let me be your gun 2

Chen cooked that day instead of Jin who is still hospitalised, even though it was a simple dish, such as rice porridge, it was quite tasty and easy to digest, especially for the three who have been working all night,

Dou Zi took a seat at the table, they all ate in silent with no one saying a word, Dz couldn't help hoping if there is a way he could be able get his men out in a short amount of time, he currently doesn't have enough evidence, he only have proof that his men were attacked but about the drugs he just doesn't have any leads to how it got there.

taking a sip from his tea the omega sighs, he feels helpless and with no clue of what to do. so what if the big master finds out that all his men are currently in jail, this will break his trust in him.

the other two watches as Dz's expression changes with every passing seconds, it's obvious the omega is blaming himself, afterall he is not good at pushing blame unto others.

sighing again, Gecko snaps; OK men you have got to calm down, I know we ain't got any leads yet but it's unlike you to give up this easily, and stop blaming yourself already!!!,

Huh Dz acted like he doesn't know what Gecko was saying; why would you assume that am blaming my self??

Gecko however looked at him with disbelief; you think i can be fooled that easily??

Dz smiled, which looks like he is saying, oh i was hoping that my trick will work.

Gecko's eyes twitch, he can believe the omega actually believe that will work on him, after all he is a good judge of character, sighing he decides to comfort him instead; look i know you are worried but everything would fall into place, and its was nothing you could do, it's not like you knew that they will be attacked and framed, it's obvious someone Is working for the enemy from the inside. I know you think I don't trust anyone but it's the truth.

Dz forced a smile while using his right hand to push his coily gold hair backwards, maybe he should request outside help, but Chenxi's company are not known for investigation or detective work but rather work on defence and attacks.

just then his phone starts to ring, on the table he could see the phone screen, it's visible the name of the ID caller, he picked the phone after a brief moment; placing it on his eyes he said; greetings master, the other line was so how Displeased.

it's OK you don't have to Always be formal with me even on the phone, anyway I heard what happen....

Dz was quick to cut him up saying; this happened all because this young one was careless and not well focused on the gang moments, but it,

however the master also cut him midway; I never for once blame you even when I heard the news, however I know you have always been faithful to me and the gang, I just want to warn you to be careful, there is a reason why I choose you to carry out my legacy, learn to open up your heart a little, now am not saying you should trust just anyone but there are people who will be loyal to you so learn to use them, and don't forget to take your medication I heard that you were sick before the incident.

Dz thanked the old master respectfully; Thank you for your wise guidance master, and for your trust in this young one, I will continue to work hard.

the line went off and Dz dropped the phone on the table while catching his breath at the same time, however he was jolted back when the phone rang again with an unknown number, he picked the call and placed the phone on his ears, but this time he didn't speak first.

from the other line the person spoke first, the voice sounded anxious and worried; Dou Zi are you OK?? I heard what happened to your men, my condolences, but I want to offer for you my help, Please let me help you. Dz knew exactly who it was on the phone as soon as he started talking, so he decided to replied coldly he doesn't need this kind of distraction right now; so what if you heard, what makes you think am ever going to accept any help, especially from you.

however the other side replied; I know you hate me but I can help you out, we have been friends since middle school, you can tell me that you hate me to that extent where you rather let your men suffer than to use me, I am willing to do anything for you and if you want someone to enter the dirt and put the stone path then let me do it, I know you have a lot of enemies so you can use me, let me be your Gun.

Dz was out of options so if this alpha has a lead then he will accept it, afterall he knows that Lanzi hold a place in his heart that no one else has and no one will if they are never ment to be then so be it, but he will use him, afterall he asked for it. and besides his lover won't be my problem, though it's fascinating how Lanzi has a lover to the public eyes but still claims that I am his soul mate.

smiling Dz said; "ok I will take you on that offer, will send you my location am counting on you".