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From Kenshin Ryuen to Kaen Ryuen

A pink Toyota Prius is driving down the streets of Tokyo. The driver is a handsome 28 year old man, with blonde hair and red eyes. He is wearing a black hoodie, black cargo pants and black combat boots, that hide his chiseled, powerful body.

He drives like a grandmother, as many people have pointed out to him. However he doesn't care since safety is important. He is also wearing 2 seatbelts for that extra bit of safety.

He eventually reaches the border of Tokyo, where his home is at, just outside. He pulls up on his house and openes the gate and drives in.

However just as he is about to drive into the garage, the laws of physics start to break down. His car starts to rumble, his house starts to disintegrate and random lights start going off.

"What the fuck?!?" Understandably he is confused as fuck. He openes the car door and quickly gets out, but just as he gets out, his conciousness cuts off and he blacks out.




Ryuen POV.

I wake up, lying in front of my house. Confusion is the main emotion I have right now, because I feel like I was tripping balls just a few moments ago.

I stand up and look around. Everything looks to be in order. My pink Prius is still there, with the door open. My modern, stylish, 2- story house is still there. Everything is in order.

"What the fuck happened?" I mutter in confusion. I know I haven't taken any drugs recently, so what was I seeing.

*Sigh* I dismiss my thoughts and go inside the house, after taking out the shopping bags from my car.

I live alone, so there is no one to welcome me, well except my cat. Her name is Sherii and she's a short haired black cat.

Anyway, I do my usual routine and eventually, coincidentally look in the mirror. The amount of suprise I have right now is quite impressive.

I look about 10 years younger. I had a short stubble, since I didn't shave today. The stubble showed the potential to grow a full, manly beard. However now I have a naked jaw, like the bottom of a baby. My jawline is explicitly telling me that right now, I can only grow the mustache of a milk drinker *Ehem*... a teenager.

I sigh again, tired of tripping balls. I check my wallet and take out my ID. What happens next is me widening my eyes so fast, that my eyeballs threaten to pop out with the speed of a handgun bullet.

The name on my ID is wrong. My name is Kenshin Ryuen, Ryuen first, Kenshin last. However the name on my ID is Kaen Ryuen. Additionally, It has my young looking mug on it.

I take out my phone and check the date. 11th of December 2012.


The date should be 2nd of December 2022. Forget about tripping balls, I might as well suck a dick and die. What the fuck is going on.

As I ponder over my existance, I get a terrible headache and a load of memories assault me.

The memories tell me this. Name Kaen Ryuen, 18 years old. Attends Fujimi High school 3rd year. He is also a successful young entrepreneur, making 8 figures a year, hence he barely attends school.

Kaen Ryuen grew up in an orphanage. The orphanage was pretty bad, so he grew up around a lot of violence. Due to his bad living conditions growing up, he started getting obsessed wirh making money. At age 12, he moved out of the orphanage, since he had earned enough to live on his own.

At age 15, he made his first milion, in Yen. Then after that, he started making more and more money, until he bought a big house and became even more successful.

"Ugh. Not bad kid."

It seems like I have fused with him? I have no idea, I'm still me, Kenshin Ryuen. I just have some memories of Kaen Ryuen and some of his attachments to certain people.

"Tch, whatever." I go out of the bathroom and enter the kitchen, where a pack of cigarettes are at. I light one up and start smoking.

"Hmm? Now this is interesting." In the momeries, Kaen Ryuen didn't have cigarettes. So I check the house and it's not Kaen Ryuen's house. It's mine. Which means all my weapons, cars and stuff is here. Including all the tech, that in this time is 10 years ahead of everything else.

"Heh." I sneer, satisfied. I wouldn't know what to do if all my stuff would've disappeared. An additionally lucky thing is that my body is in peak form. Kaen Ryuen trained mixed martial arts and he kept his body as fit as humanly possible.

I was very fit as well, but I was already retired. So the kid, aka my body, is a bit stronger then my Kenshin Ryuen body. Though everything looks the same, my face, body, hair, dick and so on, just younger.

The me, Kenshin Ryuen, was a part of a science experiment since I was born. They did some kind of modifications on us and taught us a lot of advanced material, when I was there.

At age 7, the facility where I was at was raided and I was put in an orphanage. After that, my story was similar to Kaen Ryuen. Lots of violence, fights, got arrested, got involved with gangs and so on.

At age 18 I joined the military, since I liked the dicipline they had and yearned for some order in my life.

I trained and went on missions, eventually at 22, becoming spec ops. After 2 more hears I moved on to the elite of the elite.

Then at 28, I retired. I didn't have a really compelling reason to retire, I just wanted to start a family. I had a bunch of one night stands, friends with benefits, however I never had a deep connection with someone. So I retired to find it.

Destiny really decided to troll me to death with this bullshit. Now I'm back being 18 and in some strangers body.

"Haahh. Oh well, no reason to bitch about it."

I have dealt with chaos and fucked up situations since I was born, so I'm not that shocked anymore. I have a high adaptability, hence I'm already mostly over it.

I quickly go over all my memories and get as much information as I can. This kid apparently has a person, who took care of him, or is like an aunt figure, that he cares the most about in his life.

I'm supposed to go to school tomorrow, so I'll meet her. I'm not really thinking of attending classes, I'll just pop by some time and see her.