felt another persons presence.

Turning around he saw Xoa Laung making a phone call, the doctor seems rather tense for some reason, as soon as his call ended Xoa laung noticed that he wasn't alone there and the person is none other than the man he never thought will be there at that moment.

Dou zi waved at the alpha, some how glad that he removed his masks earlier. The alpha was more than delighted to see him, he also commented on his custom, Dou zi wanted to ask if Lanz came but he couldn't bring himself to ask,

So Lanz was here earlier did you get to meet, I mean of course you meet right??? The doctor was making a statement but he wasn't sure.

And just when Dou zi was about to say no, Lanz was right there staring at him, some how the aura today is different..... Dou zi felt an urge to walk right up to Lanz but his reasoning just won't let him.

When in reality, Lanz was just surprise to see the omega in such a dashing way.

After regaining his composure Dou zi was able to say something in time, what a pleasant surprise Mr Fu I didn't expect to see you in such an occasion!!!

Fu Lanzi simply reply with; I am one of major shareholders of the series...

The omega only replied with an oh, actually he never thought the alpha was interested in showbiz.

Xoa Laung understand that he actually might be a third wheel so he excuse himself, leaving the two alone.

At that moment Dou zi also wanted to leave but now it's awkward. He was lost in thought he didn't notice the alpha has been talking to him.

Zi I know you don't want to talk about it but I never had the chance to apologize five years ago, am sorry I was a jerk to you and I have been ashamed of myself since, I know you can't forget it but can't we start over???

Dou zi lifted his head to look at the alpha, but mumbling "you want to start over" it's not a movie for you to rewind it, am sorry do you even know what you are saying???, we were friends for good twelve years, I trusted you, I even thought we could work, but what did you do huh....., we where buddies you could tell me anything, ha but you humiliated me, betrayed my love for you, left me in the church because I was an omega???

For two years I hated my gender but not anymore, look at me now, am with the mafia now, we have both in common any more and we are never ever gonna be the way we used to, but just to assure you.... my work won't be apart of my personal life, business stays business and one more thing am not single am with someone now I suggest you give up.

And for the record I forgave you but remember we have nothing in common now!!!

The omega left and behind him the alpha was called him once but he didn't even turn. Lanzi could only sigh and that's when it came to him like a wave, did the omega just said he has someone???

And so before the party ended, Dou zi watch his sister from the sidelines, he just can't wait to destroy the prideful smile she has right now, but now it's not the time, he wants to go with the saying the higher you go, the deeper you fall.

Meanwhile Lanzi is left to find out who is Dou zi's lover???