WebNovelGray Zone22.22%

Z day

The next day.

I wake up on my double bed. The time is around 10 in the morning. I have a quick breakfast and get dressed, wearing a simple shirt, pants and jacket.

The school has a uniform, but since I'm not attending classes, I'm not putting it on.

I leasurely go in my Prius and start driving. Why have a pink Prius and not a manlyer car you ask? Heh. You obviously have no class. However truth be told, It's a gag car.

The Prius I'm driving is heavily modified. It has an engine that outputs about 500 HP, a twin-turbo and so on. It's max speed is around 280 km/h, since the figure of the car is not designed to go at high speeds. However what it sacrifices in max speed, it gains in acceleration. It goes from 0-100 in 3 seconds.

Imagine the look on someones face, that's driving a Ferrari and sees a pink Prius overtake him. Heh, now that's class.

Anyway, after 15 minutes of safe driving, I arrive at the school. Before going in there, I head over to a small store and buy some snacks and some other things. Taking the plastic bag, I head inside the school.



I casually walk into the nurses office and see Shizuka Marikawa, the woman that's important to the body's previous owner.

Unconciously my face softens and my mouth stretches into a smile. A strange feeling of warmth comes over me.

"What's up doc?" I chirp at her.

"Um?" The woman lazily looks up and smiles.

"Ryu-kun? Hi!" She stands up and hugs me. Her huge breasts get smushed against me and I envelop her in a tight hug. "I" haven't seen her for over a month, so it feels like a reunion.

Shizuka Marikawa is 27 years old and stands quite tall, at 176 cm. The most notable thing about her is her huge breasts. However these aren't the only notable things. She also has wide hips, slim waist, big ass, lucious blonde hair and brown eyes.

All in all, she's a bombshell and her ditzy and careless personality makes her seem very open and approachable.

(Img here)

"Me" and her met when I was 14. It was a random encounter, where the hardened Ryuen Kaen met this woman and was mezmerised by her goodwill and warmth. After that, they became friends, kind of. Where Shizuka was like an aunt to Ryuen. She was like his safe haven, where he returned to, after going to war.

I kiss her on the cheek and break up the hug.

"So what have you been up to Shizu-chan?" I casually ask her, sitting down on a random chair.

"Hmm, nothing much, just studying and working. He? Why aren't you in your uniform." She answers and then wakes up and asks.

"I'm not going to classes, I just came to see you." I respond with a smile.

"Bad Ryu-kun. You have to attend classes. Plus what if a teacher sees you? You could get punished." She nags. Even though she nags, however, her soft voice and care eclipse the negative tone and just accentuate warmth and care. Plus, she's a ditz, so it's kinda hard to take her seriously.

"Now worries Shizu-chan, I already have a deal with the principal. Also anyone who sees me will think that I'm just some new handsome male teacher." I smirk at her.

"Uu, you're such a delinquent. I have failed teaching you." She deflates and puts on a sad expression.

"Don't be sad Shizu-chan. You tried your best." I walk over to her and pat her on the shoulder, with an empathetic smile.

"Hehehe." She giggles.

"By the way, who's the body?" I point to the guy sleeping on one of the beds.

"Ah that's... hmmm... I can't remember his name. He got stomach cramps, so I gave him some pills." She responds.

"Hee? Really." I walk over to him and poke his stomach.

"Stop it Ryu-kun." She runs up to me and grabs my hand and pulls me back. Her huge chest bounces as she moves. Honestly this woman is hopeless.

"Haha I'm just kidding." I laugh it off. We keep talking for an hour. Meanwhile Shizu-chan sometimes gets a new patient and treats them. I just help her, or troll the patients. Whatever my mood dictates.

As the clock hits 1, some kind of pulse hits everyone. I feel like a shock went through me, as if my heart skipped a beat.

"Wha..." Shizu exclaims.

[Congradulations humanity, for reaching the next step of your evolution. Mana has been activated all around the world. For a more smooth transition, Manas has decended into the world and given everyone a system. Good luck!]

A text appears in front of everyone. After I finish reading it, another screen appears before me. My status

Name- Ryuen Kaen

Race- Human

Class- N/A

Tier- 0

Physical ability- 32(10)

Magical power- 50(10)

Skills- N/A

*A/N*- The number in the brackets is the average value that people have.


"What the fuck?" I unconciously exclaim. My mood is pretty bad. Not only did some fucked up, trippy shit happened yesterday. Now some even more trippy shit is happening.

*Sigh* I give a defeated sigh and decide to just roll with it. Shizu-chan is looking at her screen very suprised. She's a bundle of light and innocent as fuck, so her adapting time is probably quite long.

I sit down near her and wait for her to get over her shock.

"...Ryu-kun did you get a weird message on a screen infront of you as well?" She asks.

"Yeah, that and then status." The status window pops up again as I say that, I just wave it away.

"Huuh, thank god I'm not going crazy." She heaves a relieved sigh, with a hand on her heart.

"Shizu-chan, let's show each other our status windows." I tell her.

"But how?" She asks.

"Hmm." I ponder and grab her hand, thinking about showing her my status and think status in my mind.

