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Screw you guys, I'm going home

Me, Shizu-chan and Saeko walk through the halls and easily kill the zombies blocking our way. Well it's mostly me and Saeko, while we trip zombies, to make it easy for Shizu-chan to kill.

I use the leg of the bed to stab or bash in heads. It's going quite well, until we hear an earpiercing scream from nearby.

Saeko and Shizuka look at me, then start running towards the scream. I casually follow them.

We reach an intersection. In front of us are 2 other students, one girl, one boy. We all look at where the screaming is coming from and see a pink haired girl drilling the fuck out of a zombie's head.

*Whistle* I whistle in awe of the girls brurality. She doesn't look like she's enjoying it, rather it looks like it was the only way for her to survive. But still! It's a good reminder that sometimes even a saint can be as brutal as a monster. What the fuck am I talking about? I don't know. Continue the story.

We all go towards the pink haired girl and the fatty a few meters away. There are a few zombies around, so we dispatch them. At this points the zombies are like waterballoons to me and Saeko. Just a casual swing is enough to kill them. I've also stopped getting any status points for killing them.

"Hey are you alright?" The handsome guy asks the pink haired girl. I turn away from them, since I'm not interested in how they calm the girl down.

Instead I go away for a bit and check how the situation is outside.

"Bloody hell." The outside looks like a horror movie. Zombies are attacking people, or just chilling. People are running, screaming, fighting and trying to survive.

"That's a grim sight." Comes a voice beside me. It's Saeko.

"Meh, shit happens. *Yawn. Besides, the zombies aren't going to be our worst enemies." I respond, while not taking my eyes off the outside. I also can't help but yawn.

"What do you mean." She asks, confused.

"Simply put, you have powers right? Well other people have powers as well. Now there aren't any rules anymore, because this is probably happening everywhere. Hence our real enemies are going to be other people or some other inexplainable shit." I explain, then look at her.

"Plus, you and Shizu-chan are incredibly beautiful. I can think of a number of reasons other people might wanna assault us." I tell her, then turn around and start walking towards the other.

"Still, we have a bit of time until people lose their minds. Right now we just have to deal with the zombies." I conclude. Saeko follows me.

I walk over to Shizu-chan, who's looking at the crying pink haired girl with a sad expression. I walk behind her, so she doesn't see me and blow in her ear.

"Eek." She jumps and sqeaks, startled.

"Heh." I give a satisfied sneer at that.

"Yo pinkie cry later, we need to move now." I address the pink haired girl, who is already calming down. Then address the whole group.

"My name is Ryuen Kaen. I'm a student from class 3A." I introduce myself.

"I'm Saeko Busujima, also from class 3A and the captain of the kendo club." She introduces herself.

Next is Shizu-chan, then the handsome guy, Takashi Komuro. Next pinky, or Saya Takagy, then Rei Miyamoto. And finally the fatty, Kohta Hirano.

"Let's go." I say and start walking. Shizu-chan follows me, but Saeko asks the others.

"Are you coming with us? We're going to the facculty room." She says.

"Why go there? It's not like the teachers can help us." Pinkie, or Saya Takagy, sneers and haughtily responds.

"We might get some infirmation about the situation there. And also Marikawa-sensei has her bag in there." Saeko calmly responds.

"Alright." The other agree and follow us.

We walk towards the facculty room and eventually arrive, taking out zombies along the way.

The only one I give a shit about is Shizu, but Saeko is also very welcome, since she is strong. On the way here, I also noticed how Takeshi can take the zombies easily and fatty exels with his nailgun.

I open the door to the facculty room and a few zombies come lunging at me. I easily dispatch them and go inside.

The room is quite clean and there is no one in here, so I decide to take a little break. I sit down on a random seat and looked at the others.

"Let's take a little break and discuss things." They nodded back at me and locked the door.

Some sit down, others choose to stand. Saya Takagi, the pinkie, picks up a remote and turns on the TV. That draws everyones attention and they start listening to the news broadcast in there.

"The outbreak of this virus is happening all around the world. The governments are trying to organize themselves, however it's proving to be quite difficult. The Japanese government has gone silent, where as the American governent has evacuated the whitehouse..." The news reported keeps talking.

"Virus outbreak? What the hell are they talking about. Didn't everyone get the message that it's caused by mana?" Takashi Komuro exclaims.

"Tch, they're probably trying to passify the masses." Saya Takagi responds, with a disgusted expression.

