understanding ground

After clearing the table and doing the dishes, Lanzi had finally got the courage he needed to go upstairs,

Raeching the door he pause, taking a deep breath he knocked gently at the door, but no one answered, in his usual calm vioce he said; Dou zi am coming in.

The omega heard what he said and quickly h lay down on the bed, his head buried in between the pillows, the alpha walked in in steady step towards the bed, dz seems unmoved even as the alpha walked silently till he reached the bed,

The golden curls of dz was so shiny and looking so soft to touch, under the brim of sun coming through the window.

Lanzi sat on the side if the bed, placing his hands on Dz's hair he ruffled it in a gentle manner, while touching the hair he thought, Dz's hair is still soft as always.

Hey, am sorry, you can stay as long as you want to.

Hearing that Dz lift his head slowly from the pillows and asked: really?? I can stay?? And you won't ask me to leave????

Lanzi was shocked how can anyone be this cute and sexy at the same time, he felt like an arrow just pears his heart, the only thing he could do was nod, so he kept nodding his head to every question Dz throws at him. Looking back this is how their relationship has always been, he has never win against Dz, its always what Dz wants that they end up doing, it feels like they might just go back to how they use to be after all.

Am going to approve some paperwork and sent to my secretary, it will take a moment so please wait, then we can go fishing, if you need anything I will be in my study. After saying that the alpha stood up about to leave, but then he bends a little and kissed Dz on the forehead, before leaving not even wasting a second. Leaving behind a flustered Dz, with blushing face behind.

At the study

Lanzi started going through his emails, and taking care of all work that seems to be emergency at the moment he is not in for a luxury holiday not when his company is expanding and there is so much that needs his attention, his father seems willing to accept him as a successor for his company, though its has been his reason for working hard for years but recently it seems every thing is falling into place, he can finally live life as he had once dreamed of, if his mother is happy once again, and if Dz is willing to forgive his for hiding so many secrets from him.

After what seems to be a few hours, Dz walked in with a little white tray with floral print, on it was a glass of juice and two sandwich neatly cut in triangular shaped, Lanzi raised his gaze from the tray to the one holding it, Dz looked dazzling, his hair tied in a messy bun,he probably tied it to keep it at bay while he made the snacks, he looked refreshed in new set of dark blue Shorts and white shirt. He watch as the omega placed the tray down; so you hungry? I made some snacks, this days my appetite has been amazing.

With a smile he said yes, of course he wants a snack, he has been working without realising how much time has passed and he definitely won't miss a chance to have Dz's cooking after such a long time. He picked one of the sandwich and took a bite; it's so good. He ate while thinking its been it's been a while since I had Dz's snacks, it always tastes the same.

Did you bathe?

Dz took a leap and sat on top of the table, before answering; uh umm, I got an ear full from Jin, he can't believe I left without telling him, well I honestly need a break. Don't you think so too? Dz asked the Alpha who is seated in a chair looking a little lower that him, since he is seating on the sturdy working desk, with his right hand supporting his face, he smiled bending his head sideways as he asked the question.

The look on Lanz face seems so calm but it's rather the opposite on the inside, his mind is in chaos, Dz's face is so close,his nape looks so sexy, some of his strans of golden hair are still on his, he feels like making a mess out of the smiling face, but if only Dz could hear his thoughts. Yet the only word that came out of his mouth was; yes!

You have good posture even when eating you still seat straight, you have been like that since the day we met at the country side huh. The only lock eyes with none saying a word.

But then Dz asked,so are we going fishing???

The alpha nodded and stood up as soon as he was done eating, dz pick the tray; go get ready I will be taking this to the kitchen.

Soon they reach the river bank and set up there fishing tools, it wasn't that sunny but they where ready with a suncream and umbrella, after all fishing takes time. The two sat as they wait for the catch of the day, afterall barbecue is for dinner tonight and one fish might get lucky.

Back at the main land, Shan is currently staying with Fanxi or more like cohabiting, its been a week since Chenxi's visit.

On that faithful day when Shan opened his door only to meet with Chenxi, he thought why are Fu brothers never leaving him alone, first it was the little brother and now the big brother too. Shutting his door behind him he stepped outside, Fanxi is already drunk and asleep, but his reason of stepping outside is because is just doesn't want this alpha coming inside his house. Now that he outside he asked; what brings you here? If you have come to take your little brother back then you are doing me a huge favour!!!

Chenxi was really pissed by what Shan said, how dare this Alpha treat his precious little brother like some liability, In a fit of anger he grabbed him by the collar, they might be both well trained alphas but one is more dominate than the other.

Listen you little punk, I know every little secret about you, and what your little shots are made of, so how about you try not to make an enemy out of me, I love my bro more than life it self, yet he is willing to drugged himself for you little sake, if am gonna lose a brother then it just won't end there, am willing to destroy your family just for my little Fanxi, so if you are ready to talk then tap out.

But to Chenxi's surprise Shan did back down, after all he is well trained, twisting his body he soon had Chenxi's arm that was around his neck a moment ago behind Chenxi, who is now facing the other side with his hands held behind; oh please you might train soldiers but you and I are definitely different, I was raised a Yakuza since birth. Now are you willing to talk you brother complex!!!.

With that the tension between them loosen, but each were willing to back down because of the weakness each of them possess, Shan knew Chenxi will do anything when it comes to his little brother, while Chenxi is at the mercy that Shan is the Fated mate of Fanxi. Now that we have reach a common ground let's talk.