
The next morning the old man was more than happy to send them off, he was glad they kept an old man like him company, he also did not forget to mention that they can visit him anytime in the future.

After a about an hour, they made it, they went straight to meet their client, the man was glad to know they were alive; he was so worried that he send out a search party after them, when their men made it but said that they can't find their bosses. Now that they are here and made it in one piece he said; Please rest up first before we can have a meeting. 

But Dz was not having it, he was tired and wants to get this over it. So he took a shower and changed into new set if of clothing, and then the meeting starts.

it was a large portion of land so naturally that means more money, but to Dz he really doesn't care, he knew that he would be getting much more from this land. There are herbs that grow only on special place like this, since it has a natural hot spring it is also good for business, actually he wanted to buy the land for himself but then he found out that lanzi had already made plans to buy it, but since they live together, it was only natural for him to try and grt it too, so he discussed with the alpha who also agreed to share the land with him, but Lanzi wanted to build a resort there.

since he couldn't get the land for himself he decided to get half of it. And so they made a good deal and the client took them around to look around the quite scenery, Dz put in his architectural skills into work, by pointing out were the building would be. So next he will have a lead architect take the job and deliver a good designs for their resort. 

After the meeting was over the man thought they might want to stay the night and rest up but Lanzi said, they will be leaving soon, and just like that an elicopter landed and they soon left the countryside. Well it is true that one of the most prominent businesses that is own by Lanzi is travelling agencies. He own his own airline, with a port and everything, he also manufacture vehicles of different types and spare parts. As one of his business, in which Dz is targeting as his attempt to destroy the alpha. So with that they got home early.

Dz was down with a fever yet again soon after getting back, so the alpha started to get worked up about it, back when they were young, Dz rarely gets sick so what is happening. Back at his mansion he invited, doctor Xoa over, to check on his beloved wife, so Xoa gave the omega some fever treatment and took some blood samples, he doesn't want to assume but he felt like the omega was actually really sick. But he couldn't tell Lanzi that.

So after he took the sample he worked on them all day, and watching the blood cells of the omega die under the microscope he knew that he had to act fast, this disease is a virus injected into a person's body, though its not communicable.

In two days Time Dz was all better and back to work. Jin will pick them everyday and it was quite nice. 

The doctor couldn't decide What to really do so he asked sister fei for help, she has been away for awhile but came back two days ago.

Excuse me doctor Xoa, you ask to see me; said Fei.

Xoa raised his head from the computer to look at Fei, she is so beautiful, she seems to have grown her hair abit longer, 

Oh yes I did please take a seat, I have urgent matters to discuss with you.

When Fei saw how serious Xoa looked she fears that it might be even more serious than she could imagine, 

Passing an ipad to her he said, please take a look and let me know what you think!!

She picked it and watched, wow this is something else, oh my I haven't thought somlike this is even possible, it actually dominate and kill the host in little amount of time, where did you get this??? I mean sorry what is this thing???

Xoa placed his chin to rest on his hands, honestly he doesn't know it either, but thus thing is actually dangerous, knowing fully that she won't take it lightly he said; Am sorry this may sound absort but that thing is actually inside your brother.

And yes the little omega was shaken, she raised her head to look at Xoa, but how, Wait that thing is like poison so someone Is trying to kill him.!!!

She broke down and started crying, this is all my fault, he wanted to take care of the gang in order to repay me, I never thought he did be this outstanding and now he has so many enemies that are after his life.

Xoa doesn't know how to comfort her so he said; I need your help in finding out what he eats regularly, or a specific drink he takes, it seems like its something he injest into his system, based on my research I think the longest time he has is two months and he will die, so first he has to stop increasing the concentration of the intake of the poisoning before we find a cure. We need to work fast.

 Ok you are right I will get going, please excuse me.

She went out in a hurry and went home, there was not much people back home since most of the gang members work in different companies, it was her father's dream coming to life. Now she knows the only person who would hate Dz to want him dead would be the second in command or snake. She went through all their food stuff but then she remembered, his tea!!!

Dou takes oolong tea often to a scale of five times a day, he has a sweet tooth so coffee isn't his thing. To take coffee he will have to put so much cream and sugar.

So she took some tea samples with her, and to her surprise all of them had enough amount of dosage to kill a man, tet how is that boy still standing, he has been taking this for a while, could this be the reason why even his heat circle is unregular, and he is always feeling sick and tired, he didn't pay attention to ut much and now it looks like that is going to cost her something precious. After confirming she called Dz.

Oh hey sis, sorry I was kinda under the weather lately, and couldn't visit so how are you??

Hey I need you to listen to me, I know you probably have that tea of yours served, but don't take on sip of it, till I get there, by the way where are you??? Am coming over there right now.

Ah ok, I will see you then, am in the casino, over the southern part. I will be expecting you.