you dare say it is for my own good

Gently Fu Lanzi opened his eyes as the beautiful morning breeze blew, he felt so rested and alive that morning, its been a while since he slept that well without having nightmare or having to pull all night doing paper work. But while he was appreciating what the morning had to offer he heard a little morne beside him, under the coversheet, lifting it slowly, he was taken aback to see the object of his attraction in his bed!!!

Ahhh its Dou Zi, he pat his face to make sure he is fully awake, since his first thought is, maybe he is still asleep dreaming of Dz on his bed, but after examination of Dz's body, the bite mark just stood out, its impossible to deny what might have happened yesterday,

So he stared silently at the beautiful man he had always loved, he starred at Dz for a while before it hit him. What is he going to do when Dz wakes up?

He will definitely be hated, but then a thought came to him, how did Dz found him in this island, he ran away to avoid being found out but now the person he ran away from is currently in his bed.

He stood out of bed to make some breakfast, he fried some sunny side eggs and bacon, it's very easy to make and it's also one of his speciality or you can say one among the two dishes he knew how to make.

Meanwhile Dz woke up and found himself alone in bed, he couldn't find the alpha anywhere in sight so he decided to step out, he stood up and grabbed one of the alpha's shirts which was a little bigger in size than he thought, putting on a under wear, he enter the bathroom to do some business, but then he noticed that his body is clean and that alpha must have taken care of his body when he passed out. he left the room in search for the alpha, the moment he stepped outside the bedroom the sweet aroma of bacon and eggs filled the air, and right there by the breakfast table Lanzi was arranging the breakfast, it was a simple task yet he looked so charming doing it. Entice by the aroma Dz rush down the stairs quickly, in anticipation of eating some delicious breakfast.

He reached the table just in time when the alpha had just set the table for two, the alpha noticed him come down the stairs, he turned around to greet Dz with a calm gentle smile he said, "Good morning, did you sleep well"

Dz replied rather simply, "morning"

His entire attention is on the table, he hasn't eaten last night so he is pretty famished today.

The alpha Noticed that Dz's attention is on the breakfast table, he couldn't help but think how cute Dz is when he let his guard down, but the omega but be really hungry so he quickly invite him to sit, asking rather confident that Dz would agree; "would you like some breakfast"

Dz smiled and sat down, he was so hungry and it also happened that bacon and eggs are one of his favourite dishes.

He sat down in a hurry, placing his hands together he said; "thanks for the meal"

The alpha watch as Dz ate the food with a satisfied look on his face, so he picked the tea pot and poured some tea for him, dz picked the tea and drank everything in one go. Placing the cup down he looked at the alpha straight up face to face, since he came downstairs this is the first time their eyes met.

He was about to say something when the alpha beats him to it; uhm you go first said Dz, ñodding the alpha replied; does it hurt anywhere?, I contacted my men, they will pick you up later at noon, I don't know why Alfred would tell you my location but it's very dangerous to be around me right now, am unstable and you could get hurt!!

However Dz's reply was rather cold; "oh is that so"

And here I thought it was a lovely day to go fishing but am being thrown out yet again ain't I?

Fu Lanzi couldn't explain the look on Dz's face, he looked angry yet calm at the same time, he was only trying to protect him but why does it always end this way.

Look am trying to protect you.... but Dz bang the table with his hands standing up at the process, don't you dare try to pretronize me with such words, I don't need you telling me am weak, and I definitely don't need protection from you, if this is another way of you pushing me away again just like five and a half years ago then say so, don't lie to me anymore. Am going back to bed, since we won't be going fishing.

But the omega doesn't understand how troubled the alpha is, is rut is yet to come, probably in three days Time but he felt like he might loose his mind any second when Dz is near, what if he hurt him, what ig he attacked him like how he did ten years ago.

Placing his hands over his face he wiped it up pushing his hair backwards; Dz you might not remember it but I do, I hurt you with out turning back, yet you never remember it but the memories for me feel like yesterday. I don't want you to hate me more than you already have.

Trying to appease his lover he got everything ready and then went upstairs, since Dz wants to go fishing then they will go fishing, after that they will have some grill fish for lunch, he will try to suppress his urges and when the date arrives, he will lock himself in his room to avoid accidents.