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This my house... and these are the weapons I have Tehe~

After I activated the security in my house, I went downstairs, to the basement.

I have a literal armory in the basement. I had a friend, who was a weapons dealer and she always gave me discounts. The me that had too much money, thoughtlessly bought them, constantly running out of space and expanding.

Right now, it's so big, that i could fill my whole house and yard with bullets and still have 5 times that left over. The amount of weapons also reaches the hundreds.

There are also cold weapons, like swords, matchetes, spears, knives and so on. Made from steel, titanium, tungsten and all sorts of metals and alloys.

As I walk in to my armory, I'm once again reminded how crazy I am for thoughtlessly buying so many weapons.

I shake my head. Atleast it ended up working out amazing this time. I take a bunch of bags and start loading weapons in them. I take them upstairs, to the living room, then head down again and come up with a new set of weapon- filled bags.

When I bring out the last of them, ending up with 14 bags worth of bullets and weapons, I take some rum from the kitchen, then sit down on the couch and start drinking.

Meanwhile Kohta Hirano and Takashi come down and see me sitting there, drinking, with an array of weapons in front of me.

Their reactions differ, as Takashi is suprised and shocked, while fatty is suprised and aroused. Fatty quickly runs up and starts inspecting the weapons. I chuckle at his enthusiasm.

"OH MY GOD!! This is the galil AR, military model. This is..." I leave him nerding out there and bring 2 glasses from the kitchen, set them on the living room table and pour rum for Takashi and Hirano.

"Thanks." Takashi says and sits down on the couch, taking a sip from his glass.

"Where did you get all these?" Hirano inquires.

"Ah! I have a friend who's a weapons dealer, she sold me those. I also have a whole armory downstairs. These are just the peak of the iceberg." I explain with a smirk. Fatty looks like he wants to suck my dick or climax right on the table.

"Hahaha." I can't help but laugh looking at his expression.

"So what's the plan?" Takashi asks.

"Hmm, well water and electricity aren't going to be a problem. We also have enough weapons to drown in them. Tomorrow we should go raid for food. Other than that, life is peachy." I respond.

"Don't you have parents or siblings to look for?" He inquires.

"Nah, I'm an orphan. The only person I care about is Shizuka. There is also Rika Minami, but she'll be fine on her own." I casually respond.

"What about you?" I ask.

"My father is out of town, but my mother is an elementry school teacher in another part of the city. So it'll be hard to meet them." He says, defeatedly.

"Ah, well. They'll probably be fine." I say to comfort him.

"I hope so." He responds and gulps down the rest of his drink.

"Anyway, what skill did you get?" I look at him and ask.

"Lazer focus, it's a D ranked skill. When I activate it, time seems to slow down and I can feel my body exeptionally well. My thoughts are gone and I can focus on whatever I'm doing 100%." He explains.


"What did you get?" He asks.

"I got Combo star, an SS ranked skill. It takes 10 mana per hit and each consecutive strike I make has it's power doubled." I explain.

"Holy shit! That's strong." He exclaims with suprise written all over his face.

"I suppose. Hey Hirano, what did you get?" I question the fatty, who's been listening to us half-heartedly.

"I got Deadlock, an A ranked skill, that when I activate, I can shoot or throw things with 100% accuracy." He explains.

"That's awesome." I say with a smile. Takashi is also impressed.

"Where is everyone?" I ask, as it dawned on me that besides us, everything is quiet.

"Ah, the girls are taking a bath." Takashi explains casually, while using the bottle of rum to refill his glass.

"So you went to peek on them huh? You sick pervert." I accuse him with a smirk.

"What? No, I'm not like that." Takashi is confused for a moment, but then responds smoothly.

"Oh? So you like sausages huh? Well I don't discriminate, but you better stay the fuck away from me." I tell him fake-seriously.

"I'm not gay dude. I just don't peek on girls." He responds with annoyance.

"You think I believe a man who's expression tells me they like dick? Ptui, you sick fucker." I accuse him again, trying but failing to suppress my shit-eating grin.

"Shut up man." Takashi dismisses me sullenly. While Hirano chuckles a bit.

The girls come downstairs, finished with their bath. They're wearing some rather scandalous outfits. I forgot that I don't have any proper clothes for women. Ryuen Kaen had some, since when Shizu visited, she had a habit of forgetting her clothes and leaving them in his place.

However this is my, Ryuen Kenshin's house and I only have some that have been left by my female friends. And most of these clothes are rather skimpy.

Additionally the guys can't really use my clothes as well, as I'm 192 cm tall and the tallest, Takashi, is only 176 cm.

"Pffftt." The fatty almost chockes on his spit and covers his mouth, while Takashi is suprised and quickly looks away, embarassed. I just smirk at their reactions. Dangerously hot half naked women aren't anything new to me.

Rei is wearing a white tank top and panties. Pinkie Saya is wearing a red sports bra and black gymn short shorts. Saeko is wearing one of my purple shirts and Shizu-chan is wearing my baggy, black hoodie, that reaches almost to the middle of her thighs.

