Hormone shower

It's been a week since Dou zi went unconscious.

Current day

In a slightly deemed room, Shan was arranging some beautiful white orchids in a flower vase, the white flower complimented the interior of the room,

After arranging the flower he walked in steady steps that is barely audible to the wide glass window which is opposite the big bed, the window is covered with thick white Curtains, holding a remote control in his hands he pressed the bottom and one side of the curtains opened half way.... from the second floor he could see outside, even though the glass is a little blurry because of the warm temperature of the room every thing outside is covered in snow....., it sure is a amazing how everything thing seems to be covered in white.

Shan was completely lost in thought when he heard a cracking low voice saying; is the view to your taste????

Shan turned anxiously to see the omega who is struggling to get out of bed...., but Shan wasn't having it, in fast long strokes he reached the omega, before saying; don't even think about it Mr tough guy, here I was nearly having a heart attack, because of you and now you just want to get out of bed with the same lame excuse that you are totally fine....

Shan was pouring a glass of warm water for the omega, while giving him an ear full of of scolding, you take everything for granted when it comes to you, do you think no one cares about you.....

Shan passed him the water before saying; if you really think no one in the whole world does..., Ha shan took a long breath with an expression that Dou zi has never seen before..., please at least consider me, think about my feelings, how am going to feel if you are gone????

sighs please don't ever scare me like that again !!!

For the first time the omega was rendered speechless..., when the alpha noticed that he wasn't going to argue back, he excused himself, I will call sister Fei to give you a full body check up now that you are awake.

With that the alpha left the room, leaving the omega feeling touched by his actions.

Sister Fei finally finished the check up; ok this is progress, your fever is down and also the wild ranging hormones but, there is a major problem, you need to get marked..... the shock on the omega's face says it all before Fei finished her sentence, it's only temporal, and you are officially off medication, Don't ever over dose your drugs like that again, cuz I can assure you the side effects next time won't be as easily controlled as the last time.

And by the way we were thinking maybe Shan could give a temporary mark just till your stable or able to control your hormones.

Sighs do I have to... am totally fine, maybe i kinda over dose my drugs a little bit.

A little bit you say...., you were under serious condition, I had to put you on oxygen for three days straight because you couldn't breathe on your own, totally unconscious for a week and now you just say a little bit.....!!!

Sister Fei was really enraged, and now Dou zi realize he is in no position to argue with the two, so resigning to he faith he said; ha ok Shan I will be in your care, please take care of me....., looking at his sister who has a pleased expression he asked; happy???

The omega was really sulking this time, he clearly knows that acting cute is the only way to get through his sister.

Sister Fei also replied sarcastically, yes very much thank you.

Ok then I will leave you two to get started, Shan you know what to do.

Yes, Shan turn to the omega, his gaze unfailing, his red hair is neatly combed, his tanned skin complexion completely complement his face, he simply looks dashing, Dou zi who has been sitting down on his bed the whole time, stared at him without a word, Shan started moving towards the bed while saying; you know how I always tease you asking you to be my lover, though I never thought it will come true my darling, this is such an honor!!!!

the omega just frown his face all he wants right now is to get back to work; Ok we get it, he says with his face looking bored, you really want to milk the situation don't you, just get it over with already, am currently in heat so this is perfect, just don't make it permanent, you know how I don't want to get tide up to any one.

Shan smiled before saying don't worry, am just masking with my scent this is simply done without biting your nape so there can't be any mistakes.

Dou zi smiled, in actuality he has no idea how it is done, and before he knows what's happening his lips were being taken by Shan, the kiss came as a surprise more like a shock to the omega who was totally not expecting it,

It felt like a long time has passed but in reality it only took like a minute.

After pulling away Shan asked the dazed omega how he was feeling, but the next thing the omega said took the alpha by surprise

That... that was my first kiss you know, and now it's with you....., ahhhh..., I always imagine it with some pretty lady not some guy I barely like.....

Haha so you are saying that you like me just a little bit

Get out that not the point, how could you only get that out of everything I just said. Just please go get me something to eat am staving

Of course the alpha was already by the door, ok i will get you some porridge, just stay in bed you need to rest.

I need to rest!! I was out for a week, oh meehn A WEEK!! He screamed as if just realizing how long he was unconscious... ha now I will have to deal with a lot of paper work, oh no what time is it!!!

In the middle heart of the city, Lanzi is seated in his office, with lots of paperwork but he can't bring himself to focus, dressed in a dark blue suit, with his black hair neatly arranged, the alpha looked like a prince from a fairytale comic or a model on a magazine cover, he was a little nervous earlier this morning, but now he is anxious, his secretary informed him that Dou zi won't be attending the arrange meeting scheduled by noon based on some emergency.

He couldn't help but feel like the omega might not be Feeling well.

Just when the alpha took his seat, the little trouble maker he doesn't intend to see today just walked into his office; who else hangs around his office like he owns the place if not Fanxi