the weight of betrayal

in less than an hour after Dou zi send his location the alpha find him, he came with his team of professionals who have already crack the case the in the span of twenty four hours,

the black Suv packed outside the building, and from inside the house, Dz could see the three men that arrive outside and one of them is none other than Lanz, the alpha still look as quite as always, his actions portray how calm he is, he walked in fast strokes approaching the door, Dz subconsciously checked his hair by the mirror in case he might look unkempt, though his hair has always been coily like waterwaves, his hair is usually left lose when ever he is at home or not doing office work, but the hair today seems to getting in his face today so he tied it into a messy bun, he walked to the entrance to welcome the guest but Chen already got to the door, the three men walked in, the two bow their heads in greetings, then request for a work space, they were ready to start their job,

Chen points out his arms directing them where to go; right this way, please follow me. the two bow again to Dz before following Chen's directions. while the other is alpha is left behind was looking around in search for someone, and soon his eyes landed on the person he had long to see.

in Lanzi's eyes the omega looked more slider than he remembered, and since its been a while since the last time Dz relaxed around him, in total its been five years, back when they where young they spend most of their holidays together alone during their teenage days with their grandparents in the village at the countryside, they used to be inseparable when they first meet, during summer they walked around in their shorts and vest and simple clothing, they grew up without any gender barriers between them as Dz was a normal beta and Lanz an alpha, it could be said it that it was natural how they got along so well after spending time with each other, back then Dz was free spirited and kindhearted, thinking only for others than himself, it was the first time that Lanzi had a friend who loved to be around him for him and not for his father's reputation, most people try to get close to him for better connection and for his family's reputation. but Dz met him when he was in the countryside with no family reputation attached, and they got along, they hang out most of the until they relized that they could attend the same school, Dz even changed school for him, he noticed his feeling for him but never voiced out, he was scared that it will change how Dz feel about him and his carefree attitude towards will change.

and now in front of him, Dz is standing dazzling not wearing a suit or a big white coat that made him seem intimidating, how ever today he is looking so casual wearing grey sweatpants and a blue shirt, it's been a while since the last time the alpha saw dz wearing colours, the omega has been wearing white ever since he got back, though he used to wear colourful clothes before,

with a nervous smile he greeted dz in which the other replied him in a formal manner indicating that they are not familiar but in formal manner, no matter what the alpha tries, the omega seems to Always put space in between their relationship.

dz welcome him in showing how in, base but what he didn't expect was a picture of Shan and Mr snake