"Why aren't you guys wearing your clothes?" Takashi asks them.

"Oh, we decided to wash them and we didn't have any spares, aside from what Ryuen-san had." Saeko responds, as she passes us and heads to the kitchen.

Rei sits next to Takashi, and pinkie sits a bit away form them. The couch is quite large, so there is a lot of room. Shizu-chan heads to the kitchen to get a glass for herself, then comes back, sits next to me and starts drinking as well.

"Should you guys really be drinking right now?" Pinkie questions us with some dissatisfaction.

"Um? It's fine here isn't it." Shizu-chan thoughtfully responds. This woman has an impaired sense of danger and she is quite careless. I wouldn't trust her with security for a second. However this time she's right.

We start talking in the living room. I introduce them to the guns and weapons lying on the floor. I get Saeko out of the kitchen as well, so she wouldn't miss anything. We also talk about the skills we got.

As far as skills go, it's like this.

Saya(Pinkie) Takagi- Appraisal(SS): Can appraise anything to see it's status and descriptions.

Kohta(Fatty) Hirano- Deadshot(A): Throwing or shooting has 100% accuracy when activated.

Saeko Busujima- Super speed(B; Passive) Quadriples speed and speed gains.

(*A/N* Since there is only Physical ability in the status, her PA will be somewhat increased, as it won't directly show in the status.)

Rei Miyamoto- Transference(F): Can convert mana to replenish stamina, on a 1to1 scale.

Takashi Komuro- Lazer focus(D): Grants user unshakable focus. Dulls all emotions when activated.

Ryuen Kaen- Combo star(SS): Doubles the power of each consecutive hit when activated. Cost- 10 mana per hit. Say 1st hit is of value 2. The next will be value 4. The next will be value 8 and the next 16 and so on.

Shizuka Marikawa- Telekinesis(SSS): Can move things and exert force using the mind. Uses 1 mana to lift, or exert a force of 1 ton for 1 second.

Most of us have a useful skill, however, Shizu-chan is completely broken. She could kill all of us instantly without even breaking a sweat, or moving. My combo star or whatever weapons might as well kill ourselves.

My combo star is pretty broken as well, as I could probably level a high-rise with 10 punches. But when it comes to effectiveness in killing, Shizu-chan beats everyone by a mile.

When we were talking about our skills, Shizu went last and when she told us her skill, it went like this.

"...Sensei is too strong." Pinkie says dazedly.

"Isn't that like..." Starts Rei.

"... Too overpowered?" Finishes Takashi.

"Eeh? But I can just move stuff with my mind?" Shizu responds confusedly, tilting her head.

"Haha, Shizu-chan, you can exert force. Which means you can crush anyones heads with your mind. You could kill us all instantly, without even moving." I smile at her and explain.

"Eh?" Now she looks like she gets it, as she has a very suprised expression on.

"Haah. Sensei became the strongest without even trying." Saya sighs and mumbles.

We keep chatting some more, forgetting all about the Z day. Soon Saeko is done with cooking and we have a hearty meal. The people who were drinking aka me, Takashi, Rei, Shizu and Kohta, are getting increasingly drunk, so we decide to sleep.

I quickly take a shower as the others are still talking. Once I'm out, I wear something casual and make sure everyone has a place to sleep.

"Ryuen-chan~" Shizu-chan comes up behind me and hugs me, when I'm in my room.

"Hmm? Shizu-chan you're still up?" I ask her, as I look back at her.

"Mnn, I want to sleep with Ryu-kun today." She gives me as silly smile and says. We look at each other for a moment and Shizu-chan starts inching her head closer to mine mischeviously.

She closes in and kisses me. I turn around and respond to her kiss, while grabbing her waist and pulling her towards me.

Shizu-chan gets very flirty and touchy when she's drunk, but Kaen Ryuen has never had sex with her. He was unexpectedly innocent. He would get embarassed every time Shizu would flirt with him. He was also worried that men would take advantage of her touchy behaviour when drunk, but he learned that even though she is like that. She still has a line she will not cross even when drunk.

However the Ryuen Kaen is gone and now is replaced with Ryuen Kenshin, who's a fucking predator. A shameless fellow, who is almost impossible to get embarassed and has a lot of experience in things involving sex.

I kiss her lucious lips gently, then pry open her mouth and stick my tongue in it.

"Mmmmnn." She is surpised for a second, but then melts and moans as her tongue responds to mine.

Her soft body is pressed against me and the feeling of kissing her is heavenly. My teenage hormones quickly crank up my lust meter to 100 and my little brother is up at full mast, looking to attack. Coupled with a light buzz, that's just enough to suppress my thoughts, I unconciously use my hands to turn her on.

I run my hands over her body, that's covered with my hoodie. Then I slightly lift up the back and grab her ass. She gives an even deeper moan, but it get's muffeled by my mouth, covering hers.

Next, my hands go exploring under the hoodie. She is getting increasingly turned on and it shows, as she starts to make our kiss much sloppier and intense.

Eventually I break the kiss and walk away from her, to close the door.