"Hoo! I see it." She exclaims. It's quite funny.

"Cool, now think about wanting to show me your status and then think status in your mind." I instruct her. She nods and does it.

Name- Shizuka Marikawa

Race- Human

Class- N/A

Tier- 0

Physical ability- 8(10)

Magical power- 30(10)

Skills- N/A


"Hmm, Interesting."

"Whoa, Ryu-kun, you're strong." Shizu tells me.

"Of course I am." I answer as if it's obvious. Which it should be.

My mind starts working on a few theories, however this was just the start and shit is just about to hit the fan.

The school speakers turn on and a school facculty member is giving a speech about a violent attack in the school building and how everyone should evacuate.

"Hmm?" I perk up in interest and look at Shizu. She still has kind of a lazy look, but now she looks worried as well. Understandable, as when the speech was starting to end, the speaker started shouting and screaming.

I'm still sitting quite comfortably, though I can't stop a small smirk forming on my mouth. I always carry weapons, so I'm quite relaxed. Right now I have a Five-Seven pistol, with 2 extra mags and a combat knife on me.

"Don't worry Shizu-chan, whatever happens, I'll protect you." I comfort her a bit, so she wouldn't worry too much. She nods back.

All of a sudden, one of the students sleeping on the bed starts growling and sits upright. His face is pale, eyes are white and he's drooling. He looks dead.

My eyes widen at this scene. To say I'm not suprised would be blasphemous. I'm very suprised, however I get over it the next second. Rather than shocked, I'm just tired at this point. I take out a cig from my pocked and light it up. Smoking is a good way to distract yourself.

Another student starts screaming and shouting, as the zombie stands up and starts walking towards us.

The student takes a pole and pushes the zombie back, tipping it over and starts beating it's head while shouting and crying.

"Puhahah." I accidentally laugh, because it looked kinda funny.

On a sidenote, I can hear a lot of screaming coming down the hallway. I sigh and turn to Shizu.

"Looks like something has gone tits up. Take your stuff, I'm taking you to my place." I casually tell her.

"Ryu-kun you shouldn't smoke." She frowns and nags.

"Tch, shush woman. Get your stuff or I'll beat you." I tell her. She grumbles and takes a few things.

"Ah! My purse is in the facculty room." She remembers.

Just as I'm about to respond, a bunch of zombies come into the nurses office. The crying guy with the pole thingy goes to fight them, while Shizu takes out some bottles from the shelves and I stand next to her.

The crying guy gets overwhelmed and bitten.

"Eeh?" I'm suprised at his incompetence. But then I remember that not everyone is accustomed to violence.

I go toward him and high-kick the zombie infront of me. A crack is heard and the zombie falls on the floor, dead.

[Congradulations on your first kill. A skill has been given to you.]

[Killed tier 0, zombie. +5 PA, +9MP]

*A/N*- PA- Physical ability. MP- Magical power.

I discard all the notifications and punch the next zombie in the neck, breaking it. Another one gets a spartan kick to the face, dying off. After that I continue kicking and punching, until they're all dead.

[Killed tier 0, zombie. +4 PA, +7MP]

[Killed tier 0, zombie. +3 PA, +5MP]

[Killed tier 0, zombie. +2 PA, +3MP]

[Killed tier 0, zombie. +1 PA, +2MP]

[Killed tier 0...

[Congradulations on reaching tier 1. +20 PA, +100 MP]

[Skill: Combo star(SS), has been aquired]

"Hmm." I hum and check my status.

Name- Ryuen Kaen

Race- Human

Class- N/A

Tier- 1

Physical ability- 71(10)

Magical power- 180(10)

Skills- (Combo star)- Each consecutive hit is 2 times more powerful. Cost 10 mana per hit.


"Ho? Neat." I smile. I feel much more powerful then before. If the stats are anything to go by, I should be just about twice as strong as I used to be.

I look back at Shizu-chan, she's having a hard time with this bloody picture. Oh well, humans take time, but eventually they'll adapt.

Just as I'm about to grab her and bounce, a girl walks in, holding a wooden katana. Or a nodachi? Fuck who cares.

"Ryuen-san?" She looks a bit suprised, but then smirks.

"Saeko? What are you doing here." I off-handedly ask her, while I break a bed and take the metal leg to use as a weapon.

"I'm just walking around and taking account of the situation. Why are you here?" She asks.

"I just visited Shizu-chan before this shit went down. We're gonna go to the facculty room to get her bag and then go to my place. Wanna come?" I ask, as I grab Shizu and start walking.

"Hmm, sure." Saeko responds.

I take out my combat knife and give it to Shizu.

"Shizu-chan take this." I also briefly show her how to use it.

"Uuu, I'm not good at these things." She whines at my rough instructions.

"Stop whining." I say, then trip an approaching zombie. It falls on it's face and I step on it's back, pinning it down.

"Now stab it in the head." I command her, leaving no room for discussion. Shizu hesitantly tries to stab it. She puts too little force in it at first, not piercing the skull, but eventually gets it and kills the zombie.

"Nice job." I smile and pat her head. She looks like a defencless and cute creature, so it feels just right. Before she can protest, I turn around.

"Let's go."