"Well... Doesn't matter either way. We just have to survive. On that note, you guys have a decision to make. I intend to go to my house and get weapons. I also have about a weeks worth of food. So decide if you're coming with me, or staying here." I inform them and lay back in my seat.

"How do you intend to get there? And how far is it?" Pinkie asks. She has kind of a permanent frown, it's amusing.

"I have a car, that can fit all of us. It will take around 10 minutes to drive there." I respond.

"Hmm." She muses.

"I am coming with you." Saeko immediately agrees. I nod back at her. The others think and discuss for a bit and eventually reach a decision.

"We're also going with you. It's definetly better than staying here." Komuro announces. I smirk at that.

"Good, atleast you're not dumb. Anyway enough. Let's move." I say and stand up.

The rest grip their weapons and follow me.

We get out of the facculty room and start moving to the parking lot. We kill all the zombies on our way quite easily. Me, Saeko and Takashi are in front. Shizu, and pinkie are in the middle and fatty and Rei are in the back.

Once we get outside, a hoard of zombies greets us. That poses no problems though and we plow through them easily.

However as we get close to my car, an overgrown, vicious looking dog runs up to our group.

"Hou..." I look in intrest as a small smile forms on my lips. It's not like I like killing that much, but I do love fighting and combat.

I take out my five-seven and shoot the dog in the head.

*Bang* *Bang* Two shots. The dog loses it's life instantly and tumbles over, sliding over towards us.

[Killed tier 1 mutated dog. +5 PA, +6 MP]

The group looks at me in suprise. Suprised that I have an actual firearm on me. I look back at them.

"Don't look at me like that. I had a rough childhood." I dismiss their gazes and give a lackadasical explanation.

"Fatty you're running out of nails soon right? Here." I toss the gun to him and take out the 2 extra clips, tossing them too.

Fatty nerveously catches them all, but his demenour changes immediately and he starts perving out while looking at the gun. I chuckle at that.

"Get in." I unlock my Prius and sit in the driver seat. Shizu-chan sits in front, while the 3 girls sit in the back. Fatty Hirano and Takashi get in the trunk.

"You ready?" I ask them. They respond in agreement. But before I start driving, Shizu-chan points towards the school.

"Look, a group of students are going towards the school bus." She says. We look towards there.

And indeed, a group of students are making there way there, including a few teachers. Along the way, a student takes a tumble and grips the shin of the teacher wearing a suit. The teacher looks at him and stomps on his face, casually walking away. While the student gets ripped apart by zombies.

"That bastard! That's Shido-sensei from 3A." Rei Miyamoto exclaims with hatered.

"Hmm.." I muse, not really caring. I start the ignition and drive off, while trying to avoid the zombies, since they'll smear my car.

We drive through the city and eventually arrive at my place. On the way we saw a lot of shit and it took a bit longer to get here, since there were a lot of abandoned cars in the way.

I park the car in the garage and we go inside.

"Welcome to my house." I welcome them with a small grin. I also give them a quick tour around the house, showing them where everything is.

"Ryu-kun did you do some renovating?" Shizu-chan asks.

"Yeah, I had a lot of money just sitting around, so I decided to expand out of boredom." I give a quick explenation. Shizu-chan has been in my house before, the last time around 2 months ago. But the house is not the same, since it came with me when I took over Kaen Ryuens body.

"Wait, Marikawa-sensei has been here before?" Pinkie asks in suprise.

"Of course I have. Ryu-kun is like a little brother to me." Shizu exclaims proudly and hugs my arm between her 2 giant mountains. I smile and nod.

"Yeah, I've known Shizu-chan since I was 14. She's helped me alot and she's like an aunt to me." I explain.

""Oh."" They respond.

"Anyway, eat and rest. You can use the showers and clothes you find." I tell them. I already showed them my room and told them not to take anything from there. The rest of the stuff they can use.

Everyone goes to to their own thing. While I take my phone, connect it to the house and activate the apocalypse settings.

The apocalypse settings are basically a lockdown of the house and yard. It deploys security and drones, with weapons. It also swiches to the arc reactor in the basement and I also get water from my own well, so I'll never run out of water or electricity.

I made the apocalypse setting purely out of boredom and due to an overabundance of money. When I was in the military, I did a lot of missions, that brought in a fuck ton of cash. While I didn't have time to spend it, since most of the time, I was doing missions, or in a military facility.

So I have a lot of cool and useful stuff in the house. Basically I have one of the best bases for this kind of apocalypse setting.