let me be your gun

Dz was only able to sleep because because he was too tried to keep his eyes open, with reluctants he tries to rest his eyes, placing his phone on silent. he laid quietly on the bed before he falls asleep, remembering what happened two days ago, when he visits the doctor, his heats were unregular but it only got worse as he arrived at the hospital, it might have been the amount of hormones at the hospital that seems to affect his body that isn't stable, he tried to composed and bear the pain but it was unbearable, it felt like he was losing his mind, however it all made sense as they walked into doctor Xoa's office, the moment he walked in, the last straw of strength in his legs left his body,

in front of him were eyes of an alpha that looks like a hunter ready to attack his prey, the intensity was much and he was losing his mind as every second pass by, he was trying to get away only for him to lose his balance falling unto the ground, his thoughts at that moment was; how humiliating it is that our roles has switched its Lanz my best friend whom followed me around everywhere when we were kids, now with just a change in his mood he could control my body so easily, it so humiliating i just want to die.

he thought he was going to fall to the floor but Chen caught him just in time, however it felt like the temperature in the room just became chilly, Lanz was showing his dominace became Chen was holding me??

its at moments like this that i will start to think that he might really have feelings for me.

regaining his composure he clunk unto Chen for support, it all makes sence now, the alpha in the room was Lanz, that's why his heat became severe when he walked in to the hospital, the weakness he was feeling was all because he smelled Lanzi's hormones.

leaning against Chen who is currently holding him in a side hug position, Dz tried to stabilise himself but he only felt even more weaker, his foot's is already losing strength he can hold himself so he grab unto Chen's chest for a better footing support, how ever the bodyguard bends over to his body to ask; sir are you OK?? should I pick you up instead??

Dz was clueless of what the guard was saying, so he nod his head for help.

and in a single second he was in the arm of Chen, who is now currently holding him bridal style.

Lanzi was sitting down on an examination bed in the office when they walked in, and the doctor is no where in sight when they walked into the office. the tension only grew as the alpha watch Dz in the arm of another alpha seeking support, he starred at the three who walked his eyes looking hurt. but all hell broke loose when he saw another alpha hug Dz in his arms, he springs off the bed and just like that Doctor Xoa arrived just in time like a hero, he requested that the two patients get into separate rooms immediately, if he didn't walked in, on time then that alpha holding Dz will be a goner and Dz will also get hurt.

Xoa explained all this to Dz saying that Lanz is a special alpha and his strength can dominate even dominate alphas it will be advisable if they don't meet cause Lanzi during his rut because he might end up hurting him in a terrible manner, the alpha has no control over his strength and his power for dominance.

Dz only listen but he didn't believe it, he knew that there were research about special alphas that can even subdued other alphas or even change another alpha or beta's gender due to there strong pheromones but he never thought Lanzi will be one, however it seems to be true because even Chen who has hormone immunity and can't perceive other people's hormones was affected by Lanzi's, could it be true.

he tried to not think about it and get some sleep, he shuts his eyes and pulled the blanket over his shoulders, laying flat facing the roof he close his eyes to sleep.

the sound of alarm woke him up that noon, Dz woke up Pilling the blanket off his body, his slender figure stood from his laying position and sits by the side of the bed, his face looked pale and tired like he didn't get enough sleep, using his fair delicate hands he pushed all his curly hair backwards while tucking some behind his ears, he slowly stood up and went to his bathroom to take a bath, though this is an emergency house, it had everything though not as big or luxurious as his mansion but still big enough. he took a hot shower not having the time to take a good bath. he needs to get back to work, his men are lock up in jail he has no time to relax, where is that Shan when he is needed, the guy left a few days ago saying he has his own gang stuff to take care of, though he is not here maybe it won't be so bad to ask him for help.

Dz walked downstairs where he smelled some soup, surprisingly it was Chen that made the soup and some rice porridge with some spring onions, they are low on supplies but this will do just fine.

Dz made sure to praise the alpha for his efforts, at the living room he noticed Gecko going through some files, it seems like he was the last person to wake up, everyone is working so hard maybe he should have set his alarm to wake him up earlier.