The immortal prince

After taking his seats calmly, the omega who is dressed in the most beautiful black leather jacket with a nice designer black shirt with a picture of a wolf on it, his jean have chains and he has a very vibrant sets of boots, any one who sees him knows he is wearing expensive designers even though the actor didn't actually buy this outfit he is just wearing it in the request of the designer for promoting the brand. Fanxi starred at the alpha who looked like the world has ended for him,

Good morning still starring at the alpha who seems to not noticed him; but the omega is already used to this attitude, so he decided to what he is good at..., hmmm do you know he is a very stubborn man but he is also very kind and compassionate, who am I kidding you know that about him already, he can't keep denying it all the time you know, he will come around some day I know it!!!

The alpha sighed before asking; you think so??? I don't know any more, I rejected him five years ago to protect him and now he is even in more danger all around.....

The omega interrupts him with a No you are wrong, Dou zi is the only first omega I have seen to have ever become a yakuza who is in charge of alphas and betas, he is a tough guy you should have more faith in his abilities, me and him are kinda alike ...

You know I had a talk with him at the gala, it's funny how we had the same outfit of the little white prince, I realized that he is a very simple yet understanding person, I know it will be hard for you to wait for him to really forgive you but I know he will. Sometimes seeing you this hurts makes me wonder if fated pair is like a fairytale like every one says it is or like a curse because of how you are hurting.

He is your pair he can't avoid his destiny, with time he will forgive you and himself I know it.

Lanzi raised his head to look at Fanxi, this might be the only time he didn't make a joke out of him.

The alpha said thanks, oh okay then I should be going now. I actually came over to check on how your doing today, I have a scene to shoot later so I will be heading to the set, see ya and call me if you need my help with anything....!!

With that the movie star left the company, with all the employees giggling with joy, haven seen their favorite movie star this morning, they are more than happy to go on.

Back at the villa

Here is some porridge, the omega collected the bowl that was half way filled, the food looks appetizing or maybe because he is staving, it has some green from the spring onions and small chops of pork and chicken inside, the omega ate the food that tastes great in his mouth, he couldn't help but ask the alpha who is seated beside him reading a manuscript,

Hey ... ummm who made this, its's amazing how tasty this is..., it's so tasty and yummy oh it must be Jin or little Fei no it can't be sister she is not very good with porridge.

The alpha raised his head his face with a sign of mockery, he looked at Dou zi whose face seems to say he really is enjoying the food, his eyes is all light up and he is making such a cute face, making Shan wants to tease him more so he teased; so you are saying you love me or my cooking ????

The omega looked at the alpha and laughed, ain't you only good at making cold ramen and cup noodles.....????

Well that's not very nice of you, but I will have to disappoint you, because I made this for you earlier this morning, I knew you where going to wake up fully today because you regain consciousness last night when I was back from the set, and by the way I have good news for you, about your sister...., so get well soon everything is going according to your plans.

The omega couldn't help but feel better, finally he will show those who hurt him pain.

Back at the set

The moment the omega reached set he meet his manager, who just finished speaking with the director, the manager seems desperate so the Fanxi just said just spit it out already.

And with that the manager said; ok hear me out don't get mad or anything it's just for the series and it's temporary, we need you to leave your make up on even after shooting, Fanxi was walking fast with his manager following behind, the moment he heard what the man Said he stopped abruptly....!!!making his manager bumped unto his back

Ahhh what did you say??? the omega turned to his manager to ask if he actually hears him correctly so he decided to elaborate on the question..., You mean to say am ...supposed ...stay ...old ..traditional ..custom my normal daily life ????but why???? Every word the omega said was stressed

The young manager is still touching his now pink nose, while saying but it only for a week,

Up to a week that's crazy I can't go around in an ancient custom even if am an actor, and my friends will laugh at me

It's just so that way we could save time, putting that on takes like thirty minutes, and as you know, the female leads always take time during filming, she always either forgets her lines or doesn't have the right expression, but for some reason she is a top actress because of her husband and father,

please do me this favor, they will increase your allowance and I promise to get you into a very exclusive interview.

Sighing Fanxi was happy that he doesn't have a scene together with Dou Len today, that is quite a relief, yesterday they had to take about thirty take for different scenes she got wrong, in fact the scene he will be playing today was supposed to be done Like two days ago,

Ok I understand but you better keep your word, since we are behind schedule I will consider it!!!

Ha thank you, you are just too beautiful from inside out

Yeah yeah no need to praise me for doing my work, please let's get my makeup ready.

Ok done, we just have one more little adjustment, we need to dye your hair, to white, the manager said this while trying to hide away from the uproar, because it's a known fact that the actor is very sensitive about his hair

But instead Fanxi made a very funny reaction while touching his hair in a very dotting way, but I don't want to dye my hair, it light purple and I like it, my fans also likes it it compliments my hair, how could you, he looks like he was about to cry with a very cute expression, his manager could swear he saw his eyes glitter like in the movies

Before the manager could say anything, they heard someone laughing, turning they saw Shan who just said, that was cute

Meanwhile the moment the Fanxi turned and saw him laughing at him he froze, oh no there goes his reputation of being a very responsible, but what puzzled him was did Shan just said he was cute?????

The alpha himself was more than shocked to realize he said that out loud, but Like professional they decided to ignore the situation and pretend it didn't happen.