
The next day, Lanz was engulfed by an inferno of heat that transcended anything he had ever experienced. It was as if his very skin was ablaze, the fire seeping into his bones, his body trembling with an unbearable intensity. The potent scent of hormones pervaded the entire house, a heady mix of desire and desperation that was impossible to ignore. Even Dz, sleeping on the first floor, was roused from his deep slumber, the insistent aroma penetrating his dreams and dragging him into consciousness.

Heart pounding with a mix of dread and concern, the omega rushed downstairs, every step echoing his fear for the alpha he had once loved so deeply. He had been hurt, yes, by the abandonment that had left a scar on his heart five years ago. Yet, even amidst the anger and the lingering pain, his feelings for Lanz had never truly soured into hatred. There was a love that defied the wounds of the past, a love that still saw Lanz as someone precious, someone he couldn't bear to see suffering.

When Dz reached the bottom of the stairs, now standing in front of the guests room he reached his hand trembling to open the door, but the door seemed to be locked from the inside. Now remembering one of his talents he went back upstairs to get a master key and some little ones around it, he can open any door back when he started as a mafian, one of the tricks he decided to pick up. Having issues with doors was never easy for him but not anymore.

Meanwhile the alpha was in deep heat and trying to remain conscious he draw a cold bath, throwing ice into the bathtub. He stay in the bath for about two minutes before stepping out, yet that only made him painful aware of his situation, from inside the room he could smell a little scent of Dz though its not strong but he wanted to see the omega right that instant, his thoughts were in chaos all he could think about is Dz panting under him, he really wants to make a mess of Dz's body he wants to see him covered in bite marks, he wants to see Dz's eyes panting full of tewrs and pleasure and desire for him. His thoughts leads him to start rubbing his light stick again, he was panting in pleasure wishing he could be in the embrace of Dz but he doesn't want the omega to see him like this, he has always been calm and collected in front of Dz, just before he could come the door burst opened and eyes widened at the sight of Lanz, the alpha's body trembling with the raw intensity of his heat. There was a fragility to Lanz that Dz hadn't seen before, a vulnerability that called to the depths of his soul. The years of separation, the silent nights spent wondering what had gone wrong, all melted away in the face of Lanz's obvious agony.

He moved closer, his heart aching at the thought of the alpha in such pain. Could it be that Lanz desires him now, the intensity of tge alpha's gaze made Dz waver a little scared to reopen old wounds, but because he still harbored feelings for Lanz? The possibility hung in the air, tantalizing and terrifying. Dz's mind raced, filled with memories of their time together, the laughter, the shared dreams, and the heartbreaking moment when Lanz had walked away.

As he knelt beside Lanz, Dz's hand trembled slightly as he reached out to touch the alpha's burning skin. He could feel the heat radiating off Lanz in waves, a physical manifestation of the turmoil within. His fear of being abandoned again gnawed at the edges of his resolve, but the sight of Lanz in such distress strengthened his determination. He couldn't let his own insecurities prevent him from helping the one he had once loved—and still did, in ways that he couldn't fully understand or articulate.

"Lanz," he whispered, his voice filled with a tenderness that surprised even him. "I'm here. I'm not going anywhere."

The alpha's eyes fluttered open, a mixture of relief and longing in their depths. In that moment, Dz saw not the source of his past pain, but a soul crying out for comfort and connection. He couldn't bear to see the alpha suffer, not when he still cared so deeply, despite everything that had happened between them. The love that had once bound them together had never truly faded; it had merely been buried under layers of hurt and misunderstanding.

As Dz wrapped his arms around Lanz, offering what little comfort he could, he made a silent promise to himself. No matter what the future held, he would not allow his fears to keep him from reaching out to the alpha. He would face the uncertainties and the potential for pain because the chance to heal, to reconnect with the one he loved, was worth every risk.

But before he could finish making his resolution he was pin down by the alpha, who ravages his body with kisses and bites this was different Lanz seem rather impatient and

Desperate unlike his usual calm and collected self.

As the alpha left trails of red hikeys on his body, Dz morns louder, even he wonders weather his throat is broken, the alpha put two fingers in Dz's ass gaining a loud morn from the omega, the wet slimming translucent liquid slides out of Dz's ass as the alpha kept trying to loosen his ass, soon he inserted three fingers as if unable to bear he removes it immediately putting his thing inside of Dz in on thrust, the omega pants gasping for air as he cling his hands to the cold sheets underneath him. The alpha did give much warning and he starts thrusting deeply into his ass, the pain and pleasure were both too much leaving Dz trying to hold back and cling to a little sanity he has, thinking if he lose his cool for the pleasure he might be lost, one of them has to stay conscious, but that thought was thrown out the window when the alpha fleap him over, with his knees on the bed and his upper body down, he was taken him from behind which made the penetrative go in more deeper. Tears rolled down his eyes and Lanzi ravages his body from behind, he knew this will be a long one, he heard from Xoa that the alpha is out of control when he in heat, but this is nothing he had ever experienced. Suddenly he thought of how many days this will take started to scare the omega.